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A lack luster return with some thoughts

So since the last time I played the game, quite a few patches have come out, only major reason I came back to the game was because the moonlight event or whatever it was called, brought what they said was new gameplay at least for the event. Sadly, there wasn’t really anything all that new. “Oh look a lantern, better grab it and work on generators like same old thing.” Not that great of a “new” gameplay to the game but the event is now over and even the rewards were lame. 3 costumes all which looked pretty meh.

More to the point, I was hoping for a change in coming back. With certain updates, certain perks and killers were changed. Of those changes I’m just going to make some observations, if you will, on good changes and..... so I don’t hurt the developers feelings too much, we will just call the other ones not smart changes.

Starting off, Wraith’s ability was changed a bit and has a minor speed buff for when he comes out of cloak, not too bad of a balance seeing as they butchered a few of his addons, but I guess a trade for a trade.

NOED has been changed to be broken at rank one of the perk, dumb idea because now, from the matches I have played, it’s now a crutch that everyone and likes to lean on along with BBQ & Chili, so more options for killers to grief others. That sounds so AMAZINGLY boring and dull. I don’t even use those perks because they are just not fair for the survivors I face, let alone at least the survivors probably appreciate it. These two perks alone seem to make the game rather predictable but fun for those people who have an ego problem. I also know people use it just because their available to use in the game, that’s fine but switch it up from time to time. BBQ easy to counter but can still be a ball breaker when you go up against multiple killers all having one, the other, are both. I call people baby killers who use them because well they like that crutch and they like things to be easy for them because they don’t want to try which means they won’t get better at the game.

Lets see, oh BT became very very risky to use seeing as the rescuer no longer gets protection which at this point, it probably should go back to the way it was so survivors have at least a good top tier rescue perk to counter some of those killers *cough*camping babies*cough*. You know the kind of killers I’m talking about, we all have played against them at one point or maybe even you were a camper or still are. Not fun and lessens the community of the game.

Speaking of community, it’s still toxic. I’d even go far enough to say it’s gotten more toxic. It seems either every killer is looking for that sodium diet or a group of survivors are looking to ruin some killer’s day just for that small bit of table salt. It’s almost like no one can control themselves on how they play and just want to all be cucklords. Again dull and boring, it’s 2019 and you’d think people could play with having to try and impress someone over the internet because that is their whole life or to try and make themselves feel better about their self esteem so they use the baby killer tactics just to get under another player’s skin. Not fun and again, the community gets smaller because people really don’t enjoy the game anymore because of people like that. You know? Trend followers.

Spirit was introduced, neat killer but I will say I do struggle with her from time to time. Which ever addon takes away the whooshing noise she makes is a little much but like the devs care, with Michael and his instakill mori addon.

Hex, Haunted Ground. Cool perk, it’s like a take out hex that once broken everyone becomes exposed and can be instadowned in a certain time period. I mean hey, you are always taking a risk with totems, this is simply raising the stakes. It then becomes a simple game of can you hide well? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Only gripe about the perk is that the full tier of the perk should not be a full minute, that’s a bit excessive. Dumb it down to like 50 seconds and you got a deal.

Legion. This killer was kind of a unique twist but he/she is very underwhelming. Ability let’s you sprint and vault over pallets and stuff quickly. Cool. The downside is the resort his ability which is if you hit someone while running you put them in a different kind of “I need to heal” state that slowly drains and if you hit that same person again, you take a bit of the timer out but your power immediately ends. The only way to continue your ability is if others are around you and will be marked only if you didn’t hit them with your power. Once again, power resets back to full for each non-afflicted survivors hit but should you hit everyone the try for another attack, power will end immediately. Legion is a very.....situational killer rather than a killer in general. Legion, great for loopers, anything is meh performance. Mad Grit is underwhelming because as long as you have good spacing and you try to make a killer swing at you while carrying someone, the killer won’t touch you making the perk kind of very meh. Let’s not forget his most useless ability Iron Maiden. Super situational and more often than not when the killer tries to get to that location where the survivor was last at, they’re already gone because the reveal of where the survivor was only lasts 3 seconds. Discordances is decent at finding people but that’s about it and that is only if 2 or more people are working on the same generator.

Hmm other than those few things, uh killers who are still stupid broke are still Leatherface, Doctor, and Huntress. Lowest tier killer is now a tie between Freddy and Clown. Super high tier, Michael and Nurse, while the rest of the killers are in the middle ground except for Spirit who is quickly making her way to the top.

