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Why is pallet looping still a thing?

Empireo Member Posts: 11

Just why...?


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Manlet said:
    Because with all the anti-stealth elements the devs have introduced, it's now essential. You may not need to pallet loop a Huntress, instead being able to hide or break the chase and hide because she's slow, but you're going to need to pallet loop that Doctor or Freddy. And then you have Hillbilly with BBQ and Chili, able to reach you before the aura even fades.

    Doc and freddy can be reworked easily, in fact they are already implementing perks to get rid of docs scream e.g.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502
    If you are referring to the fact of circling a pallet while running, and not dropping it until several rotations and then repeating the process......then that's because of several things.

    If you mean running from pallet to windows, back, and just leading you all over the place....then....that is not considered looping as far as I know.

    If the former is what you meant....then here are some possible reasons people would do this: 

    - in an attempt to buy time.
    - increasing some chase points.
    - be antagonistic and "beat" the killer.
    - being straight up "troll" in an attempt to cause people harm or discomfort.
  • Empireo
    Empireo Member Posts: 11

    I mainly play survivor and never loop, yet i lose the killer frequently.
    I also like to play killer a lot, was very fond of the huntress since her release, but her slower movement speed makes her vulnerable to looping. Usually, survivors from ladder rank 14 and better start using it a lot, often bragging with the meaningless prestige 3 wich, by now, everybody has.

    It kills all the fun for me as a killer. I want to be juked, have nice chases, get changelled by survivors and to either feel that joy for hitting/downing them or just have respect for skilled players (I know! crayz right?!). Not to see some jerk´s ass run in circles infront of me just to play along and wait until that noob drops the pallet, effectively making me lose all my 5 gens. Hell of a fun game!

    I started to do a thing to excesive loopers. I really ABSOLUTELY HATE getting camped, and hate it as much to camp. Its just pointless and makes me secure 1 kill by definetly losing all the others. BUT!, like I was saying, if some people just LOVE to see me walking in circles around an object, i decided to please the sruvivors, in an effort to make them let me run in circles.

    I just hook them and walk in a "loop" around that hook, hope that my fellow survivors are happy seeing me go around in circles! :chuffed: :)

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    If you mean running from pallet to windows, back, and just leading you all over the place....then....that is not considered looping as far as I know.
    Yeah seems some people refer to every chase break in the game as looping and hopefully not the case here. 
  • Empireo
    Empireo Member Posts: 11

    @ceridwen309 said:

    • being straight up "troll" in an attempt to cause people harm or discomfort.
  • Empireo
    Empireo Member Posts: 11

    @GhostEuant said:
    ceridwen309 said:

    If you mean running from pallet to windows, back, and just leading you all over the place....then....that is not considered looping as far as I know.

    Yeah seems some people refer to every chase break in the game as looping and hopefully not the case here. 

    No i mean running around one pallet for many times. The other is the game, how it works and how it should be more often!

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Empireo said:

    @GhostEuant said:
    ceridwen309 said:

    If you mean running from pallet to windows, back, and just leading you all over the place....then....that is not considered looping as far as I know.

    Yeah seems some people refer to every chase break in the game as looping and hopefully not the case here. 

    No i mean running around one pallet for many times. The other is the game, how it works and how it should be more often!


    Maybe they just need to shorten the distance some pallets can be looped around to lower it from 3 rotations to 2. 
  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Because with all the anti-stealth elements the devs have introduced, it's now essential. You may not need to pallet loop a Huntress, instead being able to hide or break the chase and hide because she's slow, but you're going to need to pallet loop that Doctor or Freddy. And then you have Hillbilly with BBQ and Chili, able to reach you before the aura even fades.

    Doc and freddy can be reworked easily, in fact they are already implementing perks to get rid of docs scream e.g.

    People aren't going to equip a perk just to counter one element of a mid-tier at best killer. How many people do you see running Small Game?

  • lay
    lay Member Posts: 25

    The moment every pallet is a mind-game latency will be king and the porn downloads will spike.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Because with all the anti-stealth elements the devs have introduced, it's now essential. You may not need to pallet loop a Huntress, instead being able to hide or break the chase and hide because she's slow, but you're going to need to pallet loop that Doctor or Freddy. And then you have Hillbilly with BBQ and Chili, able to reach you before the aura even fades.

