Killer Mains, how do you feel about that "STUN THE KILLER 4x IN A SINGLE MATCH" challenge?

Are you bothered by it?
Understanding that Survivors are just trying to complete it?
Hating it with the passion and fury of a thousand burning suns?
Or . . .
annoying when survivors just camp every pallet lol
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If survivor give up in my matches, i try farm with the last survivor ( if he try until the last moment he could) to try help him for complete any challenge maybe hes trying anything.
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I put on Head On today to get the challenge done. Between that and normal pallet stuns to avoid going down, I stunned the Killer 6?? times that match. I actually felt bad, and I wondered if he thought I was just trolling him.
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i don't care about it really, and if i see they're sending me to the pallet city, aka Gideon, i do initiate a friendly game to check if they need help with that.
I'm a killer, but not an ahole, and since my killers aren't the easiest to stun without getting hit, they probably appreciate it too.
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during the entire match for pure luck? annoying but definetely manageable. doing it on purpose also with a map offering? sure you can do it, but only if you accept to being tunneled to death (i did it normally cause i had a Wesker that didn't respected pallets)
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From a survivor perspective, I like challenges like this. I just wish blast mine wasn't nerfed, because blast mine, head on, is the easiest way to do stun challenges. Trying to stun a killer with a pallet is only going to get you hit. A pallet stun has to happen naturally, if you try to force pallet stuns it never works out.
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Yeah it's very easy to avoid pallet stuns as killer. Have to admit i didn't think of this or I'd have run into more pallets so ppl could do challenges. The most frustrating part of the game for me is trying to do specific challenges.
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I'm having a much rougher time trying to get it than deal with it. Roughly 1/4 of squads try to blind you every chance anyway so I haven't noticed a gameplay difference. I've been trying to get it with blast mine and flashbangs since I suck with a flashlight, not going great so far.
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I am a survivor main through and through. When I did this challenge, I had head on and blast mine for more stuns. The Deathslinger I went against got stunned something like 6 or 7 times, and most were from lockers. I definitely felt bad about it. Stun and blind challenges are just the worst. That protection hit challenge wasn't much better. Fastest way of doing it was a sabo build and taking hits while preventing hooks. Definitely felt like a jerk.
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I use enduring to never respect pallets. Not a bit deal.
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Lol Blast Mine into Head On a killer and there's a pretty good chance you won't get to do it againโบ๏ธ
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Nah, I dont worry, I just blink through the pallet
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I dont because I'm not gonna let them stun me.
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Nemesis is one of my mains as killer, and survivors camping pallets is great for me and bad for them. Love when they do that. I also discovered that some survivors who camp pallets against Wesker don't throw down fast enough if I do a Bound, so that's fun, too.
Survivors don't usually get stuns on me if I'm in a real chase, but if I'm done with the "real chase" part of the match and am just screwing around then I often start letting them hit me with pallets. (I usually go into "screw around" mode after hooking everyone once or twice.)
It's just stuns, not blinds (iirc), and when I tried Blast Mine, it didn't seem to count as a stun. At least, I didn't get a BP score event for stunning the killer. I was not happy about that when I noticed.
I got the challenge done against a Spirit running Spirit Fury who chased me most of the match because she was running Rancor and I was the obsession, so she ate pallets and didn't leave me alone for the longest time. In other words, it was dumb luck.
Edit: Other people have said they used Blast Mine for stunning the killer, so I guess it's only the BP score event that's broken. So, there ya go, still usable for the challenge. :)
Post edited by TragicSolitude on1 -
It definitely counts though. Even if the killer has Lightborn, it still does the stun and stagger.
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Yeah, it definitely stuns the killer. But things can work in-game and not actually count towards challenges and stuff. Like multiple times now Myers has broken in different ways: at least once his tier 3 Exposure stopped counting for hitting survivors while Exposed challenges, and right now he can still tier up but it doesn't count towards his Daily Ritual of tiering up 4 times. The BP score event being broken for Blast Mine suggests it might not count as a stun.
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As long as they aren't super annoying about it, I don't mind. Usually they throw the match for it anyways. If they have the challenge in their name or come to me as the last survivor I'll try and help them out.
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I'm pretty new to killer and I've been trying to figure out why everyone keeps camping pallets and trying to loop me every match, especially around pallets, outside of trying to distract me from others doing gens. At least I know it's because of this challenge, quite annoying though, but at least I'm getting practise in hitting people as they try to vault and getting points from breaking pallets. lol
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It's not gonna change my experience. I'm gonna brute force that pallet down even if I have to take the stun.
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I've yet to complete it. Best I've managed is three stuns, one each of either pallet/head on/blast mine/decisive.
No matter what, killers always avoid a repeat of a given stun method and usually either slug or dont bother kicking gens so chances are I'm not getting a decisive and a blast mine in the same game.
When I play killer? it's usually for dailies or googing off. Once I've acheived my objective of whatever daily/challenge I'm doing I tend to go easy and let them get their stuns in.
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If they point at a pallet then not try to run I'll let them stun me 4 times. Back to normal afterwards.
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Of course you always feel the kind of tome challenges, that are up when a new page is turned. A lot of Blights and Nurses this month, more then normal. I really havn't decided if this was just some fluke or some sick joke on some interns part. smh How could you do something like this in the current climate of the game when half the complaints here are about "I just face Nurse after Blight after Nurse"?
Oh well, I guess every killer deserves some love now and then? Lets hope for a sick Silent Hill rift then later this year with some awesome Pyramid Head and Cheryl cosmetics :D Of course, the page 4 Pyramid Head master challenge will be some BS like "hit three survivors with one POTD. Do this two times. Complete this challenge in one trial"
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They're also very hard to stun with a pallet ๐ค Hmm, that might've been intentional . . .