The cosmetics are “okay” a bit too much favoritism on the humming annoyance Huntress and other female survivors. Not enough cool cosmetics for everyone, and all the licensed killers I guess, are not allowed to have any cosmetics or they can’t think of any *cough*steam workshop*cough*. Same goes for the survivors especially poor Bill.

I know I didn’t list everything from all th updates and what not, I simply picked the things that stood out. Whether I’ll continue to play, we’ll see but MHW is keeping me busy along with RDR2 which is a great game if you don’t have it or have played it, I would definitely suggest it. Now we’re at the end and others can add their two cents to this as well. Be respectful about, if not then it just shows the rest us who are bright people that you’d rather cause conflict because you’re too scared to be polite. Cheers and enjoy.


  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41

    I never said I was going to be completely "nice" about what it said, but I'm definitely being blunt about it. If feelings are hurt, then don't read the thread and find another one. It was your choice. Also, this is opinion based. It's my opinion, whether or not you agree with it is up to you. By the way, have you ever fought against rank 1 stealth Myers? It's a difficult fight and it takes a lot of skill to play Myers that way. Nurse is super muscle memory and once again a lot of skill to do that. So to me, they sound about on equal footing in those terms, don't they?

    Stealth Myers and Amazing Nurses are the hardest to fight against. The doctor, as your picture shows, which must mean you play him, is broken which then you with either argue against that, agree, or go off on some other kind of tangent. Up to you where it goes, I have already said my opinion. If you didn't like what I had to say then why post in the first place? Ever heard of, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Common sense still applies, it's just hardly ever used anymore.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    BBQ is fine. Encourages the killer to not camp and tunnel.

    It's only overwhelmingly strong on Nurse and Billy anyway. Other killers not so much imo
  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2019

    Agreed, BBQ is easy to counter. I wouldn't say though that it encourages the killer to not camp or tunnel. The camping not so much, the tunneling however, is still possible. If survivors are using different characters and the killer can tell which character is which survivor based on aura (which is possible) tunneling can still happen.

    As with Nurse and Billy, absolutely. You could even put the Spirit in that category too. She can get around decently quick.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @XeroIdea said:
    Stealth Myers and Amazing Nurses are the hardest to fight against. The doctor, as your picture shows, which must mean you play him, is broken which then you with either argue against that, agree, or go off on some other kind of tangent. Up to you where it goes, I have already said my opinion. If you didn't like what I had to say then why post in the first place? Ever heard of, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Common sense still applies, it's just hardly ever used anymore.

    I very recently played against a high ranked, wallhacking stealth Myers on The Game. It was easy, open eyes and a good set of headphones to listen for his breathing made it an exhilarating game that I did escape from through the Gates.

    It comes down to experience and to me, it seems that you aren't as good at the game as you think you are. The general consensus amongst seasoned players is that the Shape is a mid to high-mid tier Killer, but definitely not as strong as a skilled Hillbilly or a Nurse.

    Also, common sense says that this is a public forum and anyone can discuss stuff, whether or not you like it. You said you're blunt, well, I was too. I don't care for that silly rule you mentioned.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    TLDR needed
  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41

    @DocOctober said:

    @XeroIdea said:
    Stealth Myers and Amazing Nurses are the hardest to fight against. The doctor, as your picture shows, which must mean you play him, is broken which then you with either argue against that, agree, or go off on some other kind of tangent. Up to you where it goes, I have already said my opinion. If you didn't like what I had to say then why post in the first place? Ever heard of, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Common sense still applies, it's just hardly ever used anymore.

    I very recently played against a high ranked, wallhacking stealth Myers on The Game. It was easy, open eyes and a good set of headphones to listen for his breathing made it an exhilarating game that I did escape from through the Gates.

    It comes down to experience and to me, it seems that you aren't as good at the game as you think you are. The general consensus amongst seasoned players is that the Shape is a mid to high-mid tier Killer, but definitely not as strong as a skilled Hillbilly or a Nurse.

    Also, common sense says that this is a public forum and anyone can discuss stuff, whether or not you like it. You said you're blunt, well, I was too. I don't care for that silly rule you mentioned.

