

What "Non-Horror" License would you rather see in DBD?

Member Posts: 428
edited September 2022 in Polls

Not really sure if anyone would be interested in this, then again, I could be wrong. Disclaimer, these are mostly for cosplay sets, however, it would be a teensy bit cool if they made them actual survivors/killers.

What "Non-Horror" License would you rather see in DBD? 58 votes

More FOR HONOR content for DBD
5 votes
Dark Souls / Elden Ring
11 votes
Game Of Thrones (Knights, Dragons, fights for the throne and a charming little Imp character, what more could you want in a franchise, besides having your favorites killed off?)
Scooby-Doo (Cheers to having Ultra Instinct Shaggy in the game. BHVR, if you find this, PLEASE make Dwight look like Matthew Lillard.)
12 votes
Cyberpunk 2077 (They got that anime coming out today, Jackie Welles and Adam Smasher would be pretty cool.)
2 votes
Fallout (Super Mutants, Feral Ghouls, Death Claws, Synths and killer robots; it has it all, I think.)
5 votes
Saints Row (Trust me, Volition's gonna need that money. Johnny Gat for da win bois!!!)
1 vote
Marvel/DC (Cosplay your favorite hero, OR villain, even if it doesn't look much like them.)
5 votes
Squid Game (Thinking of some goooood Legion sets...)
4 votes
Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)
13 votes

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  • Member Posts: 428
    edited September 2022

    Seriously though, who's watching Riverdale anymore...?

    Post edited by D34D_B34TB0X on
  • Member Posts: 8,314
    Marvel/DC (Cosplay your favorite hero, OR villain, even if it doesn't look much like them.)

    Harper "Bluebird" Row for survivor, BHVR, I'm begging,

    Or, y'know, Constantine. He's DC now.

  • Member Posts: 1,070
    Marvel/DC (Cosplay your favorite hero, OR villain, even if it doesn't look much like them.)

    Kate would be a wonderful Harley Quinn. But you know, Marvel/DC dropped in so stinky filth so I really don't want BHVR touch this compost until Disney get their marbles together.

  • Member Posts: 167
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    Star Wars, with anakin/Vader as the killer for the chapter, the survivors can be up for anyone else to decide but I just want Vader in the game to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 277
    Fallout (Super Mutants, Feral Ghouls, Death Claws, Synths and killer robots; it has it all, I think.)

    Ghost People from Dead Money could be an interesting idea, then there's obviously the Glowing Ones, Mutants (Centaur could be nightmare material), lots of great opportunities in Fallout

  • Member Posts: 244
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    Something Funny like Nutty professor or Austin powers.Just something funny doesn't have to be these two.

  • Member Posts: 965
    edited September 2022
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    Hatsune miku as a survivor, I don't care. I need her in DBD. She's too iconic tbh.

    IDK if harry potter is considered a horror novel/series, But harry as a survivor with Voldemort as the killer, its cool to think about.

    Danganronpa, Makoto as a survivor (Maybe hajime as a legendary skin) and Junko as a killer who uses Monokuma with her power, somehow. (I don't know if it's considered as a horror game, it's a murder-mystery one though)

  • Member Posts: 1,104
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    I've always wanted a Bioshock crossover. Just a Big Daddy Bouncer skin for Billy would be epic.

  • Member Posts: 434
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    I was a huge Metal Gear Solid fan back in the day, so it would be crazy if you were able to survive as Snake while getting chased by Volgin as the Man on Fire from the 5th game. That version of Volgin actually fits the horror vibe really well funnily enough

  • Member Posts: 696
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    The Borg from Star Trek.

  • Member Posts: 76
    Scooby-Doo (Cheers to having Ultra Instinct Shaggy in the game. BHVR, if you find this, PLEASE make Dwight look like Matthew Lillard.)

    I mean, it's a bit weird, but tell me it wouldn't be hilarious to see Velma and Shaggy running away from the Black Knight or Captain Cutler.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    Marvel/DC (Cosplay your favorite hero, OR villain, even if it doesn't look much like them.)

