What do you think about Deathslinger right now?

What do you think about his state at the moment?
He's fine for the most part, I think he could do with a little bit of time off of his reload speed, though.
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I don't think he's in as bad a state as some people would have you believe, but he could use some work. His changes from before were well-needed, but a little more needs to be done to prop up the parts of his kit that weren't obnoxious and in need of changing.
He's a little slow and clunky, not in terms of his movement speed, but in terms of how he feels to play. Speeding up his ADS camera and saving him a little time in a few other areas would help him feel far, far more enjoyable to play. Still, though, he's fun.
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His terror radius gives me depression
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32m tr - 4.4m/s - limited range - bad addons
landing skillshots often don't reward you because of the breaking chain mechanic
i used to play him alot but not anymore
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i miss him
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not nearly as bad as people make him out to be. i wouldn't mind a terror radius revert and an add-on pass but besides that he's fine.
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IMO, deathslinger is low C tier. 110 killer who can sometimes miss several shots in a row at crucial moments. Reeling people in is slow, reloading is slow. Few killers can ever truly feel like they don't have a power. Deathslinger is one of them.
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He needs some help. I didn't and still don't exactly like playing as or against him, but he needs to be stronger than he is currently. With his ads nerf, he could use a reload speed buff for starters.
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He really needs his terror radius back to 24m. Slinger's strongest counter-play is Hold W, and giving survivors so much warning against a slow killer with limited range is pretty rough.
I liked his niche as a pseudostealth ranged killer with M&A. With Slinger, you give up a lot of the snowball potential you could have had by picking Trickster or Huntress instead, but in exchange you become much stealthier and better at catching players off guard. Not really the case anymore, since you need to rely on perks that aren't as consistent as M&A to get decent stealth (or bring M&A with Whiskey, which is really clunky and gimmicky).
His ADS nerf made an already difficult killer to play into an even more difficult killer, but I personally think that's fine. He doesn't need to be an unloopable S+++ tier MLG sniper pro, having a "hard mode" killer that is only viable if you have skill is something that actually makes him very appealing to me.
That being said, 400ms ADS with 500ms firing delay is very painful. 250ms ADS is not unreactable, but it's also asking way too much from people playing a casual game like DbD. 300ms ADS would be a lot more comfortable to play. If they really insist on leaving his ADS at 400ms, he would be better if his projectile speed increased from 40m/s to 80m/s. In my personal opinion, survivors being able to juke Slinger's harpoon is what makes him so frustrating to play as. If you juke a hatchet, Huntress can have between 4 more and 6 more hatchets ready. If you juke Slinger, he has to give you almost 10 meters of free distance before he can shoot again.
The counterplay to Slinger should be getting into cover or reacting to him entering ADS, not holding W while looking straight ahead and waiting on the "shot fired" sound effect so you can juke his shot guaranteed (Yes, people can dodge his shot on reaction to the SFX. Yes, I experience it almost every time I play Slinger). It's why you see so many Slingers just hold W and never shoot their gun. So I think having a faster projectile would mean you can actually aim at a survivor, pull the trigger, and not have them juke it on reaction and turn you into a 4.4 killer with no power.
Oh, and make his projectile hitbox very slightly larger. Like 5% to 10% larger. Not the environmental collision one, it would make him unplayable since he couldn't shoot over stuff or through tiny holes. Just the one that actually hits the survivor. It would make weird situations where your shot goes through survivors less common.
All that being said, I think he's still a pretty solid killer. He just needs some QoL, and some minor buffs to give players a meaningful reason to pick him over other ranged or anti-loop killers.
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Complete trash. In the very bottom of c tier, just above the worst 5 in the game.
His nerfs gutted him because pre nerf all he had was a strong 1v1 and that is greatly diminished. He's a strictly worse huntress.
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I think hes okay, but needs something. I'd be interested to see what it'd be like if he could shoot farther and had a stronger chain, so he can feel more threatening
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Balance wise he’s ok but I don’t like how his turn rate slows way down while he’s aiming, it feels like turning through mud. He’s the only ranged killer that can’t turn normal speed while aiming and it’s a little annoying.
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buff his reload speed and decrease the cooldown for missing, he feels so goddamn slow right now
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Depressing. He doesn't feel good to play and there isn't much reason you'd ever want to pick him over Huntress - he lost the things he used to do better/differently than her.
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He's in a decent place for the most part, but there is absolutely no reason he should have a 32 meter TR instead of a 24 meter TR
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Should be reverted.
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He can still do his thing, but he still feels way clunkier doing so. ADS'ing could do with a very slight speed increase, and I'd be satisfied for the time being.
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Decent, solid killer.
If you never played old Slinger, I'd say hes quite good.
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I am very bad at FPS games but I enjoy the concept of the Deathslinger a lot.
