Please stop ragequitting for the love of God

I don't know about the rest of you, but I actually have a VERY easy to exploit guilty conscience, and if someone DCs 30 seconds into a match after I down them for making a dumb mistake?
I feel bad! I can't kill them anymore, i'd be worse than a murderer-- a jerk. I HAVE to let them go at that point. And that takes time!
So please cut it the hell out. For my sake. I don't want to queue up for another 5 minutes only to bump into the least committed player in DbD for the third time today.
Prediction: Incoming excuses about why it’s okay to ruin the game for the other 4 players.
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....if this somehow works you will be praised as the saint of solo q
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Do it for Grandpa, boys and girls.
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What’s that phrase killer mains have shouted for years… ah! They’re not responsible for survivor’s fun. I’d wager the rationale is largely the same as that.
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Not quite ragequit stuff but I just had a crummy experience and I want to vent just for my own sake. Had a long 15 minute+ stretch as killer where I had 2 of those games where it fails to load properly because someone disconneced during loading. Then after 15 mins of nothing but wait times I finally get in the game to find not one, but TWO AFK survivors. So basically 25 minutes of time without a single proper match. Very frustrating.
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I see we’re starting off with a round of whataboutism. How unsurprising.
Don’t want to face a part of the game? Don’t queue up.
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I’d wager less than 5 percent of your time on dbd is on survivor, you clearly only see things from one point of view
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I’ve never seen someone angered by their own a self-fulfilling prophecy before. Then you commented…
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Around half is solo queue survivor. What do I get for you being wrong?
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Interesting projection?
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You aren’t using that right. Think about it, then try again.
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Assigning imaginary anger to the person you’re talking to doesn’t help your case any.
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Did you actually read that? Because it still doesn’t work. To project in this situation I’d need to make the claim you initially did—the ‘prophecy’—followed by a disgruntled response that I then tried to pass off as someone else’s feelings. That would be projection.
You made a disgruntled, defensive remark. Your displeasure was quite clear.
Regardless, the rationale is the same: If you can understand the stance that killer players have taken for years (the fun of other players is not their responsibility) then you may also grasp why survivors disconnect or yield on hook: They’re not responsible for the fun of anyone else.
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Eh just kill everyone and move on.
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I’m going to go ahead and call bs. Only because I’ve seen several of your posts, and not one ever gave me any reason to believe you have ever played survivor for 5 minutes. But that’s just my opinion
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Let’s break this down.
- I don’t agree with all uses of "(Side) is not responsible for (other side)‘s fun in the first place. As long as it is part of actual regular gameplay? Yeah. BM or breaking rules (eg, trapping someone in a corner forever)? No. It is a given that in a versus game, all players being always happy/having fun will never ever be a thing.
- Similarly as a survivor example, bringing offerings for an extremely survivor-sided map + using the strongest possible survivor builds may not be fun for a killer player to go against. Does that person’s lack of fun mean there’s an issue? Not individually in of itself, no.
- Whether you like it or not, devs have acknowledged "unfun" aspects such as tunneling, camping, and so on as parts of the game that they balance this game around. In comparison, suiciding on hook/DCing is actively exiting the game, while actions such as AFKing/sandbagging are against the rules entirely. They are not comparable.
- If you have an issue with said parts you find unfun? Completely fine and valid. Make suggestions for how the game could be improved in your opinion to the devs. Taking it out on the other 4 players in the game is not the way to go.
You are free to your opinion.
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God, same issue though. I play killer, the first dipstick to go down pulls the plug on me, and I just can't do it anymore. Not with so much firsthand "aw #########, here we go again" from the other side. That Zarina who just stops mid-chase when Nea DCs and stares up at the sky? Yeah. I feel her. I feel her every single time.
You hear me, ragequitters? I will farm with everyone left out of spite, don't you dare think I won't. They'll get so many goddamn bloodpoints I hope you choke on them.
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I’m with you that DBD gamers could have more interest in the experiences of their peers. We’re of one accord there.
The comparison between camping/tunneling and survivor items doesn’t fit. It isn’t a 1:1. Survivor items don’t prevent a killer from playing the game, mechanically. They’re irritating and undoubtedly affect gameplay, but they don’t eliminate a killer’s ability to engage with the game. Hooking survivors immobilizes them. Camping often prevents rescues/escapes from that immobilization. There are no survivor items/add-ones that create any analogous scenarios for killers. Fun is subjective, and I suppose we’re all entitled to define it for ourselves. Some people find camping/tunneling fun.
