Anybody Else Taking A Break

Dead by Daylight was a game that I enjoyed despite some questionable changes *cough* pharmacy *cough* but that aside, I'd normally enjoy my games. But now it feels like you have to play like a dick and run the most meta builds just to do anything worthwhile because if you don't you'll get tunneled/camped at the survivor end, or your absolute ######### rocked by a good swf.
But it's a game, games are supposed to be fun but now it's just competitive hell where both sides are constantly at each other's throats for ######### out of their control because their not the developers. The game is a buggy mess with constant lag spikes, console optimization was promised back in 2019 and is still not implemented. The gap between PC and console is far to great for it to be properly compensated, and the toxicity just feels like it's at an all time high. I'm no veteran, only playing as soon as Ghostface released and just over 2k hours.
The incentives sure as hell didn't bring any survivors back, and they were broken the day they were first implemented. I just don't see a future that's long lasting at this rate for DBD. Majority of veteran players have quit because they don't agree with the direction of the game, but it's nice to see them on the forums still for the ones that still interact with the community.
Just I went from playing this game every day in my free time to barely playing once a week. I really want the game to thrive as I enjoyed the 1v4 aspect, but at this point it's just a game of "Who's whining will get the devs to change something first?" I really adore a lot of people in this community because they were great to talk with even if I didn't always agree with them, just I don't think I can keep up with this game anymore. Maybe play it once in awhile, but that's really it.
There's still a lot that I haven't addressed in this post, so if you want to chime in, feel free to.
Nope im still having fun so im still playing regularly.
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been playing fallout more lately
the game is pretty boring besides playing wesker and even then the "new" meta is just absolutely boring to play against
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I do often but I am playing atm because of the new chapter mostly.
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I've been on break for 7-8 months at this point
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I started a break recently. I’m hoping to go a long time without playing so I can appreciate the game I’m passionate about when I return.
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Taking a break each time the rift is completed
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taking a break until Wesker hype dies down he's so boring to go against
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My break started with the "Meta" changes... Had a baby and just haven't had the urge to play, have been getting down on some cult of the lamb though!!
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I do take a break whenever another game gets me hooked. Eventually I remember DBD also and return for some matches again. Games are fun, not jobs
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I'm still having fun with it. 🙂
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Currently switching between dbd and F122. You think dbd is toxic, you should try online racing 🤣
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Great series. I was in middle school when F3 came out and my mind was absolutely blown
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I always enjoy dbd. The best way to enjoy this game is to not care if I win or lose. That simple.
I don't get tilted and I don't complain much. The game is too random to think I can win evey game or have good teammates/killers. You will get campers, tunnlers, tbaggers, clicky spam.... just don't care.
I may not agree with changes BHVR make. I still play it anyway. Try not caring about a win or a loss. Im sure you will have more fun.
Remember, win and lose with dignity.
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I finished the Rift. Anonymous Mode was taken away from console, so that really really sucks. And I'm seeing more cheaters even though I'm playing less. I'm already kinda on a break, and if my friend would stop attempting Dailies and then handing the controller to me I would really be on a break and I'd much prefer that.
Losing Anonymous Mode is what has me ready to go on a long-time hiatus the most.
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Congratulations with the baby, and I'll definitely have to check out Cult of the Lamb, I've heard great things
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I feel a break is inevitable to maintain my sanity with this game. Words cannot express how annoyed I get when yet another killer comes bearing down on me after I’m unhooked. At least 75% of the killer base plays like this and I think the only reason I still play is because sometimes they’re actually doing something else and can’t tunnel easily. The rest of the time… tunnel town.
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I'm playing Splatoon 3 rn. I really feel it's a better game overall compared to DBD. It's sweaty rn in both games, but the ability to move on to next match quickly is a huge plus. You also have other modes for more sweat in anarchy battles, no sweat in Salmon Run and even Tabletop Turf Battle is fun.
I hope the devs take some critical points from S3. It's not VHS, Evil Dead that will take away people, but Splatoon is a huge franchise and community. I don't think hooked on you is the casual mode people wanted lol
It may be early, but I think DBD may be a thing of the past for me with Splatoon 3 out. There's almost no reason for me to go back lo
I still enjoy videos (Spookyloopz, Ghostie Show and Negoose are some of my favorites rn) ,but short of something amazing coming I doubt I'll even bother to log in
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Yes I play a lot less recently, I was a killer main before 40 perk rework and now I play 80% surv, only because queue is instant at any time and I'm greedy for the perma 100% bonus, certainly not for fun or because I enjoy it, there is no reason to play solo surv it's miserable, i'm probably just addicted I have no idea why I still play this game
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Who's fault is that?