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Obsession of god pallets

Ok, I get that god pallets are useful to have towards the end of the game, but some people are so obsessed with never throwing them down its crazy. Like if I’m running a killer and spamming space bar at every pallet then yeah, it’s a bad move, but if I’m on my last hook and the killer is trailing right behind me then sorry Jimmy, I’m throwing down shack pallet. Another thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people who complain about people “wasting” god pallets are the same type to never even be near those pallets when they haven’t been used, and only complain when they rely on a single pallet being not used in the entire map to win a chase.

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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Yeah, some people are absurd. I've had people lambaste me in chat or even sandbag me in game for using shack pallet. It's like... my guy, I got some rounds in before I threw it and I stunned the killer with it. What more do you want from it? If you're just gonna worship it, the god pallet doesn't do you any good.

    I think what it boils down is this. Every player has a different metric for when it's okay to take a health state and when it's not, and generally, as people get better at the game, that criteria becomes more exacting. (Like most players start out scared of everything and wanting to heal as soon as they get injured, but eventually people will become more comfortable with the idea of staying injured, or taking a health state to protect someone else, or committing to finish a gen, or using themselves as bait... etc.) Fast forward to god pallets, where some people have it fixed in their minds that it's better for a player to go down than use shack pallet before X gens have been done, because shack pallet will singlehandedly clutch the game at 1 gen left even if shack might be nowhere near the action anymore. Or whatever.

    On the one hand, I do understand the broad point - stakes are higher in the lategame and saving resources is crucial. But at the same time, me ending up in basement at 4 gens left because I didn't use shack pallet could kill the team just as dead as not having it later on. Mostly, trying to micromanage solo queue teammates is a fool's errand. It's a dynamic game with unique players and it's pointless to get mad at people for not living up to super exacting standards. As long as your teammates aren't super incompetent or directly getting you killed, you need to roll with what they're doing instead of fighting them to prove a point.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited September 2022

    I ignore people who say wasting pallets if you ask me that's a concept that doesn't exist

    actually I would only consider "wasting" a pallet is immediately dropping a pallet after getting hit once while healthy

  • Member Posts: 10,302

    You might want to save shack pallet for later, or a jungle gym pallet, because they make the loops busted. But all the others, just instadrop them for free distance.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Pallet economy is a very real thing.

    ...but it just so happens that most maps spawn with enough pallets for you to throw them with reckless abandon.

  • Member Posts: 78

    As I had said in my post, I'm never playing spacebar simulator. If I'm healthy and not in any real danger of dying I'm not gonna just throw a pallet for fun, but at the same time I'm not gonna get myself trapped in basement in solo-q just because Rodney has a 20% chance of getting a little distance from that pallet at the end of the game.

  • Member Posts: 10,302

    I'm just thinking from the killer pov. Nobody's even looped shack and the first person I chase there instadrops it. I'm like, "Ooh, that's nice."

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    But you're supposed to pre drop shack pallet in case the basement is under shack so any survivors have time to wiggle out if killer tries to hook them in basement because he can't break the pallet while carrying. Trust me it's the top tier play.

    Do it at the start of the match and the pro players will thank you

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I've seen that happen before as killer

    people sandbagging the obviously new person for using a high calibre pallet

  • Member Posts: 828

    Welp,,,some maps have very limited resources like shelter woods,,like if i see the random claudette throw shack at shelter woods at 5 gens i'm mentally next game already,,some maps like the game i can understand pallet wasting

  • Member Posts: 790

    sometimes I save shack pallet so much, when I'm in end game, I pass by shack and I still see the pallet up.

    then I wonder why the hell did I save it

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    Hot take: you aren't wasting pallets by dropping them and being safe. Prolonging a chase and stopping injures and downs is the BIGGEST way to hurt a killer. If he is wasting a bunch of time on you, hell even 40 seconds, and you drop two pallets but don't get injured or downed, the killer is super hurt by this, especially early game. The moment he gets that first down, that is when the snowball can begin. The best way to avoid this of course is to not let him get any downs.

    I'm not gonna feel bad for dropping pallets if I have too, that is the point of pallets and stopping the killer from getting value out of a chase is huge.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    The killer rulebook has only 1 rule:

    Ignore the survivor rulebook

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Some day the messiah of the DBD community will come and release a free PDF version of all 483 pages.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation and Im not on it...

  • Member Posts: 451

    Hey man i got several classes to sleep through or spend typing up a satire rulebook if i ever feel motivated to do more than stare into space and think about playing the hit game Final Fantasy 14 for upwards of 8 hours straight.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    The narrative you and so many others here have shared is unfortunately another problem of solo queue vs. SWF.

  • Member Posts: 418

    I think it's because experienced survivors know how busted 'god pallets' can be so they like to reserve them for later in the game when there's more pressure. It is a little frustrating when you see someone waste a really good pallet when they get hit anyway or don't even loop it, but I'd never be rude to someone about it. No one's 100% perfect at the game, and when it's a baby survivor we were all like that once.

    The exception is the Game: throw every pallet you see on that map because they're basically infinite and there are at least 4 god pallets on the forsaken map lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    The thing is….most maps have enough so that you can always play safe. I will agree that getting hit and throwing it is a huge waste, but prolonging chase is more important than pallet use

  • Member Posts: 228

    There should be no such thing as a god pallet.There are too many pallets anyway.Why should there be pallets that a killer can do absolutely nothing at?The pallets are so close together you can just run to another.Pallets should automatically break after use and 1 vault.Game should not be determined by survivors running from pallet to pallet,pressing 1button and getting a mile away.

  • Member Posts: 228

    And yes I am strictly killer main,I have played survivor before and it’s the most boring thing to do.I’d rather watch dust collect on wet paint drying than play survivor.Anybody can hold 1 button to do gens,vault or throw pallets,pick the right perks and it’s just too easy.

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