Getting Really Tired of Playing Against Infinite Evil Within III

Every single Shape player uses this add-on. It's not very difficult to get to III. Seems to be too effective against 95% of the survivor player base.
I agree, Myers is long overdue for a pass on both his base kit and his add ons. We should be seeing something for him in the near future as he is one of the oldest killers and hasn't been changed in an incredibly long time. Bit of an outlier.
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They confirmed recently to have nothing planned for him. Also your name,#########?
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Deja vu is mad overpowered bro cmon now. Seeing gen auras?!?!?
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nerf visionairy first
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ah yes myers, if myers and freddy aren't the most neglected killers by bhvr i don't know which are.
it's about time both get a look at their addons and powers, tombstone piece still being in the game baffles me same with infinite but to a lesser extent.
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tombstone piece is funny and should be kept
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judith's? sure but the piece? absolutely not if you want tombstone then work for it and that what judith's forces you to do unlike the piece which is an ez kill at 5 gens.
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imo getting just mori'd in place will never cease to be funny even if it's at 5 gens
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If you are getting rekt by Tier 3 Evil Within your team needs to do gens faster without letting him stare at you.
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i applaud your good sport.
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What about Myers using perma EWIII? Just don't heal. There you go. He's still a 32m+4.6m/s M1 killer who has just a bit larger lunge and a bit faster vault and follows the basic rules of the game.
If you or your team heal vs this it's your own fault that he beats you. Or if you let him stare at you.
I had never any problems with this addon.
If you only use Judith's and not perma EWIII you can also kill someone at 5gens left because the ms debuff only applies on EWIII and it's not much you have to stalk more compared to the piece. And you still have the rest of your EWIII after that.
That is something many people forget. They only think of the pink Tombstone together with perma EWIII.
I don't think that infinite should be nerfed since the counterplay is very simple (which is not to heal). And the only nerf the Tombstone Piece needs is that you can only mori once. And after that your tier 3 is gone forever. Being stuck in EWII for the rest of the match as M1 killer without a power is punishment enough.
Here is my almost 2 year old idea for that:
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If it's fun for you, good, but it's not very fun to be forced out of a game just... because. Especially if you play grouped and are forced to go do something else while your friends are still playing.