Camping and tunneling

I am so tired of camping and tunneling. I run perks like off the record and ds and I still get tunneled and killed. Keep in mind that I actually get value from these perks. Whenever I get off the hook killers come straight for me. Sometimes gens will get done the other survivors will leave but I’m dead because the killer tunnels me. Even when I don’t get tunneled the other survivors on soloque don’t do anything when I get hooked. I don’t even think making kindred base kit will fix this.



  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    The survivors don't have to leave you. Literally, if you make it alive to endgame, all they have to do is body block. Or if you're on hook, they hook bomb and body block. It doesn't take 3 survivors either. Just 1 or 2 will do. It's a guaranteed 4-man out. People are just scared to do it for fear that they won't survive, because if they don't, their MMR goes down and they stay in MMR hell.

  • bestgirlsusie
    bestgirlsusie Member Posts: 6

    whats annoying as hell is the fact I will de pip as if I have any actually control over the situation

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,392

    Losing a pip in a single game is not the end of the world. Ranks don't mean anything and it hardly matters outside of the extra bloodpoints.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    well though luck. Anyway, killer has the freedom to chose how and when and in which order he wants to kill survivors. They don't usually play by the survivor guidebook. So be smart and work as a team, his job is to kill you anyway. If you fail to work together... well, it is what it is.

    Anyway this "camping" and "tunneling" probably is more often used as an excuse for a bad game on the survivor side than how often it actually happens. Yeah I know you would have won every single game in your life if it wasn't for the supposed camping and tunneling

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    That's just how the dice rolls.

    I personally dc'd my last game because someone had otf and went in my direction. They didn't run into me, but it was close enough. Well I hit them and well...yeah 😮‍💨

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    We get it, it sucks. Get over it and join a SWF. Tunneling is the META so it’s not gonna stop. No point in bitching about it day in day out. Literally, join a discord, join a SWF. Problem solved.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Problem is I've play well over 20 the past 2 days, all losses from either teammates going down early or nobody body blocking for saves. Instead they go and do gens which is clearly not a winnable strategy. I've even tried it myself. Teamwork is the only way to win as survivor and solo Q doesn't have that at all.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    On the contrary. Solo, when matchmaking works, allows for a great deal of teamwork. Teamwork is more than just altruism like body blocking and stuff. It's the collective efforts of everyone. Sorry for your losses; we all know it's the teammates' faults. But I've had positive as well as negative experiences.

    There was one match where there was this Leatherface that downed 1 person and camped them to death, and I knew that was his plan from the start, and my teammates should have known, because after he hooked that person nobody else went down or even got injured, meaning he was Insidious'ing at the hook, which he was. Rather than pushing gens with me, which would have left this killer with a 2k at best, the 2 dunces waited next to the hook knowing that they couldn't do anything without hook trading, they didn't even do that, and instead let the person die on first hook AND both went down themselves for no reason at all! Even still, I kept pushing gens til the next guy that was hooked died, picked up the remaining slug, and she kept pushing gens while I was taking the killer on a very long chase until inevitably getting downed and hooked. At this point, we're at 1 gen and I have Adrenaline. She screwed up on the Merciless Storm skill checks, but assuming she didn't miss them, finished the gen, and was able to work on a gate if the killer was camping OR sneak around and unhook me if he wasn't, we would have been out of there, at least one of us. That's how much power survivors have even after making the worst mistakes possible, and we need more solos to realize that, rather than giving up and not getting good.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 385

    Its more likely to do well as a team in a swf, but it doesnt mean you cant play in a team in solo que. I play solo most of the time and I have great Teammates and really bad ones which left me die on first hook while the Killer was chaseing at the other side of the map