    See it's that kind of talk that makes people toxic. When you tell someone "it seems that you aren't as good at the game as you think you are", you are no doubt insulting them. I have played the game since is started and stopped not too long ago. Would you like me to apologize for not continuing to play the game since the community isn't all that friendly and cares more about who can get the most salt? Nah, the game is not fun because the community is not fun.

    Also, I don't see how you were able to play against a hacker since the server should have disconnected you from their lobby anyways because the killer had a software advantage. You never answered my question though DocOctober, do you play the Doctor? If so, why?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @XeroIdea said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @XeroIdea said:
    Stealth Myers and Amazing Nurses are the hardest to fight against. The doctor, as your picture shows, which must mean you play him, is broken which then you with either argue against that, agree, or go off on some other kind of tangent. Up to you where it goes, I have already said my opinion. If you didn't like what I had to say then why post in the first place? Ever heard of, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all? Common sense still applies, it's just hardly ever used anymore.

    I very recently played against a high ranked, wallhacking stealth Myers on The Game. It was easy, open eyes and a good set of headphones to listen for his breathing made it an exhilarating game that I did escape from through the Gates.

    It comes down to experience and to me, it seems that you aren't as good at the game as you think you are. The general consensus amongst seasoned players is that the Shape is a mid to high-mid tier Killer, but definitely not as strong as a skilled Hillbilly or a Nurse.

    Also, common sense says that this is a public forum and anyone can discuss stuff, whether or not you like it. You said you're blunt, well, I was too. I don't care for that silly rule you mentioned.

    See it's that kind of talk that makes people toxic. When you tell someone "it seems that you aren't as good at the game as you think you are", you are no doubt insulting them. I have played the game since is started and stopped not too long ago. Would you like me to apologize for not continuing to play the game since the community isn't all that friendly and cares more about who can get the most salt? Nah, the game is not fun because the community is not fun.

    Also, I don't see how you were able to play against a hacker since the server should have disconnected you from their lobby anyways because the killer had a software advantage. You never answered my question though DocOctober, do you play the Doctor? If so, why?

    Dude, sometimes, people are just bad at the game. For example, I'm bad at chasing through corn. If a survivor runs into the corn, they might as well be gone. I recognize and accept that. If people can't accept that the skill they think they have is different from the skill they actually have, it doesn't mean it's toxic to remind them of the skill they really have.

  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41

    I know my skills at the game, I'm not good at running Spirit killers. I'm decent at looping but could be better and at the same time, I loop only if I need too. Like I said, I know my skills and what I'm bad at. I just don't like when people assume that they know what they're talking about, as if they know me when they don't. It's just rude.

    Question: How would you feel if people constantly berated any and all skills you have in games by assuming that you're not good at the game, and they did that all the time?

    It doesn't sound all that great of an idea and would get annoying fast, wouldn't it? Some people would care, some wouldn't. I find that it's just rude, which then comes full circle as to how the community of this game is rather more toxic than before, in my opinion of course.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @XeroIdea said:
    I know my skills at the game, I'm not good at running Spirit killers. I'm decent at looping but could be better and at the same time, I loop only if I need too. Like I said, I know my skills and what I'm bad at. I just don't like when people assume that they know what they're talking about, as if they know me when they don't. It's just rude.

    Question: How would you feel if people constantly berated any and all skills you have in games by assuming that you're not good at the game, and they did that all the time?

    It doesn't sound all that great of an idea and would get annoying fast, wouldn't it? Some people would care, some wouldn't. I find that it's just rude, which then comes full circle as to how the community of this game is rather more toxic than before, in my opinion of course.

    Even assuming you know your skills, you don't seem aware of the existing counters to everything you're complaining about. So even if you have the skill, you don't have the knowledge, and knowledge is required to get better at the game.

    If people offered constructive criticism (which often involves pointing out where I'm ######### up), I'd be glad. DocOctober's opening may have been too aggressive for your liking, but he was just being blunt; i.e.: just like you. He then offered constructive criticism.

  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41

    See what a lot of people forget is that not everyone's experiences are the same. I know a good killer between a bad killer. I know a good survivor from a bad survivor. I know counters for perks for both sides. Am I saying I am a god at this game? No, far from it.

    Plus just because some people play the same builds as others doesn't mean that they don't use different tactics. Everything is up to chance at whom will outwit whom in this game. See, there difference is that, I'm admitting, I'm not good at certain areas in the game. Not once have neither of you stated your own faults at this game. So let me ask you this? Why do you get to judge on where my skill level is at when you haven't even stated your own faults?