Just as the devs have acknowledged that camping/tunneling are at times a valuable means of playstyle, they have also acknowledged that these methods are unfun for other players and have thereby attempted to regulate them. Neither AFK nor sandbagging are against rules; refusing to play normally is. But sandbagging (forcing someone else to take aggro) can be just as strategic as camping. And AFKing… well, it’s just too vague. It’s hard to prove intent, and AFKing requires that for any sort of judgment.
Personally, I accept camping & tunneling as part of the game. But it appears to be a major source of frustration for other players and that is valid.
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It's not analogous because it is an asymmetric game where each side has different goals in the first place. It's just an example of something a given side might fun. I don't think it can really ever be properly analogous between survivor and killer because of the complete polar opposite dynamic and role.
In regards to AFK/sandbagging, devs have clarified before on these forums that both are against rules. By sandbagging, I was more referring to things like blowing gens up on purpose/leading the killer over/dropping pallets out of chase on purpose/trapping teammates in a corner/etc. As for AFKing, AFKing for extended periods of time across multiple games can and has gotten people punished before.
I agree on your last points. They are parts of the game that people find frustrating. Somewhat off-topic but just as a general note, I consider map/tile design as the core issue. If maps were more evenly sized and tile spawn logic was less extreme (no giant deadzones, no busted setups), then traversing the map and ending chases would both be quicker. In turn, that reduces the pressure to use slowdown perks and strategies such as tunneling/camping, which in turn would reduce the pressure to run second chance perks. In a DBD where map and tile design is balanced across the board, I unironically think most slowdown could be removed entirely and most second chance perks could be removed entirely or made basekit in some extent. Through this, trying to tunnel/camp anyways (which people who don't care about it being a strategy will do regardless) will be less rewarding than playing without doing so in a version of DBD where it won't be necessary to do to pressure gens anyways.
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dcs and self harm only bother me if I'm doing adept if I'm playing normally it's just an easier game for me
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
It would be cool if they could just put a bot in to replace the dc or just the match ends coz 3v1 is rubbish. But I don't blame people for dc'ing. They're playing for fun and they're not having a good time. Your match where they DC for making a mistake is probably the last straw after a lot of matches of unfun games and they've had enough. There's also probably loads of reasons people DC not to do with rage quitting either. ie game crash, food delievery, popping to the loo, mum says get off the pc loool, making a youtube video and not getting the content they need! just guesses but I'm sure there's a lot.
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How about if someone DC during the first minute, gens required are adjusted accordingly (perhaps 1 gen per DC) ?
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I'm just disappointed and sad when someone dc's and it's generally the first person downed/hooked.
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Doesnt work, years ago if a Survivor DCd while loading in the game instead of canceling the match it would start with only 3 but they would have to fix 4 gens to power the gates instead of 5.
Didnt matter, those games where almost universally unwinnable for the Survivors, people usually just DCd right off the bat (there were no DCs penalties back then), went AFK or alerted the Killer to get hooked asap.
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I had the very archetype of this behavior in one of my last games, yesterday. I played with Lethal Pursuer, saw a survivor running around the main building of the Yamaoka residence and went over there. It couldn't have been any later then 25s into the game: I saw scrach marks there, they didn't continue outside, so I checked that one locker there. Found the survivor that I saw via Lethal Pursuer. The instance that he touched the hook, he mysteriously DCed.
I know that something like this REALLY sucks, I have been in such situations myself, BUT as a survivor you got three lifes for a reason and a comeback is totally not impossible. Of course things are a little bit stacked against you in such a situation, but I have had a couple of matches were the killer found me first, tunneled me off the hook and I just very narrowly avoided getting tunneled for the third and final time. I got healed up, played it pretty save by being the gen jockey and I escaped that match.
So in essence that match was done and ruined 30s into it, just because of one DC. I hooked the others once each, then memed and gave them all the palette stuns and palette saves they wanted. After everyone got hooked twiche I just left them to finish 5 gens in solitude. Goes pretty fast if they split up, so it wasn't THAT long.
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Well, i think its a matter of matchmaking. If you down someone 25 seconds after the game starts, (i give them 5 secs to dc) you are not on the same power level, simple as that. Not your fault, but i can understand frustration with the matchmaking.