    I’d love to see Scarecrow as a killer in DbD. Imagine him making survivors see creepy things in the environments as a side effect of his fear toxin. Sort of like a cross between the Doctor’s hallucinations and Clowns gas clouds, but with some different mechanical twists.

  • Member Posts: 640
    Marvel/DC (Cosplay your favorite hero, OR villain, even if it doesn't look much like them.)

    I think a legendary Deadpool cosplay survivor outfit would be awesome. I think it would be funny to also see him annoying everyone and the entity by breaking the 4th wall like he usually does. But anyway yeah if that came and he got to talk, I would buy it when I get the chance.

  • Member Posts: 5,347
    Fallout (Super Mutants, Feral Ghouls, Death Claws, Synths and killer robots; it has it all, I think.)

    The Fallout series has quite a selection of characters for both survivor, killer and map!

    Survivors: Madison Li, The Mysterious Stranger (could even be a perk!), The Courier, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, Moira Brown, Craig Boone, Veronica Santangelico, James

    Killers: Deathclaw, Frank Horrigan, Legate Lanius, Ulysses, Nisha, Ghost People, Augustus Autumn

    Maps: Vault 101, The Cathedral, Dunwich Building, Sierra Madre, Megaton, Mariposa Military Base, The Pitt, Rivet City

    Basically, a decent choice, and the Fallout universe does have horror elements, so it still fits in.

  • Member Posts: 1,023
    More FOR HONOR content for DBD

    For Honor

  • Member Posts: 662
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    Persona. I will never get tired of saying it, the killer of persona 4 and thematic of Persona 3 are a perfect fit for DBD. Plus it would nice to have an RPG like killer with a power gauge that resembles a mana system, like hero from SMBU without all the RNG elements.

    The jester's main ability is to summon his persona. While summoning it he is significantly slowed down and has to pick between 4 different abilities. All of his abilities are powerful, but require mana to be used. Mana will function the same as charges in game, the jester begins with 100 mana points. Mana is regenerated at a rate of 1 points per second.

    • Vorpal Blade: The jester's persona uses it's blade to cause devastating damage in a vertical direction. Has a range of 10 meters, instantly destroys pallets and damages survivors at the same time. Costs 15 mana points.
    • Megidola: You aim a powerful blast that will explode after 10 seconds, anyone within a 6 meter radius of the blast location will be instantly put in the dying state. It costs 30 mana points
    • Power charge: Your next basic attack will instantly put the hit survivor in the dying state. This ability deactivates whether you hit a survivor or miss an attack. It costs 20 mana points
    • Heat riser: The jester temporarily boosts his base stats. He moves, breaks pallets and vaults windows way faster. This ability lasts indefinetely but costs 3 mana per second, so it drains his power really fast.

    Abilities can be used in conjunction to be made deadlier.

    As a passive ability, "the jester" has a countdown mechanic. The match will start with a heavy fog that will slowly begin to dissipate with time.

    After 10 minutes have passed, the fog will completely disipate, every single generator will be permanently blocked and a mass of shadows will begin to consume the map from the very center. If survivors come into contact with the mass, they will be instantly killed. "The jester" will have the location of every survivor in the match revealed for 10 seconds with killer instinct.

    As to not make this mechanic absolutely busted, survivors will be able to add seconds to the timer by performing altruistic actions. Healing survivors grants 15 extra seconds, unhooking 30 extra seconds and taking protection hits an extra 20 seconds. So nothing out of the ordinary, survivors should be able to completely avoid the countdown most of the time if they play at a moderate pace and don't just slam gens.

    Mori (spoilers if you haven't played p4)


  • Member Posts: 1,163
    Other (Please specify, it can be any cult classic. Like "The Witcher", "Borderlands", or "Tomb Raider". Or "Riverdale", whatever you like.)

    Idk it's just easy for me to see them in dbd for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited September 2022
    Scooby-Doo (Cheers to having Ultra Instinct Shaggy in the game. BHVR, if you find this, PLEASE make Dwight look like Matthew Lillard.)

    I honestly don't want most of these, with maybe the exception of Scooby Doo and Dark Souls.

    I think a Dementor would fit better as a Killer than Voldemort would frankly.

    Post edited by Smoe on

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