    Do you think you don't have faults in this game or do you know? Same goes for Doc guy. See you guys assume by bad at the game and take that as an opportunity to impart "criticism" on me. So I got ask but I don't mean this in a mean way, but where do you get off? Not once, not a single time, did I say anything about yours or Doc guy's skill, you know why? It's called being asinine. I like to know all the facts first, instead for my opinion, I'm simply being called bad at the game. How is that fair? Once again, just because there is a counter for everything in the game doesn't mean you will always be ready for whatever shenanigans the killer/survivors are going to pull. It's literally because it's an actual person and everybody thinks differently. There is a different between criticism and insulting someone.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    @XeroIdea You did read the patch notes for the changes you've missed, right?

    You said that Barbeque and Chili is a "perk to lean on" however the only part of the perk that helps killers kill (aura reading) got nerfed as now you can hide in lockers to deny all aura reading. So on the off chance that you aren't able to hide behind a generator you can hide in lockers as well.

    You also complained that NOED is a crutch that let's killers grief players . . . you do read your posts before posting, right? Okay, I'll give you NOED being a "crutch" I won't count it when used on Freddies, but let's say it's a crutch. You actually complained about a killer killing survivors by calling it griefing? Were you sober and sane where you composed your post or had you taken leave of your senses?! Killers kill people, it's in the freaking name!

    Moving on to your complaints about a toxic community I must agree with @DocOctober on this one. Sure it sucks, but acting just as toxic as everyone else doesn't get us anywhere. "An eye for an eye just makes the world blind." (Ghandi)

    Your complaint about the add-on that removes her whooshing sound failed to mention that said add-on is actually rather expensive. (The high price of said add-on actually makes the great power it has reasonable not to mention that you can only use it once unless you have an equally expensive offering.) 

    Your complaint about Haunted Grounds is actually rather negligible as while 1 minute of exposed is indeed strong, after your 1 minute rampage you only have 3 perks for the remainder of the trial. Not to mention that more powerful perks than this exist for both sides ( NOED grants endless exposed until broken and Saboteur can remove a hook for up to 4 minutes.) You're making this perk sound far stronger than it actually is.

    Your criticism of Legion is actually well executed though I am genuinely surprised that the Spirit's no whoosh add-on got your attention while the Legion's Frank's Mixtape that was heavily abused by many has escaped your criticisms.

    Your complaints about the other killers are indescipherable to me. You said other killers are "stupid broke" including Doctor, Leatherface, and the Huntress. However, what does "stupid broke" mean? Are they too powerful, too weak? You said that the tie for worst killer is Freddy and Clown right after so I am assuming that you meant the 3 aformentioned killers are weak. Which while Bubba has many counters and Doc can get screwed by lag, Huntress is actually fairly good where she stands so this seems like an uninformed proclamation. Furthermore you claim that the Shape (Michael Myers) is on par with Nurse, which is completely delusional. The shape relies on survivors playing like idiots to stalk enough evil within to actually get to a point where he can mori people. Conversely, the Nurse can defeat even skilled survivors using her power. This demonstrates a lack of game knowledge that actually helps me understand why you took a break in the first place.

    You also complained about cosmetics which I find to be especially arrogant as for the longest time the only cosmetics available were the pickings from the suitcase dlcs alongside a handful of codes. The fact that you can choose simple color variations for the default outfits or a fancy outfit is something to be thankful for instead of just wanting more. You also failed to consider that maybe the reason that the licensed characters lack cosmetics is because, I dunno, they don't belong to BHVR.

    You started you post by stating that you had been gone for a while. I will be honest with you. If you are not still thoroughly interested in Dead by Daylight then I encourage you to leave again, for your sake. You said that MW3 and RDR2 have captured your interest so I suggest you play what you enjoy. After all, your wall of text clearly shows that you don't really know a lot about or care a lot about Dead by Daylight.
  • XeroIdea
    XeroIdea Member Posts: 41

    I guess it really is hard to reason with a community that would rather berate and insult others than actually have a conversation. I'm actually now physically tired with trying to reason with those in this thread. Seeing as people wish to just hurl insults at each other, I think I'm done with the forums for a while.

    I also like how I ask other about their faults but they simply keep quiet. Good day, people. I hope you find those things called manners. Off to get some coffee and breakfast because it looks like the forums haven't stopped being as toxic as the game itself. Pity.