MMR questions

Is MMR tied to each character individually or is the survivor queue really that low? I have been waiting for 30 min in killer queue as a killer I have never played on and haven't found one game yet.
Best Answer
Each of your killers has their own separate MMR rating, hence the reason why you can't change killer while searching for lobby (although you can change survivor). Survivors all have a collective MMR rating, which isn't tied to specific characters, as far as I know.
Haven't encountered such issue myself, might be a regional problem, I'd guess.
I don't think you're having 30 mins queue as killer because it just can't happen since the game is very popular. Maybe you have crossplay off and that's a problem.
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well it was 30m. I think matchmaking was broken though because I restarted my game and i only had to wait 10m
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Interesting. Never had that before. Maybe like you said game broke for that moment. Unlucky.