Stats 6.1.0 In Review - comments

dugman Member Posts: 9,713

Peanits just posted a nice article summarizing their broad overview of how various stats have changed since the big rework.

Just some off the cuff thoughts

  • Peanits, if you do a follow-up I personally really liked the charts you guys put together in the June and July updates that showed perk usage by MMR bracket as line graphs. 🙂 If you get a chance to rerun those charts I think it would be cool to compare them side by side with the ones from June prior to the rework. Just my personal request though.
  • The numbers he posted above are more or less in line with the numbers from the aggregate site I follow. That site has about a 7% increase in kill rate since the rework compared to 8% in Peanits’ summary. And the top perks and percentages are roughly on par with the top perks and percentages I’m seeing on that site as well (e.g. Dead Hard around 20% usage give or take). It’s nice to see the site I follow is lining up pretty well with the actual official numbers. (One minor difference is the average kill rate on the site is about 5% lower both pre- and post-rework which I think is due to the site’s games being uploaded mainly by above average players and I suspect kill rates are slightly higher among newer players than veterans.)
  • It’s good to see the average queue times almost cut by about 1/3. 👍


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Also, Self Care seems to be an outlier, on the aggregate site it’s at 9% usage which is still popular but not in the top 10. I think maybe Peanits ran numbers over the last week and there just happens to be a survivor challenge to run Self Care which could be skewing his stat.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    It's possible the people more likely to use an aggregate site aren't the ones who use self-care.

    I'm admittedly surprised by the usage of Prove Thyself. I was sure it would be in the top 3. I now see at least one Prove Thyself in every match. It's died down a tiny bit since 6.2.0 though as more people are replacing it with Hyperfocus it seems.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    My god do survivors love their self-care.

  • RinsDoormat
    RinsDoormat Member Posts: 121

    Wish the incentives had done anything for me, but I'm literally giving up on grading up Killer this month because I don't want to wait ten minutes on average for matches. They need to be doubled or tripled.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    One thing that is for certain is that I have seen more variety. DH and BBQ going from 40% to under 20% is insane. And the wild thing is, I LOVE Dead Hard and BBQ still.

    I enjoy both Survivor and killer more after this update, that is for sure. Really wish certain perks like Pharmacy and calm Spirit weren't ruined, though.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,704

    I’m in the same boat as you. Waiting to queue up as killer has been miserable.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    That’s an excellent point on the English speaking user base maybe having a different meta when it comes to Self Care. Thanks for pointing that out!

    Like I said, most things seem to line up between those numbers and your summary though so I think that lends weight to both being pretty valid.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    @Peanits I actually had a question. Is there a concern that aiming for a ~60% kill rate might end up being an impossible goal? I'm not familiar enough with the numbers, but I would think that, with MMR being kills/escapes based, that this number would self-adjust itself to 50% all the time. Then the kill rate gets too low, killers get a buff, and the kill rates temporarily go up until the MMRs adjust again.

    Again, I'm not sure about how this works in practice, but is there any data about the distribution of players for certain MMRs? I'd imagine if the game was imbalanced towards survivor, you'd see more survivors at a higher MMR and killers would struggle more to get there. If the opposite, you'd see more killers at high MMR and survivors struggling to get there.

    But, if the aimed for kill rate is ~60%, wouldn't that indicate that killers should, on average, increase in MMR or remain even while survivors should go down in MMR/remain even?

  • BritishBoop
    BritishBoop Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2022

    (Full disclosure: I'm the developer of the site I believe we're all thinking of.)

    As with any occasion official stats are released, it’s fascinating to explore the similarities and differences to the data NightLight has gathered. People have been quick to point out the rather large difference that currently exists but I’m glad we now know the period the official stats are from. I was doubtful they included the last couple of weeks at the very least. If you look at the historical stats on NL, the perk usage is a lot closer to what we’ve been shown (as one would hopefully expect). The rankings/usage rates shown on NightLight are based on the last 14 days for perks and 30 days for kill rates (by default) as is stated on the site. In any case, there are still differences between the data, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts as to why that might be.

    - Regional representation (as has been mentioned here). NightLight has users from around the globe but there’s naturally going to be bias towards English speaking countries.

