Let’s make DBD FUN again!

So I’m brand new to the forums but have been in The Fog for close to two years now. I started as a killer main, and loved it. Of course I’m not going to lie when I was a baby I would camp because I didn’t know the game.
Eventually got messages for it and tunneling as well. At first I blew it off as salt and not fully understand what these survivors were saying. Eventually the higher I got the better teams I would face, see new tricks, get bamboozled by some Chads pulling gangster plays.
Even learning that good swfs and solos in general can punish for camping and tunneling. So then I analyzed my gameplay and what went from 4Ks eventually went for 3Ks to eventually getting tbagged at exit gates. DS to a DH out the exit gates, so on so forth.
I started watching Otz and other top streamers to learn and get better. Started playing survivor to learn both sides and it made me a better killer.
Now I play on Xbox and I’m kind of an achievement hunter. So eventually after a couple months of the game I wanted to get every killer achievement. Which in essence sort of guides you into how you have to play to get merciless at top level.
If you camp you lose points, games over too soon you see that ruthless and ugh. So then I had to develop my own play. Intentionally avoiding ds and waiting dh,bt. Outplaying the perks by doing the opposite of what they intend.
Got all my merciless victories and then finally felt like I knew how to be a good killer. Then I got to what I believe is pretty close to top level MMR. Playing “fair” but competitive was becoming obsolete as well.
So now if I didn’t tunnel I wouldn’t have time to do anything else as the gens would be done or near done even if I had everyone on death hook. To me this is efficiency.
Plain and simple, the good survivors know that everything is time. The time wasted in chase on a good survivor is time gained on gens totems and everything else for them.
Camping and tunneling essentially will take 1-2 survivors out of the game but with the other two usually doubling and with prove thyself essentially keep their pressure as if at least three survivors were still on gens.
So yes it might not seem fair to the person getting tunneled but It’s a game everyone is playing to win. At the end of the day people are not playing to lose.
Now I wrote all this as a self story but hopefully a lot of you feel the same way. Now I got my girlfriend on the dbd train and she loves it. Unfortunately she wasn’t an avid gamer like me for years so everything is still very hard for her.
Which makes me feel bad because we love this game but sometimes we just don’t have fun. I can have a game where I get a 4K but I’m still upset, whether it was BMing or other things the game just didn’t feel fun.
I will have the rare match against a great swf that plays great without any clicking, teabagging or any form of bad behavior and fully enjoyed it, even with flashlight saves etc.
So what is all this getting at? I feel In order to make this game fun again we need to make it that way ourselves as a community and not depend on the Devs to do it.
Kind of like the problem most countries face where the people don’t realize how much power they have. I think if the game was separated into casual and competitive game modes it would be able to regulate the sweats from the casual players just wanting a good time on both sides.
Of course there will be trolls but that’s everywhere. I know there’s Kill Your friends mode but I feel there’s not enough people utilizing this with their friends as they want to play with their friends against someone.
But what if they had dedicated servers and lobbies for that purpose. What if we created lobbies for baby survivors and baby killers to learn. Learn to loop, flashlight save, pallet stun save.
How to get better at mind games, chases, jump scares. No dc penalties so that if there are cheaters or trolls just leave or kick them. Or if you want to RP Michael Myers, or any other killer.
I know I try to go into games going I’m just gonna scare them. Even if I death hook everyone then leave them slugged so their team can revive. Sometimes it works but more than not if I don’t show up to win, won’t even get to play.
So I suggest that everyone that is unhappy at the current state of the game to gather round this Campfire and let’s take it in our hands and make it the game we love. That way if you know you’re going in competitive you’re going to get wrecked or you’re going to wreck someone, but just for a fun night of scares and laughs go casual.
I know this would be a massive undertaking if it would even go into development, but I suggest for the time being maybe just add people here and let’s make DBD FUN! Again.
Oh and one last note to all the threads of camping and tunneling or the killer closing hatch at the endgame, just remember all those times you or your friends escaped hatch at 1 gen, or teabagged at the exit gate waiting for the killer to see you.
Don’t say you don’t because I’m guilty of that too. It happens but that’s the nature of the game. So hopefully some of you feel like me and would like to try what I’m talking about.
Caiiko is my gamer tag on Xbox I don’t have many friends so if you’re the first to be like let’s do that custom you were talking about please have at least 3 other people 😂. Okay thanks for your time! See you in The Fog!
Please, space out your text. I am begging.