    Doc and freddy can be reworked easily, in fact they are already implementing perks to get rid of docs scream e.g.

    People aren't going to equip a perk just to counter one element of a mid-tier at best killer. How many people do you see running Small Game?

    Me because me and my friend have totem hunting competitions (regardless of whether there’s a hex or not).
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @The_Manlet said:

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Because with all the anti-stealth elements the devs have introduced, it's now essential. You may not need to pallet loop a Huntress, instead being able to hide or break the chase and hide because she's slow, but you're going to need to pallet loop that Doctor or Freddy. And then you have Hillbilly with BBQ and Chili, able to reach you before the aura even fades.

    Doc and freddy can be reworked easily, in fact they are already implementing perks to get rid of docs scream e.g.

    People aren't going to equip a perk just to counter one element of a mid-tier at best killer. How many people do you see running Small Game?

    Some will indeed (me for example)
    But yeah, the majority prefers to stick to the DS, SC sprintburst crutches because looping is just a lot easier

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736
    edited June 2018
    I run small game lol sb SC small game n empathy :) I can't loop or juke to save my life so when I Run to a pallet I'm trying to stun you 😂😂
  • Empireo
    Empireo Member Posts: 11

    @MrsMaliciousX said:
    I can't loop or juke to save my life so when I Run to a pallet I'm trying to stun you 😂😂

    exactly how it should be! Fun for everybody!

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:

    @Master said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    Because with all the anti-stealth elements the devs have introduced, it's now essential. You may not need to pallet loop a Huntress, instead being able to hide or break the chase and hide because she's slow, but you're going to need to pallet loop that Doctor or Freddy. And then you have Hillbilly with BBQ and Chili, able to reach you before the aura even fades.

    Doc and freddy can be reworked easily, in fact they are already implementing perks to get rid of docs scream e.g.

    People aren't going to equip a perk just to counter one element of a mid-tier at best killer. How many people do you see running Small Game?

    Some will indeed (me for example)
    But yeah, the majority prefers to stick to the DS, SC sprintburst crutches because looping is just a lot easier

    Even if you're not using the crutch meta, it really isn't worth it to equip a perk just to deal with one element of one killer that isn't even that strong. Better to equip general purpose perks like Iron Will and Urban Evasion which will make it easier to stealth every other killer in the game.

  • Dragon_of_Fantasy
    Dragon_of_Fantasy Member Posts: 50

    My guess is most people are used to a looping strategy than trying to find other methods to escape in a chase. "Losing a killer" in a chase can be difficult with scratch marks, tracking perks/addons/killer's power, and not knowing when is the best time to hide during a chase.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dragon_of_Fantasy said:
    My guess is most people are used to a looping strategy than trying to find other methods to escape in a chase. "Losing a killer" in a chase can be difficult with scratch marks, tracking perks/addons/killer's power, and not knowing when is the best time to hide during a chase.

    And God prevent that survivorß have it difficult, no we need more second chances instead

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    Um so survivors are supposed to just go down when they are found? It’s called outsmarting your opponent and tricking them to go certain directions, be that killler or survivor. It’s all a mind game, either get better at it or if you’re killer use brutal strength, enduring, fire up and you will get rid of a weakness you have 
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Enduring, Brutal Strength, Fire Up and Ruin. The only viable killer build! That's all folks!

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    edited June 2018
    If you’re having trouble with pallets, yes use perks to help counter the issue. That simple I know it’s hard for you to believe that you can change up your strategy 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @CrtKazz said:
    If you’re having trouble with pallets, yes use perks to help counter the issue. That simple I know it’s hard for you to believe that you can change up your strategy 

    "Counter" , thanks for making me smile :wink:

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Well survivors need todo something...

    To change it would require a huge rework of the game.

    If you are having trouble with looping make sure you can differentiate between safe and unsafe pallets. Lots of pallets have 1 safe side 1 unsafe side as well.