    - Perk availability. The selection of perks newer/more casual players have available is going to be rather restricted. I think this might be playing a large part in the discrepancy with Self-care in particular.

    - Game knowledge/experience. Again, newer and more casual players are going to be considerably less informed in their perk choices – for better or worse - and the level of gameplay is obviously going to differ as well.

    Unfortunately, the last two points cover the demographics least likely to use NightLight. It's a problem many point out and is something I can't do a whole lot (about as I rely on people finding the site and wanting to track their own stats). This is also another limitation - my sample size is a tiny percentage of the matches that are played. At the very least, I wish I had some way to use MMR data (or something close to it) so I could at least offer some context into who the data represents. I am looking to incorporate an "hours played" metric into the site as one way of potentially helping with this but that's obviously far from ideal.

    As a side note - (unless I’m mistaken as to which site we’re referring to, in which case please disregard this message), it’s nice to see a somewhat official somewhat acknowledgement of my work. If anyone from Behaviour would like to discuss NightLight or stats in any way, I’d be more than happy to chat. I'm really trying to provide a positive and interesting resource to the community and the last thing I want to do is present data that shines an unfair light into the fog.

    Post edited by BritishBoop on
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,535

    Those no doubt play a role in which perks are most popular- and yes, we are indeed talking about the same site. 😁

    Huge props for putting it together. I'm a big fan of stats myself, so having community sourced constantly updating stats is super exciting. It's very interesting to see how they line up with the complete data, so I can kinda piece together where the blindspots may be depending on where they differ.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Highly used =/= meta

    In some parts of the world can they afford to buy all the DLCs and have all the perks available?

    There are many reasons why Self Care is popular, that doesn't mean it's strong or meta.

    • It's easily acquired.
    • It's easy to use and understand.
    • It can be used anywhere.
    • It's always useful.
    • Most other perks are worse, harder to use or understand.

    This is why changing perks solely based on usage data is a mistake.

    Even with Self Care being nerfed, it's still a better and more available choice for healing oneself than Renewal, Resurgence, Pharmacy, Solidarity. It's more a reflection of how bad those perks are rather than how good Self Care is.

    If you want to heal yourself without a teammate or a med kit, you only have 3 good choices. Circle of Healing, Inner Healing or Self Care. Only one of these choices is always available and on demand, no wonder it is the most popular despite being weak.

  • Dead_by_David17
    Dead_by_David17 Member Posts: 75

    "More variety"

    I've seen nothing but Pain Resonance and Dead Man's ever since they walked back the nerf over a niche scenario that could've been avoided if they just tweaked Merciless Storm.

    If it isn't that, it's some combo of Call of brine, Overcharge, Eruption, Floods of Rage, Sloppy Butcher, Pentimento + all hexes, Jolt, No Way Out and NOED.

    Can't forget crutches like No Way Out and NOED. And as if the basekit changed weren't crutches enough, Brutal and Save the Best.

    What did we get for survivor?

    DS is completely worthless, Iron Will is trash, Calm Spirit of all perks got nerfed, they nerfed Blast Mine for no reason, and Mettle of Man was made decent before going back to being a worthless meme perk again.

    Solo queue is even more of a nightmare, and even in a SWF we escape through the gates maybe once or twice in 10 games because killer is so oppressive now.

    And don't even get me started on the uncounterable builds killers bring all the time now, like Plagues 110 seconds of object infection time build, Iri Legion Pin/Julie's Mix Tape, or the big one, Omega Blink Nurse in 2022.

    The Survivor experience is at its lowest point, meanwhile killer is so easy even with the sweat squads that I get matched with I've managed Onryos, Dredges and Wesker adepts first try.

    BHVR as usual patting themselves on the back for another killer sided update.

  • Dead_by_David17
    Dead_by_David17 Member Posts: 75

    Youre genuinely delusional if you think the game is still survivor sided (which it hasn't been in years) lol

  • BritishBoop
    BritishBoop Member Posts: 5

    I'm not wanting to hijack this thread but that is genuinely awesome and a bit surreal to hear. As unlikely as I know it would be, If you ever fancy sharing any insight into those blindspots my details are on the About page of the site...