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one minute and the entitlement starts 😂
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You guys literally missed the point of the entire message, because it wasn’t typed out to your likings. Typical survivors. Best wishes & I hope you continued to get camped and tunneled. ☺️
The problem isn’t the game, it’s the people playing it the way they do. You all fail to mention what you were doing before you were “camped and tunneled for no reason.” Click click click, tbag tbag tbag. Survivors ruined this game. Someone posts a positive message and is met with criticism over lack of paragraph formation….sigh
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Liking well structure english = survivors.
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*structured. And nope, not what I said.
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You heard it here first, on the Dead By Daylight forums
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My god, put some space in text.
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To be fair I’m a killer and I didn’t bother reading it because of the lack of spacing as well.
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Thats fine. No one is going to force you to change it and you can continue with your lil temper tantrum. Just like we aren't going to even bother reading that. Have a good day.
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Oof, what a wall of text! I might read that, but I actually will have to muster some willpower to do so, and thats solely on the formating and not on the length of your piece.
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Akumakaji thanks man. See that’s how you give someone a constructive critique. Maybe I’ll edit it now that someone was at least not a goofy about it.
As for the temper tantrum. Lol. Some people’s kids man..
I appreciate your consent big homie, but no one asked you 🤣. Literally no one I know or pray to ever sent you to let me know it’s fine.
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Ouch... My eyes are actually hurt. xD
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I wanted to point that out, too, but you already did ;D
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That Gucci? Or should I space out each sentence in the paragraphs?
Not sarcasm, legit asking.
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I love that DbD "Us noble killers" vs "Them filthy survivors", it's hilarious :)
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Don't take the game too seriously then you can have more fun. If you aim for 4K every game and succeed that rises your mmr. Both tunneling and camping does that as well and can put inexperienced killers agains't good survivors. If you want to play for fun go for hooks rather than kills if you lose some games your mmr will go lower and eventually you get survivors you can beat without sweating.
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Has mean in its name. Check.
Is toxic against people who think on a forum should write readable. Check.
Calls others directly Survivors. Check.
"Positive Message", not at all. Your answer too.
I actually readed trough it. But you say we should be positive and do something without devs, yet your first phrase after that is "having 2 gamemodes". Which only Dev's can do.
Also both sides can be toxic. And on a special note, if a killer dominates a game and is toxic, survivors are completly helpless. If survivors are toxic, killer still can do something untill everyone is out.
So trying to do a positive message but only playing survivors. Eh.
Us vs them doesnt help anyone.
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I know you probably spaced out the text so that your points are separated but TL;DR
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Glad someone else caught it 😂
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First of all, I’m a her..not an “it,” thanks.
Second, me defending someone who is trying to post a positive message and is instead being attacked over not having paragraphs is NOT toxic.
Third, constructive criticism should be just that…constructive. Making mean jabs at someone (rather than saying, hey man..I think your post would be easier to read and process if you made some changes to it) is rude. So point that finger right back at yourself.
I don’t find anything else you said worth clarifying or responding to.
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Post looks good. When it's spaced out like this it helps out our many members that went to The Entities' public school and still have trouble with reading and comprehension
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I see no indicator where i should know that you are a her, so i used it.
You didnt defend, you blamed everything on survivors and didnt even respond to the thread itself.
I don't find anything else you said worth clarifying or responding to.
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Thank you for recycling my sentence, truly flattered.
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Yeah I said without devs we can add each other here for the time being. Create our own rules. For killer and survivor. In the customs games. You want to practice looping, someone wants to practice chasing. You guys link up here and custom it.
a group of people are playing at midnight and want to bring all the vials of fog, on a dark map and want to meme about with a hag. They all link up here and go do a custom.
My message was the aspiration of being positive. I wasn’t saying I am perfect and positive. I was saying I like this game for what it is but sometimes I would like to meme about. Everyone likes to meme, yet sometimes to the other side it’s toxic, or not fun.
Look people, I wasn’t saying needed 4Ks every game, or that I wasn’t having fun playing killer. Sometimes it’s not fun having baby survivors when I bring my best add ons. Or I get wiped out when I’m trying to just jump scare. I can compete with the best of them and sweat and that’s fun af.
what I’m saying is sometimes we need that funny legion, that goofy trickster. Those silly Steve’s and the noob Nancies.
I’m not trying to force this on anyone. I’m trying to alleviate the pressure and toxicity between what people believe is toxic. I feel that a lot of the misrepresentation of toxicity is the core issue at hand. In my opinion it’s based off the difference of perspective.
There are times I go to see a TTV I had fun with going for hatchet shots or something and then I see them going man this person is super sweaty. Really I was doing goofy stuff.
Or I feel a killer tunneled me, I mean I know the difference being a killer main but in humor of the example. From the killers perspective he sees the notification, turns, sees you and the healthy person in the distance but you’re closer.
