61% Kill Rate

Killer stats after 6.1.0 patch.
What do you think about it? Does the game feel more balanced now?
I really do see lots more people killing themselves on hook now tho
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Considering killers should always be able to secure a 1K at the end of the game balancing around 60% Kill Rate makes sense to me.
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Why should a bad killer always be able to secure a 1k?
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And so it begins, the newest batch of people using bad statistics to try to justify their perspectives.
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I'm more interested about the fact that 7 out of 10 of the most popular killer perks are unsurprisingly slowdown perks
And here I am wondering yet again, wasn't the whole perk overhaul supposed to be a meta shift? The only surprising thing is not seeing up there Deadlock, DMS and Eruption
The only thing they were able to achieve was drastically reducing the use of BBQ and DH
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61% is honestly good rate to balance around. But i also wanna see how much kills comes from solo survivors and i hope some buffs for them.
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I was about to write exactly the same :D
Let the drama begin!
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Because the changes to DS and OTR not working in end game suggest BHVR wants the killer to be able to secure a single kill at the very least.
The devs want the killer to be able to kill at least a single survivor in most trials. And that's what balancing around a 60% kill rate would be suggesting.
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Its kinda sad how predictable it is, right? BHVR have always been coy about a lot of stats but seem to have no issue throwing ones like this out, knowing they're both incomplete data and that they'll become a key talking point in so many arguments on their own forums.
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I'd like to see the MMR stratification on this. If the kill rates are like 40% at top levels and 80% in low levels, then it's not good at all. If it's universal, then meh, can't complain.
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50% should only be achieved if every survivor in every game actually were willing to cooperate and were in everyone's best interest and not onlythemselves.
Such as in real life, not everyone cares about others so a 61% kill rate seems fine.
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It's pretty obvious the whole 8% increase in kill rate are from soloq so they won't do any improvements for soloq anytime soon since they literally said in that dev post they like the new kill rate.
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No, you see...the slowdown perks have different names now...so, meta shift. Ez. If I eat a bologna sandwich every day and then one day decide to start calling it a different name, I'm no longer eating the same thing.
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I doubt, they will add some buffs for solo survivors. I don't know when but i am sure we will get some love too. But they probably will keep kill rates around 60%. They will make more changes for that.
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Would be interesting to see the escape rate of groups vs solo. Wouldn't be surprised to see something like 80% kill rate on solo queue.
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I don't even believe these stats. They are cherry picking the statistics because they know they will get huge backlash if they released the true numbers.
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Games with DC EXCLUDED
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That's certainly how it feels. Surviving in a solo q or even a 2 person swf is a serious rarity for me.
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You’re in denial.
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61% vs 39%.
There is something wrong here.
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They said before that they exclude DC games when they show stats, if this is the case i assume the actual killrate is probably +70%.
i cant believe how out of touch they are that they think this game is about scary gameplay and have to "balance" around that instead of having actual 50% balance. Before the patch good killers constantly 4k'd, my condolences for these killers since their games must be so damn boring now to the point of quiting. The 100% constant BP bonus for survivor is good, the more people play survivor the faster they realize how unfun this game has become and will end in permanent dorpout of players, this is clearly a bandaid fix for the expected drop in survivor players but i doubt this will be enough for much longer.
They cant keep bringing in new players since they already milked the population so much that there are barely people left that would buy this game. Using well known killers to reach people outside of gaming, adding a kpop killer just because of how huge the kpop community is. Alot of lgbtq marketing because its such a relevant world topic yet has nothing to do with the game. Their marketing team is what kept this game alive for so long combined with events. People also mostly keep playing for the adrenaline/dopamine rush, not for the actual gameplay (which is very stale if you think about it for just a second). These dopmine hits have become so rare on survivor side since the update and are not in balance anymore with the amount of ######### you have to go through to get those few short during dopamine hits.
With these stats that clearly show unbalance, as well as the devs stating that they want it like this, as well as alot of fun stuff changed/nerfed and absence of dopamine rushes that kept players playing in the first place, i can confidently say that player dropouts are shifting to permanent dropouts. People want things to be fair and they dont want to give it to us. time will tell.
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Im trying to figure out how they think a 39% escape rate means things are balanced.
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Because they are killer-mains, they are privileged and survivors are merely there for their fun, didn't you know?
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It’s probably the other way around, high MMR killers have high kill rates because they have a lot of matches where they go against lower MMR opponents. Just personally for instance I think I’m an above average killer player but not remotely top tier but my kill rate is about 71% at the moment, partly because I sometimes go against weaker opponents.
That said I’d love to see line graphs like they had in the June and July dev updates which show each line is a killer character, the x-axis is the MMR, y-axis is the kill percentage, and the line thickness is the number of matches on a logarithmic scale. My guess is a lot of killers would be kind of flat more or less around that 55-65% kill rate while some killers like Nurse or Pig would be very slanted up or down. (I think Nurse would have low kill rates at low MMR and high kill rates as high MMR while Pig is the opposite trajectory since stealth works better the less observant the opponents are.)
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Feel free to articulate, given that BHVR has explicitly said that they feel Killers were not powerful enough, and the changes they made did in fact adjust this in the direction they were hoping.
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I mean I don't play it myself but I am pretty sure they took these balance ideas from hockey!
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Seems a bit to high IMO but it's not horrible. Idk how they gathered those stats tho. Is it across all ranks? Did they only exclude matches with DCs and not matches where a survivor dies within the first couple minutes (ie almost certainly a hook suicide)?