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    I've had this happen to me more than once. The first time ever playing DbD, I got put against Bubba and he face camped me, then just downed everyone. The last time I played survivor it was against a Deathslinger who was pretty average, but I screwed up and got downed. He hooked me and instead of doing gens, two of my teammates came to get me off hook, leading the killer right back to me, where they both got downed and I got sent into the second hooked state. Our other team mate, was off doing gens. They managed to get two done, but ultimately ended up loosing the game. it was quite interesting to watch.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Play in 4man swf and killers can tunnel DN

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I know not all experiences are bad but the past couple of days just returning to the game to find every single match where the other survivors were all killed by the 1st or 2nd gen being completed, and hatch not actually being a win for survivors, was just disheartening. I decided to try and play killer for a bit last night and honestly it was too easy. I went against a 2 man swf (names were very similar and on PC) with Sadako and they all went down after completing 2 gens. But then I tried Myers against a 4 man swf and only got 1 kill. I play both sides equally and I have to say the balance of this game is way off, especially on solo q. Killer is still a struggle against a 4 man swf, but when going against solo q it's a walk in the park... And I've seen it from both sides now. MMR ranking must also take into effect as well since when I play solo survivor, I match with low prestige players and I guess by the way they play, they must be new. When I play killer, I mostly go against swf teams. I don't know but something is way off.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Kind of like when killers would complain about gens flying so they gave you 50 more seconds…huh… funny how balance works.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    And the message remains consistent. Your teammates, not because they're out of SWF but because they make bad plays in general, are what causes everyone to lose. This wouldn't happen if we had a better matchmaking system. Kills and escapes are too simple to determine where someone should be placed. It literally works best on fringe scenarios. I happened to kill a survivor who almost always escapes, I get higher MMR. I escape a killer who usually kills everyone, I get higher MMR. Those are scenarios of pure luck, not skill, and are being used for matchmaking purposes. It has absolutely nothing to do with skill, and although many have tried, it doesn't "prove" that one side is more powerful than the other or anything like that at all.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    I agree, like I don't really have anything against SWFs, because that's how I got into the game. But if you're going to stick to your other teammates like glue and not do gens and cause your entire team to loose, then don't be surprised when people complain about it.

    But I agree, just because you as killer or survivor get lucky and down or escape from a good player, doesn't mean you have any set level of skill. You just got lucky, I know I certainly have in the past, being paired as a new player with randoms who are actually good at the game or getting a down on cocky survivor at the exit gate because they're too busy t-bagging you.

    So yeah, they really need to design a better MMR system. There are plenty of online MMOs or CO-OPs that they could take inspiration from. :-/

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Most of the times the killer gets rewarded for camping or survivors waste time mindleesly because they dont bring kindred, ideal perk to be meta yet no one uses

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 537

    Camping was made stupidly easy, 4 slow down perks does all the work for the killers, no need for skills at all, just hook and wait for your high reward for doing nothing

  • Rookie1978
    Rookie1978 Member Posts: 75

    You're gonna be so surprised when you figure out what the killer's job is in this PVP game. You are going to be even more surprised when you realize what the Killer gets bloodpoints and is incentivized to do and build around. The moment it sparks in your head that it's a player versus player game where the other player isn't supposed to try and play fair and they're supposed to win just as much as your supposed to win, oh boy.

    When you realize the entire point of escaping and evading the killer is so they can't be detrimental to your overall progress you've made towards victory? You are going to lose your MIND

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    Rampant Hard Tunneling as soon as someone is off hook! Camping/Proxy Camping until 2nd stage and then Tunneling some more! Don't forget subtle (many times not even subtle at all) cheaters! Using various different hacks they only pay a few dollars for.

    Guess what happens when they maybe get banned months later!? Absolutely nothing! They just make a new account and continue ruining the games for everyone else that are playing the game normally. What a fun time!