    It seems they are slowly working towards certain loops being less safe.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237
    edited June 2018

    "Still a thing" ????? It's part of the game now. Everything is balanced around looping. The maps, the perks, the killers, the killers abilities. They cant remove it

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    Looping a single pallet is understandable. Having the ability to abuse every single pallet in the game by running straight to one after the next after the next, etc needs to be addressed. I call it my just fast enough rule. Survivors, wounded or not always have the ability to be "just fast enough" to make it to every pallet in succession the very instant the killer is able to catch back up. They seriously need to reduce the amount of pallets in this game. Thomas you mean force survivors to use real skill. Please say it isn't so...

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    CrtKazz said:
    If you’re having trouble with pallets, yes use perks to help counter the issue. That simple I know it’s hard for you to believe that you can change up your strategy 
    That’s a hell of a old meme from the Steam Forums being used.

    Everyone knows that Looping happens before the Pallet even comes into play. Loop three times, then Pallet stun. The problem isn’t the Pallet, it’s the hit box abuse that allows Survivors to Loop Killers 2-3 times before they even have to use the Pallet. So exactly how do Pallet Buster perks help a Killer when it’s his hit box being abused? Oh right, they don’t. 

    Maybe you should learn what Looping and Pallet Looping really is before you toss snarky comments around.
  • Empireo
    Empireo Member Posts: 11

    @SovererignKing said:
    CrtKazz said:

    If you’re having trouble with pallets, yes use perks to help counter the issue. That simple I know it’s hard for you to believe that you can change up your strategy 

    That’s a hell of a old meme from the Steam Forums being used.

    Everyone knows that Looping happens before the Pallet even comes into play. Loop three times, then Pallet stun. The problem isn’t the Pallet, it’s the hit box abuse that allows Survivors to Loop Killers 2-3 times before they even have to use the Pallet. So exactly how do Pallet Buster perks help a Killer when it’s his hit box being abused? Oh right, they don’t. 

    Maybe you should learn what Looping and Pallet Looping really is before you toss snarky comments around.


  • tovelo
    tovelo Member Posts: 40

    oh yeah we should use the pallets right away so we dont have any left 20 secounds through the chase hmm. why is camping a still thing? why is tunneling still a thing?

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    tovelo said:

    oh yeah we should use the pallets right away so we dont have any left 20 secounds through the chase hmm. why is camping a still thing? why is tunneling still a thing?

    You should use them to break the chase, not extend them artificially via hit box abuse. All you’re doing is letting an accidental hit box size difference abuse introduced in Patch 1.4.0 when the developers re-sized the Survivors hit boxes to be smaller, carry you. The game was never balanced for chases to last a minimum of 30-45 seconds every single time. 30-45 seconds should be the absolute MAXIMUM, hence why Bloodlust exist in the first place. Though it failed to do its job of making sure chases last a maximum of 45 seconds. Which is why the developers are working on it now. 

    Secondly, camping and tunneling still exist because either you like it or not, the game is balanced for it. Killers make a trade of of zero map pressure, in exchange for the Kill. All other Survivors have free reign of the map. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t matter. It’s a balanced trade off. One person may lose the trade off, but the Survivor Team as a whole benefits greatly from it. Please don’t use this sorry excuse to justify broken mechanics like looping.

    Looping, there is no trade off. It’s purely positive for the Survivors. Both as a singular Survivor and a Team as a whole. There is no down side for the Survivors if a Survivor Loops. Period. This is by definition a broken mechanic.

    Imagine a fighting game with a singular character that has a move that has no real counter, no wiff punish, can not be blocked. That’s what Looping is to all Killers except Nurse and now, most recently, Clown. Nurse flat out hard counters Looping via her teleport removing her hit box, so it can not be abused. Clown softens the blow of his hit box being abused by slowing Surviors with his anesthetic, thus slightly negating the slow down effect the hit box abuse creates on the base 115% movement speed most Killers have. This is a soft counter. 

    Like it or not, when you Loop, you are using a broken mechanic to carry you. The Killer, when they camp and tunnel, are not. They make a trade off, you do not. You can not allow 1v1 situations like Looping to drag on for more than 20 seconds every single time. The Generators taking a base time of 80 seconds to complete disallows for that to be balanced. This is a 4v1 asymmetrical balanced game, not a 1v1 x4 balanced game.