Why are Iri Hatchets still a thing?

Came back to this game after a long hiatus. Honestly it is much better since I left. But these are still a thing. Help me understand.
If you didn't understand before you left, why would you understand it now? I don't think anyone can help you.
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I'd be impressed if you gave a decent reason for their existence. I doubt you have one.
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At less they were hit with a pretty heavy nerf
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People asked to make them instadown only from X distance, yet they chose the easy way out and just changed the number you can hold to 1
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You lose 4 hatchets for 1 that can instadown. Risk reward. Personally I prefer just having the full 5 since you get way more snowball potential and if you miss 1 hatchet you dont instantly lose the chase.
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The reason for their existence is to insta down survivors with a successful hit. So?
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Still instadowns. Still no meaningful drawback - hatchet hitboxes are so big you're not gonna miss at close-mid range unless you're new or boosted, and with iron maiden and dredge's update putting lockers everywhere, reloading has never been easier. It's also extremely uninteractive and still pretty common.
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Half-decent Huntress with Iron Maiden. One is more than enough.
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We wanted something cooler but they just went for no extra hatchets, why they don't want to change it idk.
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Yeah, especially on closed maps.
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Here’s what the nerf should have been
Hatchets inflict dying on survivors hit further than 24 meters from your location.
there it rewards skill, Practice and it’s not cheap. This version you get 5 hatchets but you have to instadown at far lengths
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It took them so long to change Iri Heads that I expected more than a simple number change. I remember thinking, "It took years just to change a 3 to a 1?" Yeah, they should've done better.
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id rather not have cracked huntresses have access to a viable insta down hatchet addon.
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I thought the extra lockers were only added if you faced a dredge
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... it's BHVR, are we really shocked, lol
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I woulda preferred the insta down at xMeters but the nerf they gave it is fine. If they miss once, its a big hindrance.
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2017 Iri with Infantry belt was much worse
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I wish it would've been reworked into a different add on but now it's just a skillshot add on
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HOw is a Iri head huntress any different than a Tombstone myers, or a starstruck Nurse, or any other killer that has an instant down ability?
With iti head hatchets all they can carry is one and they have no way to increase taht amount. IF they miss, they have to reload every time and you get significant distance.
I rarely see an Iri Head Huntress and if I do see one, they miss more than they hit with it.
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Just realized I haven't seen any Huntress use this add-on in months. Is anyone getting it regularly still? Used to be almost every Huntress used it.
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I think iri heads are pretty fair as is honestly. You get 1 chance to instadown and if you miss you’re an m1 killer. The problem was being able to have 3 instadowns.
My only real problem with them now is sitting in front of the hook with it because then there’s actually nothing to be done
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Like I said in my post. I see more tombstone and infinite Teir III myers than I do Iri Head huntress.
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They shouldn't be a thing, they should've been reworked into something different instead of just nerfed.
Not saying it's OP, I don't think it is anymore. I just don't think it's interesting for either side. Other iri is even duller.
My choices would be more like:
Iri head: reduces hatchets by 2, hatchets that hit from >24 metres away will instadown.
Soldier's puttee: increases huntress' speed to 115. Huntress' lullaby is suppressed when undetectable. Hitting an injured survivor with a hatchet at a distance of <24 metres will cause deep wounds instead of downing.
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No, the problem was being able to instadown while basically riding the survivor. That problem is still very much there. Changing it to only instadowning if hit from 24 or more meters away is what should have happened, that way belt addons could still be used.
The nerf didn't fix the issue at all. Nobody ever complained about amount carried. It was always distance at which the instadown should start.
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Because killers are allowed to have good addons and perks to.
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Iri hatchets aren't even necessarily her best add-on because they only let her carry one hatchet at a time. It seems like a lot of the best Huntress players I've seen much prefer using the add-ons that instead give her additional hatchets so that they can use them for longer range shots more consistently. (With Iri you're kind of limited to only using the hatch for closer range shots since missing with them is very punishing.)
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Get better at juking. It isn't the killers fault you can't serpentine and zig zag around.
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It is an Iridescent Add On that reduces your hatchet total to 1.
How is this any worse than Tombstone?
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That puts add-ons behind a skillgate. Add ons are not intended to reward already skilled play. They are meant to enhance an existing kit. A bad Huntress would get no value out of that at all. Add ons are for everyone, not just those in the top 10% of the skill bracket.
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its one hatchet and u can't even mix it with the other addons that give more hatches anymore?
if she misses it she's just an m1 killer, im sorry this is not something anyone should complain about i think op thinks that she still has 3 MAYBE?
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Let me ask another question. Why is Huntress still a thing? Just dear god, no thanks.
Though I had a fun game yesterday when all 4 survivors heard the lullaby and immediately just gave up and she seemed to understand and just memed with us for a while.
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It's pretty much BHVR's goto iri design for ranged killers.
Deathslinger, Trickster, Artist and Clown all have an Iri that allows Instadowning.
Huntress has the easiest instadown but the riskiest one since she has to reload when she misses.
I'd be fine if it was a reimburse addon that adds a hatchet for every hit.
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There's 1 hatchet learn to dodge it.
Yeah hit boxes can be borked but half the time you get borked hit boxes survivors are already doing something that gets you a hit anyway.
The best way to learn how to dodge iri hatchet is to play iri hatchet. Play some huntress smack on an iri hatchet and see what works and doesn't work.
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Sure I can give you a reason.
It's an iri addon, like many iri addons it can drastically change the killers power. This one like many others offer the insta down ability at a cost, and that cost is you can only ever hold 1.
This is huge, and actually makes huntress weaker. Sure you can go down in one hit but she has to reload far more often wasting time, and if you avoid dropping pallets and just run round loops she cant throw over you wast so much time as shes 110%. You also dont need to heal ever, as a 110% you can waste so much of her time injured and spend that healing time to push gens even faster with hardly any downside.
You can also still DH it, honestly not a great addon and will often hurt the huntress more unless the survivors are playing bad when they know iri is in play. It's only sucks when they camp with it, like all insta downs really
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1 hatchet and doesn't increase with addons. How are you still complaining?
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