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I did that challenge with Blast Mine/Head On/Quick n Quiet/Parential Guidance. In the end I got it with two head on's, one blast mine and one wriggling off the shoulder, of all things.
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I got mine done with 4 Head On stuns and 2 pallet stuns (pallet stuns were just trying to avoid going down in chase). And because of what you said, I just realized I did 7 stuns because I wiggled out of the Killer's grasp at end game. I can't believe I forgot about how wiggling free stuns the Killer. Maybe next time I'll do Head On, DS, Boil Over and either Quick and Quiet, Blast Mine, or WoW (to help locate unused pallets in solo).
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I mean not really, unless they have head on not many have gotten it off me I'd say. Did have someone going for it at the same time as my Orange glyph challenge and we would lock eyes for like 3 seconds of me respecting the pallet and them waiting to drop to get the stun before one of us made out move lol.
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hahaha all I'm picturing is this ๐
You, the Survivor, the pallet, and the glyph
"Go on, make your move . . ."
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Oh come on, Sir Bartlaus, you know I stunned you through that blink yesterday ๐
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Sadly it was on the Game so I ended up getting shafted and got 4 hooks, 2nd game went better.
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I mean...
Other than making survivors do stupid ######### like camp unsafe pallets I got no problem with it. If anything you should be asking this question to survivors, cause survivor challenges don't make killers play differently. They just make survivors do stupid ######### in order to get a challenge completed at the risk of getting rekt for doing said stupid thing when it wasn't the time.
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It might be annoying to get stunned so frequently in a match though (especially if more than one Survivor is trying to get it done). I'm asking because intentionally getting a bunch of stuns isn't my normal play style, so I felt off when I did it. I didn't camp unsafe pallets, so I did it with head on, a couple of pallet stuns while in chase, and a wiggle free (7 stuns total). It felt kinda scummy, to be honest. I hope the Killer realized I was just trying to get a challenge done, not troll him. (Different platforms, so I couldn't ask him).
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I love going against bully squads who are constantly going for Head On plays, flashy saves ect, bring on the stuns!
the longer survivors spend trying to stun the killer the less time theyโre on gens
To me nothing is scarier than an efficient team who slam gens, I shudder at the thought
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oh God lol you said "bully squad." That's my fear ๐ I wasn't trying to bully, I was just trying to get a challenge done, I promise ๐๐
But that challenge is now complete. Now it's time to get back to business and efficiently slam those gens. ๐๐
See you in the fog!
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Lady AshInTheTallGrass, it is always an honor <3
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I think it's asking a bit much of the Survivors. Three is alright, but 4 is pushing it. Just my 2 cents.
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3 did seem to be the average i managed while on my own and really trying for it. I had to enlist the help of a friend in order to get 4 in one match.
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Survivors tend to throw the match for this kind auf challenges, so i don't mind really.
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@FriendlyKiller that is EXACTLY my situation. I am a killer main who is having a heck of a time trying to get 4 stuns in a single match - especially since I don't have Head On perk or Blast Mine in my collection. I'm just trying pallets and flashlights.
I don't notice a difference in gameplay yet either as you said, if I get stunned by a pallet it is a sure bet they are going to try to blind me on pallet kick. Same old, same old.
This post has made me more aware of this and will try to take more pallet stuns for the sake of survivors doing this challenge. As always, I rarely ask myself anymore 'what is that survivor thinking?' as the usual answer is they are doing stupid things because the stupid Rift or Daily commands them to do stupid things.
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Just bait the pallet drop and run brutal, nobody getting that challenge for free off me. RESPECT THE PALLETS!
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The honor is all mine, my good Sir ๐โค๏ธ
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I know how much of a pain in the ass it is as survivor, so I've been running Enduring/Spirit Fury while kicking gens as much as possible when playing killer.
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You're a sweetheart ๐<3
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As a survivor, the escape by hatch ones are worse. They do nothing all match with a key, clairvoyance, left behind
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When I did that challenge, I took the reverse strategy. My goal was to play as well as possible so that the Killer was distracted by the other Survivors trying to leave by the exit gates (and not focus on trying to get me). I burned an offering to spawn the hatch in the shack, so I waited for everyone else to leave and then did it. I brought a key and left behind for backup.
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I'm fine with it from a killer perspective. Stunning is part of the game and if a survivor wants to drop every pallet instantly to go for the stun instead of trying to loop it for 30 seconds before dropping the pallet, I'm fine with that.
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I hate Survivors who greed pallets, this challenge will make more people greed pallets maybe so.... I don't like this lol. But I also don't really mind that people wanna do this challenge.
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That's a nice, measured way of looking at it.
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I dislike any "in a single match" on either side. All or nothing tied to progression on a limited time thing just does not sit well with me.
As for my matches, idc. I just play the match, if you get your challenge done or not doesn't impact me, I don't even know if you're running it or not.
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I've been playing with enduring spirit fury to hopefully help survs out with this. On the survivor side? Still haven't gotten it. Probably never will.
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Do you have head on? It took me a couple of matches to get this challenge done (I usually only got 3, max), but don't give up. When I finally got it, I got 4 head on stuns, 2 pallet stuns, and 1 wiggle from the Killer's grasp stun. 7 total. That's crazy considereing I was only getting 3. Games sometimes suprise us with crazy, unexpected outcomes. Good luck! (And that's a genuinely nice show of sportsmanship on your part to try to help out ๐).