I usually kill everyone else, because we all get faster games that way. Also, a lot of survivors now run up to you if this happens, so the game is over a minute later. Even if one doesnt come by themself, they can have the hatch.
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I see a lot of times where people dc and the killer automatically assumes it's because they got downed quick. I have dcd many times over the years and it rarely involves the killer at all.
It's the fact that I get chased, 30-90 seconds later downed, sometimes more sometimes less, and yet after all the time all 3 teammates are still crouching around the map. I just started letting go on hook or dcing every time this happens.
I wouldn't care if they were at least breaking totems or doing chest but 7/10 times they are literally crouched behind a rock.
I also don't blame someone for doing the same when they are being hard camped. They want to play the game not stare at a killer. I hate being camped straight out but it usually doesn't cause me to want to quit as much as my teammates doing nothing. Even with that I still expect certain killers to camp in some way as they are almost built for it.
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Cool. You're also regularly ruining it for the other people playing, and corrupting BHVR's internal statistics as well. What an absolute legend.
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I feel you! I die every time a little bit when I managed to give the killer a REALLY good chase, did all the cool tricks, wasted an extrarordinary amount of time ... and when I get hooked I get not rewarded by 3 gens popping, but by my own, impotent screams into the void, while I just glimps that Dwight disappearing inside a locker :D Fuuuuuuuu!11
EDIT: just for clarification: for every epic chase like I just described here, I totally mess up two and end up on the ground in 20s
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Get real. nothing he said made the game any worse for anyone else
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If you ragequit DC or self harm on hook, you are making the game a 1v3. so yes, that is making the game worse for the other 4 players. The latter has the added impact of skewing statistics on balance in the process since they don't get thrown out as well.
Post edited by BoxGhost on5 -
What you said is true if I was just doing it for no reason. The way I look at it is if I give the killer a good chase, get hooked, and no one is doing anything then me suiciding on hook doesn't change the game at all. It was a 1v1 before I let go on hook and who knows what it is afterwards because I'm not going to stay around and watch the killer search forty lockers trying to find where the other 3 are.
In other words if only 1 or 2 people are actively trying to do anything then the game was never a 1v4 to start with. it was a 1v1 with hopes that a hiding teammate doesn't accidentally sandbag you some where.
Edit: to be clear this is why I think if the game is going to be balanced around team play then survivors need to be punished in some way for not playing as a team.
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I mean, it's never ok to ruin 4 other people's experience just because you don't like the killer
You don't like it don't queue up
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Sadquitting is still ragequitting.
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Why would your reasoning matter to those other players? It doesn't suddenly replace you with a bot that plays better than you do, nor does it delete gens that need to be done or offset the handicap you invoke in any way. You can use whatever mental gymnastics you want to add justification to the fact that you left the match, but that does nothing to lessen its impact on the other players. If your argument is "well they deserve it," Then I have to rebut that you deserve to get bad teammates if you're willingly subjecting them to such a blatant disadvantage. You could just as easily become a better player and minimize the impact their bad play has, but you choose the path of least resistance instead.
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Its a symptom of "well killers don't have a way of doing it as well, so it only matters that survivors can"
There is no press x to cyanide pill as killer if a match is hopeless. You either DC and eat the penalty for ruining the games of everyone else, afk in a corner and hope they don't drag things out as long as possible, or put up with whatever gets thrown your way for the rest of the match. Your perspective is inconsistent at best, disingenuous otherwise.
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Where did I say I was the killer in the example? Its possible to understand other viewpoints without them being your own. Thats how you solve multi-sided issues instead of however you hope to accomplish them. I'm arguing with you because I am empathetic to how issues affect everyone, I don't just claim to when it benefits me specifically. I realize I'm arguing with a bucket full of crabs half the time, but I'd at least like people to be more open minded to issues that don't affect them just as much as ones that do. Especially when both sides actually benefit from resolution.
Edit: also, for the record, the 61% is actually not a high number, nor is it far from their target they have maintained for a long time. It gets summarized as a 2K/2E often, but they've started multiple times that doing so limits it to 25% LCDs while they want somewhere between 50-75%. If the numbers were perfectly accurate, they'd be exactly in the area the devs intend. Closer to 50% but high enough to put it between there and the next available LCD.