    These basekit solution perks are an absolute joke! It does nothing to help the situation at all... Oh geez, they have to wait 10 seconds before they tunnel you! How hard is it to count to 10 while they are right behind you, breathing down Survivor's necks the whole time?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I do believe that SWF is a tool to break the game, simply because gen speeds and body blocks are too much for the killer to handle constantly. The best thing I would do to SWF to make it fair is give them an action speed debuff. At the very least, we could try making gens 5% slower for them, which could be offset simply by running Deja Vu. I know it sucks for people who are "just playing with friends", but if that's their mentality rather than straight-up trying to win, then they shouldn't be worried about it. You playing with friends at no cost should not lead to killers, who know what they're doing, play efficiently, and make few to no mistakes, lose guaranteed to survivors whose goal is to win. If we were to do anything else, like adding another generator to be done, or buffing the killer somehow, it might be too much. So that's the idea I'm gonna stick with for now.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    This is the only game where you are shamed for using all available tactics to win. No other community insists that the 1 in the 1v4 play in a way that gives their opponents a greater chance to beat them, simply because "sportsmanship". That's not what sportsmanship is.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Not really - dirty tactics are universally reviled and looked down upon in many games or sports. Sure someone may 'win' using such tactics, but don't expect respect or admiration for it.

  • Ittrix
    Ittrix Member Posts: 12

    That's such an annoying way of approaching it.

    Yes, killing the survivors is the goal of the killer. And yes, camping helps them achieve that. I don't think anyone here is in denial of that- on the contrary they know it all too well because they won't stop doing it.

    Ideally the game wouldn't push a strategy that takes the fun out of the game entirely for some players. Soccer generally doesn't let you kick your opponent in the crotch, since that isn't very fun for them. Hyperbole example out of the way, soccer also doesn't let you 'camp' the ball by trapping it with your body for an extended period of time- because again- that isn't fun for other players. There was a time at the game's creation where it was allowed. They got rid of it because, once again I can't stress this enough, it wasn't fun for the other players.

    Until it's not incentivized or allowed any more, what else is there to do but collectively get together as a community and say "Y'know, this isn't really very fun to play against. It's not very cool of you to do that on a regular basis. Can you stop, please? It's shameful."

    I genuinely just reinstalled the game wondering why I ever stopped playing it. Played 3 survivor matches and got camped 3 times.

    The game's uninstalled now.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Oh, it completely breaks the game, especially a four-man SWF. It just gives them an advantage that the killer just doesn't have. Which is knowledge of the killer's whereabouts and which gens to go to and when. Two-man SWFs can be dealt with, but any number higher than that, nah forget it. Just better off AFK-ing and giving them the free game that they clearly want.

    Like just now, I had two very obvious SWFs back to back. Two Flashlights, two medkits, literally chasing me, clicky-clicking and swarming/camping gens when I'd chase one of them away just to circle back and finish the gen (funny how survivors complain about killers try-harding and camping, but when they do the same for gens and unhooks, it's suddenly amazing gameplay and "stratz" lol). They'd also t-bag me as they looped too. I don't think I even saw the other two survivors until they waited at the exit gate and started to t-bag me. I do love how they felt entitled or skilled for the win because they had information and an advantage that I just didn't have and couldn't compete against.

    Again, nothing against normal non-tryhard SWFs, but the people who need to wipe the sweat off their keyboards at the end of the game, really need to go outside and touch grass.

    I digress and I agree, there needs to be a system in place that checks for people who are queued together that triggers a flag, in that in a queue of more than two you get less BP for queueing together, even less for chasing the killer and staying too close to gens if the killer is present. Also that the game should in general just go slower for them, deciding to sweat as a four-man SWF then the gens regress faster or they get repaired slower or they need to repair more gens before the exit gate is unlocked or there is only one exit gate and it takes longer to open. Just something to balance it more. Idk, spitballing ideas, but they might be too "broken." :-/

  • Rookie1978
    Rookie1978 Member Posts: 75

    What do you consider 'dirty tactics' in a videogame meant to emulate horror franchise media? I get that it's not necessarily a super 'scary' game all the time anymore, but it's a horror game. You are supposed to be scared of getting caught by the killer and having your progress hampered or being injured. There are no 'dirty tactics', and at least things like camping and slugging have some kind of purpose, while survivor BM like waiting at exit gate to bag is literally pointless.