Now from the killer perspective, going for the hurt one closer is more optimal than going for the healthy survivor who is further.
yet people feel it’s un just because their perspective is hey man I just got off hook have a heart…
basically I was just trying to create an idea of being in control of How we want to make a lobby and have fun. Both sides.
At this point though just the effort in trying to voice my opinion or suggestions is meaningless. So good day to you all of you read this far lol.
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Grow up.
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I lost interest at paragraph 30. Who has time to write or read all that??
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Ouch talk about a bad first impression
Very strange to talk about being more positive but instantly calling a person entitled for asking to take a minute to make what you said readable
People don't tend to listen to people who don't practise what they preach
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Yeah, and I would have reciprocated a positive response if it were positive. The guy has thousands of posts but can’t politely tell someone who posts for the first time a bit of advice without sounding rude?
So yes I did call them entitled because they begged. Right? That’s how it sounded to me. Just because people use words like please doesn’t make something nice.
if I asked you to please use a breath mint, your breath really smells like cheeks. That’s not really positive right? Or I can whisper in your ear hey man you need some gum. Which one would you prefer Mr Preacher?
Where as later in my thread someone corrected me in a less rude way, and I thanked them. So no ouch on my end lol. Thanks for your concern though big dog ,but I think I’ll be able to walk from here :)
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Well you had the time to come on in and comment. Thanks for your two cents maybe someone will want to make a full dollar with you one day but not here homie.
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See, your attitude is why you’re a slugged survivor.
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I think that a ranked mode and a regular mode is a great idea. Like on Smite.
I don't know if this community is capable of making dbd the game we want it to be when half the people can't even read more than one or two paragraphs though.
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@Gary_Coleman Smite, oh I miss that game! Yeah I mean I was just trying to help out in some way. I’m an old school gamer who used to LAN. things were generally pretty nice back then especially being in the same room.
I just feel like there’s such potential, and it’s sad to see something not reaching its peak. I guess that’s why we can’t have nice things, huh.
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I don't see how the first person was in anyway more rude in telling you your post needed some space then the other person
Sorry but in my eyes you were very much the rude person, might not have been the intention but that's how it looked like.
No hard feelings
Also if you respond to someone there is a "quote" button under their post. If you click that the person you are responding too gets a notification.
Then you can be sure they'll see your response
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Then no hard feelings, but I even tried to give an example of tact. In your original comment you paraphrased what they said to make it sound very polite. If they had asked me to take a minute to space it out then yeah my reaction I would consider myself rude. Fair.
However that’s not what was said, and the less wording, the more open to interpretation I guess. I even put a crying smile to make it seem less serious.
What I do find “strange” though is the fact you’re teaching me how to use the quote button, when I quoted you to get this response. 😅
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Ohhh burn
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As it has been seen just from this chat alone, our community is too far gone, man. Best suggestion I can give to the OP and their SO is to get out while you still can. I'm genuinely serious when I say that this game is legit heroin. It pulls you in and once you're in too deep, you're unable to get out of it. Not at least without a LOT of help.
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We’re already shooting up man, I got a trapper t shirt she bought me, the end was 20 exit gates away brother, but thanks and I appreciate the good vibes!
Yeah I mean so far it’s been like three comments about the actual post and the rest of the behavior and acting out of pocket.
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One thing you need to realise is that a lot of people here aren't native english speakers
The way people say things isn't always the same as english people would. Like i said to me that person wasen't rude at all.
It's 100% possible that's just because it doesn't translate rudely to my language but in general unless people are actually slinging insults to you it's safe to assume that any rude remarks are more of a language difference then them actually intending to be rude
Aah the first time you responded to me there wasen't a quote. You can tell cause when you quote someone their message will be above yours.
The forums can be a bit buggy sometime so it could be it just didn't register right
Hope you'll enjoy your stay in the forums. We do have good discussions here from time to time
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I do realize that. I was raised by people who spoke broken English. The structure of their sentence was in fact to be pompous.
i had to go back to your original comment after reading your recent one which was actually very pleasant.( the recent one was pleasant.)
in your original comment You did not come for a discussion, or to bring positivity. You came to chastise and condescend. Which makes your last statement really contradict the notion you want me to enjoy my stay in the forums.
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Welcome to the DBD forums! Plenty of these lurkers are extremely snobbish, rude and cynical. I guess their lives suck or something, but they are always looking for something to argue about. In your case, they've chosen the way you've typed your post. They'll choose something else to be annoyed about on your next post. The only proper response back is to embarrass them in the most "civil" way possible.
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I’m trying homie, I’m usually a foul mouthed individual so using proper wording is consuming me. If you would read my responses and lemme know if that sauce is mild enough.
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Says someone who isn’t using it.