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No, because thats not how 1v4 works. The 1 has to provide much more agency since they have no allies to carry or hinder them, so they should be above the 50% mark. You should also always have more 4ks than 4Es, while the escape coefficient should generally be most centralized between 1 and 3. If you had them in absolutes, a 61/39 split would be far more effective than a 50/50 one, even if still not perfect.
The dev's goal of having between 2 and 3 kills, with the average being closer to 2, is sound. Don't forget that every match's outcomes will have to fall within brackets of 25% for their LCD, since there will always be 4 survivors (which might also be why they thankfully got rid of matches being able to load in with less and just adjusting gen count.) Their overall balancing philosophy and ignorance to the amount of unwinnable games and balancing by chaotic averages, however, is not. There is far too much "x broken thing can exist because the other side gets y broken thing" in the game, which is again much more of a universal issue than a killer/survivor sided one, and leads to an insane amount of whataboutism.
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LOL a killer saying don't queue up because of a facing part of the game is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.
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To be fair, thats not a killer or survivor specific stance. People have stopped using specific killers/loadouts/strategies and even quit the role entirely due to CoH. The only way to prevent being exposed to something you dislike is not to play.
Its a really crappy realization, but its been the case with DBD about different things for different people since its release, really. Remember, this is a game in [current year argument] where there are still accessibility options tied to perks, even on the survivor side. The answer has always been to ask the devs for improvements, offer your own to try to help, then adapt to whether they bother to fix the issues or continue to ignore them. Maybe we'll get another cute meme with bunnies this Q&A.
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I'm a killer? TIL
If you don't like a part of the game enough to think you're justified ruining the game for all 4 other players whenever you face it, don't queue up. Better yet, go play a single player game where no one will be affected by your selfishness.
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This wasn't an issue 3 months ago.
If only we knew what the problem was...
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I feel like if one person dc's then the rest of the team should be able to DC without any matchmaking penalty.
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its been an issue on and off since Legion's PTB. It ebbs and flows with people's patience and entitlement.
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And those same people will complain about killrates or solo queue being too hard.
The amount of tunneling/camping I have seen "ruin my games" is utterly dwarfed by the number ruined by a Bill DCing 2 minutes in, or a Feng refusing to play a winnable game because "KILLER DOWNED ME TOO FAST ;-; "
Huh? Rage quitting over the smallest of inconveniences absolutely predates a patch from a couple of months ago. This has been a multi year issue.
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I don’t agree that reducing the sizes of maps will prevent camping, tunneling, or killers stacking slowdown perks. If anything, smaller maps further handicap survivors. I believe this is largely why the devs have not (correctly) reformatted any existing maps beyond RPD.
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I don't feel like anyone deserves anything nor do I hold a grudge against any of them. We're all people and I hope the best for everyone.
You say why would my reasoning matter to those other players? In most cases it probably doesn't. but what reason are they going to give me of why they are not doing gens, totems, chest, saving, or doing anything but crouching in a corner, that would matter to me and make me stay in a match. The outcomes of these matches are usually the same and me moving onto the next match doesn't change that.
Just because they weren't doing anything but hiding doesn't mean I hope they have a bad game either. Nor do I blame them. I understand some people like the horror/hiding aspect of the game and some people are new. But that doesn't mean I should be forced to stay either.
It's conflicting for me because I like having options of how we each play. I like playing for 2 hooks and could care less if I escape. So long as I have a fun normal game until the end.
However, if we were forced to stay in every match it would only seem fair if everyone was forced to play in a way that progresses the game or be punished in some way for not doing so. It could be simple but effective punishments such as causing all survivors to lose a hook state if someone isn't saved off a hook.
For me it's worse as killer because I have no idea why someone leaves the match and automatically feel bad for the others.
Just to add to this I'm probably making it sound like I'm always try harding and no one else does when that isn't the case. There are lots of times when I'm doing nothing but following a killer around or zooming around the map. So sometimes I might be the reason we aren't winning. In these instances I never blame someone for leaving when I play this way either.
As far as the stats go it doesn't matter. The number of times I've dcd or let go on a hook is a thousand times lower than the amount of times I've let all the survivors go or let a killer sacrifice me at the end.
It's why I think my biggest issue is MMR. Because I can't be nice and gain MMR at the same time.
