Tome 2 and 3 - Make Survivors Scream

RaidenHusky Member Posts: 35
edited December 2022 in Bug Reporting

Hi have been going the Killer challenges in Tome's 2 and 3. Using the Doctor, I have played multiple games where survivors have screamed for various reasons and perks, and there has been zero progress registered to the challenges.

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4 votes

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  • Frando
    Frando Member Posts: 5

    I have the same problem, i hope they can fix it soon

  • Firethorn
    Firethorn Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2022

    I just finished the Tome 4, Chapter 3 terrified(make them scream 45 times) in 1 round using:

    Doctor, Distressing, Dragon's grip, Iron Maiden, and Infectious Fright (basically, all the scream perks my doctor has), with Distressing used to make Static Blast hit even further.

    I had previously had problems where, even with a very similar layout, I got ZERO credit.

    I'm now going back and trying the earlier ones.


    Update: Tome 3, Chapter 2, 30 screams done.

    Post edited by Firethorn on