MMR is destroying Solo Queue

If you die a couple of times, your MMR drops and you're matched with absolute baby survivors. Then it pretty much becomes impossible to win because of bad team mates. I'm not a GREAT survivor myself by i atleast know not to waste time crouching for no reason, self caring in the basement, or letting team mates reach second stage. Even semi decent killers easily destroy us because the survivors just ain't doing gens. So what am i supposed to do to escape this vicious cycle? Search and join a SWF? MMR has no place in a game like dbd, and they way they calculate MMR is the most laziest implementation ever.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    I've never fully understood this argument. Surely if you're dropping far enough to be matched with absolute babies, you're also getting matched with at least comparably low-skilled killers?

    It's been my experience that the matchmaking can toss you into some mildly frustrating lobbies from time to time, but it's hardly the only thing that ever happens. Mostly just bringing the closest thing to a self-sufficient build you can is a good insurance against that.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    same experience here. highlight of the day: 10 hour survivor in the lobby against a 2000 hour killer.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Nah mate, thats beta low-MMR pleb talk. No hating, though, to each their own.

    But my survivors are most often tight-knit, well communicating and perfectly coordinated death squads that totally wreck my face. I can sometimes get one or even two, but its no fun. After losing a couple of games things relax a bit and I can actually enjoy the games against a coupld of normal (for me) good survivors, ending most trials with 1-3k, with the occasional 0 or 4k. But should I get a win streak and get like three or four 4ks in a row, the sweat death squads are back.

    Also, even in the manageable matches, a lot of them are running DH, and they are using it to great effect. DH, btw, seems to be the best indicator if you are in the higher-ish MMR regions. Last season I smurfed my account for the first time in order to break through the Iri 2 and Iri 1 wall, and once I had lost a couple of games, suddenly the survivors were noticable less skilled and DH disappeared completely. Like, it vanished. Good survivors love the new DH, as it is really strong if used well, but everything below "good" won't touch it, because "its now garbage, nerfed into oblivion".

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Yes, but one thing has always been true in DBD: low MMR (or skill) is killer sided, high MMR (or skill) is survivor sided. When starting out with DBD, killer are the absolute power role, because fresh survivors can't loop, dont't know how to hide or evade and are even scared by the sounds of the gen while they are repairing it. If you are thrown with such a group and a corresponding killer, you MIGHT loop them for 5 gens, but that is very, very rare as I am not THAT good at looping. But I legtigly run the killer once for like 2+mins ... though no gens popped. That is the curse of low MMR..

  • Ciabe
    Ciabe Member Posts: 119

    You would think that, but it doesn't seem to be working that way. There is something wrong with how mmr is working lately. I have made a couple threads on this already.:

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    You're allowed to be delusional. Even if factually incorrect. Keep dreaming!

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    Your "bad teammates" say the same thing about you. We lost because of this bad teammate.

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    The man is right. You write something that is factually incorrect. Just saying.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    why doesn't anyone understand? bhvr said themselves that they want to lower the soft cap (so that the q time is better and you don't just have to play against Nurse and Blight) but I and other experienced players would much rather be in the queue for 5+ minutes than be made with such "mAtEs" the dcn because it is a nurse or they killing herself on the hook because they were found on the edge of the map because they have hidden themselves and dieing in 10sec

    So, for example, an experienced survivor with 10k hours can be made with a hundred hours of bot mates who only hide at the edge of the map and are usless, and it also works the other way around if you think I don't feel like the bad matchmaking and these bot mates me only play swf then it often happens that you kill an inexperienced player for 500 hours, which you completely destroy with your other mates who have thousands upon thousands of hours

    where is that fair? is it fun ? no of course not, swf is way too easy and solo q hell ! can it be fixed? simply increase at least the cap, the mmr before was not good but ok and has the very bad ones that can die quickly on the hook today and dcn sorted out, but apparently bhvr wants the solo q to burn and perish, otherwise they would have done something long ago or at least said something about it, but no, the best development team in the world is just watching...

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 431

    Had this happen to me today, played some even games in the morning. Took a break for about two hours, came back and suddenly it was like baby hour. I was matched with the same baby Meg for three games and absolutely stomped the rest of the team, could have gotten a very easy 4K but was nice and gave the last survivor hatch each time. Took a fifteen minute break while ai dealt with some irl issues, then I enter into a lobby with a bully squad. They were defeneitly a swf and just ran circles around me, swarming gens, swarming hooks, pallets, body blocking etc. At some point they had me stunlocked for a whole minute with just constant flashlight saves. Wanted to become a killer irl, I was that frustrated. XP

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    This is because they have relaxed the MMR significantly since it was first released. It was "working" when high skill players were waiting a long time to find equally skilled players.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,252

    As a SoloQ survivor i can only advice that you run stealth perks, and dont be a hero, only unhook when its safe, and its better to hide 1 time too much than 1 time less.

    After i started following those simple steps, my survival rate increased a lot.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,231

    Even the lowest skilled killer can kick every pallet and follow a Survivor to eventually down them, especially with faster Bloodlust T2/3. I think the complaint is more along the lines of people not even attempting rescues when they are reasonably the one who should go. (Eg. 0 Hook Claudette go for the rescue instead of the injured death hook Ace, or once that Claudette gets injured then another person drop their gen to attempt the rescue.)

    A good Survivor who always goes for the hook trade in endgame ensuring a 3 man out without them is losing MMR, even when by all reasonable measures they "won". In a lower MMR lobby the remaining 3 Survivors would be too scared to attempt a bodyblock train for a 4-man out. This is moreso a flaw of MMR being individualized on solo deaths as opposed to team deaths, as the system was not designed with asymmetry in mind. The Survivors need to be considered one team (averaging their individual MMR), and have their MMR adjusted from the group escape rate (but modified so a win gives the lower MMR Surv more, and the higher MMR Surv less.)

    In normal MMR systems, win and loss are binary. If someone with lower MMR wins against higher MMR the lower person gains more since they were "more skilled" in that match. Similarly a lower MMR person losing to a high MMR person loses less, as the loss was more or less expected.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321


    DBD doesn't even have enough players to split the community into a whole bunch of different "classes".

    I've faced highly competitive- and tourney players like Exlelite and his tourney clan, Knightlight and Tru3 but at the same time I keep getting matches with complete newbies that have less than 100 hours of playtime.

    Matchmaking is as random as ever.

    If a game like DBD split the community into a lot of MMR classes everyone would be sitting in queue for an hour.