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At the start here, you're kinda deflecting. I never defended any of those other players, just said that you are in no position to disparage them when they at least still carry the potential of actually trying. Yours is a stance that has no moral or ethical superiority, and technically worse as it is admittedly intentional. That doesn't make it evil or anything, just human. And thats not a problem in itself, just the impact that it has on the other players, its spiteful even when what it is reacting to might have good intentions. Part of why I'd rather educate players on how to improve is to reduce the liklihood of these scenarios, but as you likely noticed, people who are unwilling to learn will continue to repeat the same mistakes and fall into the same cycles they find themselves stuck in.
The game is inherently unfair, and will always be so. It is balanced by letting worst case scenarios run rampant and many people win and lose matches that they should have been able to have the opposite outcome. If you are unwilling to play them out every time you find yourself at a disadvantage, you will never improve and the majority of your games will emphasize on how bad things can get rather than how well you play. All you can do is recognize your own agency and capitalize on it to improve your chances.
That all said, you are absolutely correct that MMR compounds these issues, be it through matchmaking or the mental aspect of how outcomes affect it (and thus, future matches.) And again, all you can do is refocus your mindset to not let that have a worse impact than it already does.
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No the problem here is that I took it offensive at first instead of just trying to look at your point from a different, but valid angle, and I tried to be snarky. I apologize for that.
While I may not like the way people play sometimes I will defend "many" of them because the tutorial system is basic and that's about it. So I'll never blame a new player especially for how they play. Or a veteran player for that matter as i often play completely out of the ordinary. After the first thousand hours what I consider normal play isn't always fun play.
The thing is, is that If I just keep forcing myself to stay in matches or giving no reasons as to why I leave them, then the devs have no reason to care or knowledge why. If the way they've implemented MMR causes me to be playing with newer players, or worse, doesn't give much of a option to get out of the bracket I may be in, then they need to know that I'm probably leaving matches and the reasons why I leave them. I have no problems saying that when I leave matches it's intentional. If I didn't I'd be lying about it.
Also, I have no dreams of this game ever being balanced. Usually when I say everyone should be forced to play a certain way it's because I'm tired of getting left on the hook every other game, so it's out of frustration. My biggest issue is it seems that's the direction they are pushing it in. Either play like an SWF or lose. Hopefully when they roll out some solo queue changes it will help.
When the emblem system and old ranking system, minus the victory cube, was in place I never really felt the need for any of this. I could play how I wanted but still be able to work towards moving up. I could get to purple/red ranks as killer usually even though I let most people go. Survivor was pretty much red rank every time but that was a different issue lol. But I could have my own type of fun and not be playing with all new players every match.
With the new system it's either play to win or stay in a lower bracket. The problem is that once you're in this bracket you don't have many options for getting out which is when I tend to shift the blame towards teammates even though they probably don't even know how to drop a pallet much less how to make a rescue when you're being camped.
On the flip side every day is different. Last night I think we had two-four man escapes 4/5 games I played and instead of seeing no prestige one perk players nearly everyone I played with seemed to be on equal ground.
I know you didn't mention it but just to state it. I've had this same mentality since MMR released. It has nothing to do with the newer patches and balance changes as I'm very happy with what the devs did and trying to shake things up. It just kind of left part of the player base, like myself, behind for the moment.
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Its understandable frustration, but unfortunately the devs don't take the response the way you might think. It kinda ties in with the way people have been misusing the recently released kill statistics, as it is part of what makes them inconclusive: When someone disconnects through connection loss, or through using the leave game button, they get the penalty and the match is thrown out. This is to prevent those frustrations/connection issues/DDoSes/etc from affecting their statistic collection. They have admitted that they do not have any way of adjusting their findings on the "more subtle" methods of players skewing outcomes with things like suiciding on first hook, which on their end just appears like a normal match which almost always ends in a 3-4k due to how heavily it shifts the advantage. It makes all parties involve have worse matches, and still counts like a normal loss for other players who might otherwise have been able to escape, spiraling them even further down in MMR.
Climbing MMR with poor measurements is certainly an exercise in patience and optimism. You're going to lose your grip or your footing plenty along the way, and most of it likely won't be your fault, but all you can do is make sure your progress outweighs your setbacks. The higher you climb, the more you will be matched with survivors who overcome similarly, which is why climbing is actually desirable on survivor as opposed to killer. But again, whether it be through DCing or "sanctioned" quitting methods, those games are always guaranteed setbacks and drop all potential of either gaining ground or minimizing the ground lost. And most importantly they stretch to how that impacts the other 4 players as well.
Also thank you for the maturity at the start, that was very wholesome and i respect it :)