A Drastic Overhaul Suggestion to Balance Items and Addon Strength

Hi All,
I want to share with you an idea i've been sitting on for a while now, about how the game could possibly balance all of the items and addons in the game.
Many people take issue with the huge disparity in strength between both survivors with no items and survivors with the best items. And conversely Killers with no addons vs Killers with the strongest addons.
With the change to bloodweb prices, strong items and addons are now much more accessible which i believe results in literally no incentive for players NOT to bring the most powerful loadouts every game.
My solution:-
1) Remove the bloodweb system completely. Characters would now simply require 1 million BP to reach level 50 and prestige. No more buying items, addons or offerings.
2) Bloodpoints can be spent during a lobby to burn offerings, all offerings are available at this time with massively increased costs for map offerings (something like 10k per)
3) Both survivors and killers can no longer bring items or addons to a match
4) Matches now always spawn 6 chests by default (doubled from 3).
- Opened chests always contain 1 killer add-on (kept secret to survivors) Killers can interact with opened chests to gain this addon (this interaction would be instant)
- Killers may interact with closed chests to pry them open, but this would take time similar to a survivor opening it.
With this system, in my eyes, there is less need to try and balance overpowered items or add-ons. They still exist as-is but players cannot bring them on purpose.
There is now a time investment required to obtain strong ######### for both sides, or simply play without.
Some of the weaker killers would definitely need base kit buffs, as i think its undeniable that some killers are far more reliant on addons.
Some perks could be changed to better mesh with this gameplay overhaul and preserve build variety.
Technician - similar to pharmacy - guarantees a mechanics toolbox on search
Hoarder - Plunderers + Ace in the hole combined for Killers
Saboteur - guarantee an alex toolbox on the first search
Residual Manifest - guarantee green or better flashlights on searches
This way strong items and addons are still available to the player, but a time investment needs to be made in the match to get them - you can't simply bring busted loadouts all the time. It also introduces an interesting trade-off for either side - do you want to risk giving the opposition something powerful for free, while you go for an item or addon?
Let me know your thoughts, i'm sure many people will be against this idea but im curious to see where i stand compared to others.
Thanks for reading.
Overall I dislike the idea of nuking the progression system and uprooting everything people have grinded for
But the killer interactions with chest sounds neat(although I think it should be something other than addons maybe something like a rune that gives a certain buff for a certain time and a global sound when they use one(could even vary depending on the type) also unlock the rummage option 1 time per survivor that gives them a rune + appraisal is now a way to gain more runes if your already holding an item) and the perk changes sound neat.
Also like 80% of "broken" builds are mostly just perks
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This is even worse. Because then RNG dictates whether you win the match harder in a game where RNG can sometimes spawn you a map with 7 pallets, or with 17 pallets.
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that's an entirely different issue though, it has nothing to do with my suggestion
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Nah I’m not a fan. Many builds revolve around addons or items for survivors. You would decrease a significant amount of variation by doing that.
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That just kinda sounds like a worse version of how Evil Dead does it, while still carrying the same issues it has there.
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Playing killer with no addon's is a significantly worse experience than playing a survivor with no items. It would almost always be better to not loot so killers would only be able to play baseline and have no cooldown reduction/better powers/iris.
Like in this theoretical example I can either never open chests in my swf to force killers to play baseline or they would need to invest 10 * 2 = 20 *4 = 80 seconds in gen time given up if they wanted addon's early.
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Heavely disagree you idea would kill the game. Some add ons and items need balancing but totally removing the grind from the game is not solution.
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it has everything to do with your suggestion. What you are proposing would increase the impact that RNG has on winning or losing the game. What if you get unlucky and both your addons such? what if you don't get an item that works for your build?
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thanks for not even reading my entire post, where i suggested that perks can be buffed to guarantee certain items to preserve build variety.
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I did, but the point is that you are effectively creating a situation where you HAVE to take a perk to eliminate the RNG. Also it doesn't solve the RNG problem, because it still creates a situation where, if you are lucky (or unlucky) and the killer happens to grab their 2 god tier addons and you have no control over that. It is not fun.
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Maybe we should focus on balancing solo queue and then killer strengths before making these drastic changes that can ultimately kill the game