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No this is not enough data at all to come to any sort of conclusions. We already know that majority of the playerbase for whatever reason is incredibly bad at this game, heck you still have Survivors who struggle to look behind them when in a chase of course these players die a lot and so they should because they are not very good at the game. You shouldn't be rewarded for playing very very bad.
This data doesn't show us the MMR, doesn't show difference between SwF or Solo which this data would be way more beneficial. But because BHVR have said Killers have 61% kill rate and Survivors have 39% escape rate Survivor mains are using this terrible data to support the bad take of "See! Killers are OP!" and massively overreacting.
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Can we stop using the term "skillful" for DBD ? DBD is mechanically a joke of a game. It takes 0 mechanical skill to play DBD.
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61% translates to around 2.5 kills on average. The complaints are stemming that killers are getting on average half a kill more. It's really not the end of the world, but 61% looks like a worse number than spelling out 2.5 kills.
With changes to end game to favor killers more, no more end game ds, what is likely happening is games that would have likely ended being a 0K are now ending as a 1K as the killer is more able to secure that single kill than before.
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The number that is more concerning is the 39% escape rate for survivors. How is it that balanced?
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inhale a large amount of that copium mmmmmmm
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It's honestly surprisingly low with how many people give up on games
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61% means between 2 and 3 kills.
Honestly it's not that high. Still means in average 1 or 2 survivors escape.
Devs having a plan on making the kill rate higher is actually a good thing, as it could make them find buff solutions for Solo Q without worrying about the kill rates being affected.
Let's face it, since 6.1 the game is in a much better spot. Like the stats shows there is a much higher diversity in the perks loadout than before and in low-medium MMR the diversity of killers also has increased. (i should know i'm in this spot). THOSE are positive changes.
THOSE makes the games a little more thrilling than only playing the same killers over and over : i mean anyone seen any Spirit lately compared to a time when she was top picked ? and that's after a huge nerf on Iron Will (that i honestly never see anyone run anymore)
Meanwhile, i'm facing Sadako, Myers, Pyramid Head, Trickster and Artist, that are on the less picked list. Since 6.1 i even faced few Hags ! (not gonna lie i'm missing the Nurses and the Blights but can't have it all)
Like i said earlier, Solo Q is still in a pretty rough spot and need to be closely looked at and especially the MMR system should be changed when it comes to survivor. Currently working on escape = higher MMR and dying = lower MMR. I die 90 % of my matches as Solo (even as Duo) yet i'm usually top on BP and still pip or double pip every single game. (meaning i did good/extremely good) But with the system in place, my MMR is probably really low and i'm stuck in MMR hell, forcing me to run "meta" perks to grind up while i would much rather use "meme" ones like Head on or Diversion. You cannot tell me it's fair that i get to run the killer for let's say 2 gens, get 3 safe unhooks, heal a bunch and do 2 gens per match, die and still get a lower MMR than a teammate that did 1 gen and hide the rest of the game waiting for the hatch.
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Which is 1.5 survivors escaping on average. There are still games where the survivors escape with 3 or 4 survivors. There's just less 4 man escapes.
What would actually be problematic is if there was 75% kill rate as it would mean that killer is winning every single game on average. Which is what got reworked Freddy nerfed.
60% Kill Rate/40% Escape Rate is still close to 2 kills/2 escape on average with a slight favor on the killer. Which is fine for an asymmetrical game where the killer is a single player versing 4 survivors.
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and that is not balanced. 53/47 was balanced before the midchapter. 61/39 is not balanced
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DBD isn't a symmetrical game. There's no reason the devs need to make sure that the kill rate is exactly 50%.
60% is perfectly fine as it means the killer on average is stronger, but not overwhelming so.
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I can't wrap my head around the idea of the devs being happy that one side has less chance of winning than the other, while at the same time saying that this was the state intended all along.
What did they expect it would happen? Survs cheering that they are dying more often?
They pride on increased killer rates while at the same time bribing survs with an almost permanent 100% bp boost to try to keep queues lines decent
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Although I like the current state of the game, those perks (Deadlock, etc) are all still used a bunch, are still boring, and should probably be spiced up.
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Something feels wrong after reading devs are satisfied with this state.
New chapters make DbD steady and prevent huge droputs but BHVR's balancing is what makes all that efforts into nothing honestly.
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The killer is supposed to be the power role so 61% is more than reasonable.
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"Does the game feel more balanced now?"
Please keep in mind this takes into account all skill brackets, not just good players.
As we know bad players get killed, very easily. Mid and high tier gameplay need to balance it out.
The total kill rate should be decently higher than 50% to compensate for the slaughter that is low tier games.
Ideally we would get kill rate breakdowns for different skill brackets though.
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Friendly reminder for people who don’t understand how statistics work:
There is not much to get from data that combines every single possible factor.
All killers, all skill levels, all solo/SWF/mix, all regional playstyle differences, people playing meme builds, people playing serious builds, people playing for fun, people playing for challenge/tome, people doing made-up challenges, people playing to win, all maps, all items or lack thereof, all addons or lack thereof, etc.
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There are 3 types of lies; lies, damned lies and statistics.
In this case I believe BHVR is lying to themselves and thinking they did a pretty good job so far.
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This. I wonder how stats would look if we could filter out the survivors who give up.
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I thought people said barbeque was only used because of bloodpoints? Hmmm.
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i think the escape rate is so low mainly because survivors keep killing themselves on hook or dcing
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It's a wee bit OP! Maybe nerf the Pig to adjust the stats a bit?
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low escape rates are most likely because people turned into crybabies the past month it's genuinely laughable
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that and hatch escapes dont count as escapes.
They have come out and said hatch is a null when it comes to MMR