    I don't tunnel or camp because it's boring. I harshly judge 5gen facecamp bubbas for making matches a slog to get through. I completely understand how annoying it is and I wish it was easier to circumvent.


    People use these terms wrong ALL THE TIME. the amount of times i've gotten called out for 'tunneling' just because someone never healed themselves or let their teammates heal them, came back to the same gen I knew they were working on earlier, don't even bother trying to leave my terror radius, etc. is crazy. The amount of times i've been judged for trying to secure a kill by camping during the literal complete end of the game (as if i'm supposed to just stop playing and let them go, forfeiting bloodpoints/ritual progress/rift challenge progress)

    Sure, you can call it camping, but OBVIOUSLY i'm going to stay near and defend the hooked survivor if all the other survivors are crowded around the hook trying to save them in front of me, instead of going off and doing gens- because if they were, y'know, making progress towards winning the game, I would have to go and stop them.

    You cannot keep calling valid tactics and trying to excuse yourself making bad plays by crying wolf every single time you lose. You don't need to make excuses, you don't need to come up with words like 'dirty tactics' and try to mis-apply them in the context of this videogame. Most of the time i'm a nice killer and I just play to have fun and mess around, but that doesn't mean I get all mad when I decide to play survivor and go against a Killer that's genuinely trying to play and win the game. It's a PVP game. That's the point. If you can't stop the killer from camping (Bubba, for instance) then go do gens and leave. 3 escapes is a win for survivors, and 2 is a draw at least.

    The solution is to just play the game. It's probably tough for some people to realize, but at least 70% of the time you get mad about tunneling/camping your either just getting punished for playing badly or genuinely mistaken. These words used to have actual meaning but they've been boiled down so much that whoever dies first got tunneled and defending a hook the survivors won't leave is camping and it's annoying when you have a good game and the survivors feel the need to cope by throwing all of DBD's funny buzzwords at you instead of just saying 'gg' and moving on. Your idea of 'dirty tactics' is a complete and utter moot point. If you cannot handle PVP games and the other side playing to win instead of existing for your enjoyment, then do not play PVP games.

  • Rookie1978
    Rookie1978 Member Posts: 75
  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Wdym? If you don't escape and/or don't pip this just means you don't die of boredom getting rid of bp in bloodweb hell. In death you are winning you just need to think ahead.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Why are you comparing Dead By Daylight to any of these games?

    How do you fail to realize they have nothing in common whatsoever?

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    For some reason, everyone uses Kindred but no one utilizes it, like why waste a perk slot if you're gonna act like it's not even there? Most people now that I play with use it just to hide in the corner until I die on hook or just ignore me.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Here's the thing, the Devs themselves said Camping and Tunneling are valid strats when used in the right setting and they don't want to punish the players who use them correctly when they deal with the toxic Tunnelers and Face Campers.

    I have used Camping at End Game and sadly pulled off a 4K because the Survivors pre opened the gate and for some reason didn't bum rush the hook but instead each came in one at a time and I was able to grab them and drop them before the next one showed up.

    I also used Tunneling not at 5 or 4 gens but at 3 when I found the Survivor that was using CoH around the map and I wanted to take that off the table asap so I didn't have to deal with that all game.

    I have also been victim to Camping and Tunneling.....mind you some of those times I did deserve it and don't blame the Killer for doing it lol.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,496

    Killer job is to kill all survivors not just one and throwing the game when just trying to get that one.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited September 2022

    Unfortunately it's an easy effective tactic so a lot pf people will do it. I do tend to avoid doing it as much as possible with killer, unless I'm getting gen rushed hard. I dislike finishing a game without a single sacrifice. But conversely I usually let the final survivor go if gens aren't finished. 4ks always feel a little harsh to me lol.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    But they do get respect and admiration for it. In CS:GO or Rainbow Six Siege, what does top level play look like? Peeking around corners, fighting from corners. And that's hype to the audience, not despicable.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I use it when it's most important. If I see a Leatherface aura at the hook and it disappears all of a sudden, I know he's Insidious'ing at the hook, so I'm gonna stick to gens like glue.