I will also say there might be nothing more satisfying in the game than a survivor teabagging you and forgetting you can hook them at a distance. Whoopsie.
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After playing him again because of some daillies i had i would be lying to myself if i said he wasen't fun to play.
I think he needs some help but not as much as the general opinion thinks he needs
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idk, using wesker to grab someone tbagging using the exit gate and bringing them to the hook feels ohh so nice as well....
As for slinger, he feels abit clunky but is overall in a good spot. Some positive tweeks would be nice though.
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I used to main Deathslinger and to this day, I still am really sad about the unnecessary nerfs. They truly gutted him. He was already a worse huntress before his nerfs and was never a high tier killer. Also he was far less obnoxious than the S tier killers.
He had and still has a huge weakness: map pressure. Deathslinger has a strong 1v1 but struggles hard to not be gen rushed.
Deathslinger now is a joke compared to pre-nerf. He feels clunky and slow. To be honest I would be so so happy if they reverted or at least buffed him so that I can again enjoy my favorite killer in the game. Deathslinger now is high skill ceiling with mediocre at best reward for being good.
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He's a killer with a pretty mediocre chase power that is also semi-versatile (lets you change positions of survivors), it is a C+ tier killer. Why should you play deathslinger over huntress? No reason. Should have added more buffs to compensate for the ADS speed nerf, that's like the only reason the killer was worth playing over huntress in the first place. Now even trickster is better because he can camp and tunnel very well.
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his addons could use some work
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Deathslinger is still an extremely strong killer in skilled hands. All the REAL skilled Deathslinger players didn't even notice the changes, it's only the boosted ones that had to go to Trickster once he was given more counterplay. Deathslinger is in a great spot and if anything they should make his ADS a little bit slower to stop the zoning so much
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Any decent team will mop the floor with the best slinger there is, literally just spread on gens since his mobility is horrible and you can start holding w earlier thx to the new tr, people losing to me as slinger always baffle me, they are playing against worst huntress and they still manage to lose horribly, it should be imposible to lose to such an easy killer to beat.
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I enjoy playing him, he is challenging to play but the mind games are amazing, a lot of players zig zag hard when they hear the audio cue for his ads so you can fake them out and make them lose distance on chases. But i find he struggles hard on maps like rpd and meat plant. Needs open spaces to really get use out of that reeling mechanic.
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Yh his TR definitely needs a drop, it is extremely easy to hide from him if he approches your gen, when his map pressure is already a weak point not need to make it worse with a huge TR. Especially since a hit with him is by no means a guaranteed down on and injured survivor like huntress.
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Utterly butchered.
Sure he is not a weak Killer per se, but his kit is lacking any form of uniqueness or identity at the moment. He is just a worse Huntress.
BHVR took everything he had that made him fun, unique or skillful and left us with a slow zoning Killer that can not hold a candle to Huntress in any way. He is boring to play as, he is boring to play against and there is no excuse for that.
He desperately needs to have certain nerfs (forced ADS time pre shot and TR increase) reverted.
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Not only butchered, piss poor design now. He is gated by time penalties EVERYWHERE.
- 110 killer
- Reload delay
- Firing delay
- ADS delay
- 32m tr gives survivors huge heads up for hold W comfort
He spends the entire game just trying to get a good shot. He's already punished before he even succeeds, so when he misses because of ######### hit boxes, latency, or anything else he's punished second and third times.
The person who greenlit those changes is in the wrong profession.
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I don't like to face him personally but he could use some buffs. Just played him and as someone stated he can feel like killer who does not have power he is so slow and punished so much from missing.
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He could use a buff. Then another one. And ta know what, we could probably do another buff as well.
He sucks ngl
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the worst killer in the game next to freddy. he's not interesting at all, power is really bad. i just don't see any reason to play him. only to suffer.
he needs some love along with freddy.
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he should be a 4.6 now that theyve turned him into huntress but worse in every way possible
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He's fun to play as but really isn't much of a threat to play AGAINST unless it's a 'slinger main or high MMR dbd vet. Even then a 2 man escape most of the time, or their build carried them (maybe NOED).
Had a half decent 'slinger sweat and slug for the 4k on the last 99'd gen. I take it the man doesn't win a lot of games so he takes his 4ks in whatever form they come.
I think he needs a rework. Personally I'd be happy with a 28m TR, 4.5 m/s (while the redeemer is unloaded), a slightly snappier (shorter/faster) ADS animation and a bunch of add-on changes. But he might be due for more than that.
And maybe, at least for the sake of getting console people playing him again (They should do this and aim assist), they should make the hitbox on the projectile bigger? But like how they did for Wesker's bound hitbox. They leave the environment collision hitbox alone, but they make the survivor hitbox a tad bigger.
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Trash killer. Revert the nerfs AND buff him.