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    Yeah, Kindred can tell you if a killer is using Insidious, it's too helpful to not use. If a survivor doesn't use it, I give them the side eye.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Yes, that can happen, but not everyone uses kindred. Kindred should be used like old dead hard was, would be better your matches 100%.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,496

    What about 4 man or 3 man swf who does not sweat. I mean when I play swf my success is is not really better than in solo as my friends are not that good. My solo mates on the other hand are sometimes insane and loop killer 5 gens and do gens quickly.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433
    edited September 2022

    I'm not even against SWFs in general, if I didn't play with friends I would never have gotten into DbD in the first place. I mean, if you're not sweating, try-harding or bullying the killer then there's no problem. I've had some super chill matches as killer with SWFs who are just there to meme and have a good time. I played Ring around the Rosy with a four-man swf last night at Dead Dawg Saloon it was hilarious and fun, I got some hits in, they did gens and I opened the gate for them and let them leave.

    Those are the kind of SWFs who are fun, not taking the game super seriously and playing like there's a $5000 prize to finish a match as fast as possible while annoying the killer.

    What irritates me are the SWFs that abuse coms to "counter" the killer's gen pressure or stop them from hooking. I seriously don't mind not getting kills, but what does annoy me is being denied hooks so I can at least get some BP. And then to cap it off they'll wait at the exit gate, t-bag and use their flashlights to basically "brag" that they did great and I couldn't do anything. It's the poor sportsmanship that really gets me, and I know that you can't do anything about that in an online game, but still it is annoying as heck.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I manage to camp and tunnel and still 4K. Funny how effective things like Deadlock can be.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Try not to get found first, it works really well.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Yep, did something similar tonight. Finally managed to down and hook someone who had been giving me the shits the entire game, just constantly save camping while the other two ran around and did gens. Like he was doing a good job and I'm not going to fault him for playing the game well, because he did. Anyway, I knew he was in a three-man swf at the very least because he'd always be around a Mikaela just as I was in a chase with her, saving her ass when I'd hook her and the like.

    So end game comes, this guy is on the hook and I just know that Mikaela and the other teammate would be around (either a Nea or Meg) and I had no choice but to camp the hook. Like I wasn't that far away, but I was close enough that I could down the unhooking survivor because they were already injured from a chase earlier.

    And in the end chat they had the gall to call me a bad killer because I "face camped". Like bro, your teammates were also trying to camp the save. I don't see how the Survivor version of camping is alright, then turn around and say it's bad when a killer just wants to get 2k after having three gens pop with no hooks after getting a lucky down.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I have been accused of camping as Spirit before.....It was on Temple of Purgation and I had a slow start with bad chases and no downs, but I started to hity stride and got 1 Survivor sacrificed. I hooked a annoying David for the first time, I was running BBQ so I was looking around for the other survivors as I was hooking however the last Gen popped and thought I would get 2K and would be happy with that but saw with BBQ both girls were by one of the exit gates and were heading my way. So I went and cut them off and one girl ran through the Temple as I hit her to rush for the rescue, so I took the outside path of the temple. The hooked survivor was on a hill hook and the girl ran to the left so I phased and ran to the right and smacked her just before she could unhook.

    The last Survivor was hanging by the exit gate and when I got there we both nodded to each other and she leaves her purple Medkit behind. In the end game chat the girl who left said sorry she could get to him and the David said It's ok she was camping anyway.

    I never onced camped that match.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,496

    Well I see many killers chasun one survivor for 5 gens and they get what 1-2 hooks and usually if team bodyblocks then he is able to get out as well so tunnel the wrong guy and that it was happens. Sounds you play in low mmr good survivors do all gens while you camp.