What do you count as a win?

Now I know that there is no real defined "win" in Dead by Daylight. Most (and I think I saw somewhere maybe the devs said) that a win for killer would be 3 kills, for survivors 3 escapes, and a tie being 2 for both sides. I still think that a lot of people classify a win a lot differently though, and I'd like to know how everyone else does classify it. I personally lean towards the amount of bloodpoints being a win. If I escape as a survivor and only make 10k bloodpoints then I see that as me losing, as I wasted time for very little reward, but if I die with 20k+ bloodpoints I see that as a win because even though I died, my time was worth it as I was rewarded more largely. It's another reason why I think that escapes should count for less bloodpoints than they do now, and all in-game actions count for more.



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,963

    if I'm playing killer 6 hooks is a win for me I don't care about kills unless it's a sacrifice challenge or adept

  • Ciabe
    Ciabe Member Posts: 119

    On killer I consider 2k+ a win, draw at worst if I barely got those two kills. 6+ hooks and 0-1 kills I consider a tie to close loss.

    On Survivor I consider 2+ escapes a win. If only I escape gate then a slight loss. Hatch is a cop out draw.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    A pip or just a fun (close) game - which usually results in a pip.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    When nobody disconnects or suicides

  • Patokiller
    Patokiller Member Posts: 112

    If you play with a weak killer and get ass kicked I consider a win not uninstalling the game.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited September 2022

    As survivor a pip up is a win. If my pips are max then if any survivors escape I count it as a win.

    As killer I don't look at kills as wins because that just leads to prioritizing one person. I look at it this way did I out play survivors in positioning did I box them in? Did I apply pressure? If all these are no then total loss. If they are yes then I win and in the process got some kills.

    Losses are much more cut and dry. Is the killer or survivors being obnoxious? Loss. Is the killer getting outplayed and disconnects? Loss. Did I just waste my time loading in for a Myers to spawn on all of us and kill us 1 minute total? Loss.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    I lean towards the killers/escapes (As a team) as a measure.

    I don't count me escaping solo (Hatch or not) as a win, I always try to play as a team; 3-4 escapes is a win, 2 for a draw and less than 2 is a loss.

  • A Survivor Escapes is a win.

    A Single kill is a win <Three to four hooks also counts as a win>

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    A 4K is a win.

    A 1E is also a win, at this point.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    3 kills and the last "dead" (I usually let the last go if they havent been a troll, as long as I've already downed them, picked them up, and walked to a hook._

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    What else is there, but 4 sacrificed survivors.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,591

    Not playing against cheaters or with throwers is a win.

    (Been winning for 3 weeks straight so far.)

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    Anybody with different standards than the basic maths one is coping hard and needs to grow up. 3k+ is a win, anything else is a tie or loss, period.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Most people would say a 3k or 4k is a win for killer, a 2k/2e is a draw, and a 1k/0k is a win for survivor.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    4 dead survivors for killer -> Bonus BP

    You survived as survivor ->bonus BP


    The state of other survivors is irrelevant for a survivors goal, you won once you escaped.

    It's a bit unclear for killers, but a true win is 4 dead survivors. Some may count 3 too, but the game doesnt reward it and just to mess with those who '"expect killers to be happy with 3/4", I'd say 3 kills isnt a win.

    If 3 kills were a win then survivors should count getting all gens done as win and then get themselves hooked more regularily. Same rules for both sides yadda yadda.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    If I have fun, I count that as a win. (Pips don't hurt either, but fun mostly)

    Got a 3k last night with a dirty 3-gen, game lasted 25min and was primarily me patrolling without using my power (playing as Ghostface, one of the good loopers of the bunch was following me around to reveal me), so I count that as a win only in name. I was stressed the whole game, and I did not particularly have fun beating a group that was, and I admit it freely, much better than me at chases.

    A few games before, I let 2 survivors go, because they wanted to meme around and I like being friendly. We had fun playing and I practiced skulking around finding good stalking spots on Garden of Joy. No stress and lots of fun. That felt much more like a win to me.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,846
    edited September 2022

    Killer: completed challenge and a lot of bp

    Survivor: a completed challenge or at least a good amount of progress and bp

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    MMR says you have won, when your survivor escaped by exit. And a 3k or 4k for a killer is counted as win. Everything else is a consolation prize.

  • killer998
    killer998 Member Posts: 100

    As killer a 3k is a win 2 is a draw and survivor escaping in a win and dying is a loss according to the MMR.

    So if you get 3 kills your MMR will rise and less it'll go down and if you're a survivor if you escape it rises but if you die it goes down and the more survivors that escape with you it goes up higher I believe.

    Survivors in a weird situation because its meant to be a team but its also every man/woman for themselves at th same time.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,717

    As killer, if the survivors get the gens done I don't feel like its total victory.

    To me 1 escape is a draw (not counting hatch/door if not 5 gens)

    As survivor if I escapes, or at least 2 survivors do, I count it as a win.

    BP and pips are irrelevant to how I feel about a match. If we escape and my BP are awful because I was just doing gens, doesn't matter. Win or lose as a team.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,439

    3k or 4k is a win for killer, other scenarios mean survivors won.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Nowadays I go with 3-4 kills is a killer win, 0-1 is a killer loss, and 2 kill is a tie.

  • the_honey_badger
    the_honey_badger Member Posts: 111

    Hai, killer main here. In my books I typically consider a win to be 3k or more, 2k for a draw and a loss would be 1k or less. But, I do think getting 8 hooks is commendable, but I don't think it's a win. At least this is my opinion.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,252

    An escape as survivor

    or more than 2 kills as killer. (as 2 is a draw)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    3+ kills as a Killer

    3+ escapes as a Survivor

    Can't get any more straightforward than that.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 456

    This is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    For survivor? How well I was able to run, if my sacrifice allowed a teammate or more to escape, or if I escaped myself.

    For killer much more simple: 3 kills or more = win

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    A 2k is a tie, anything below is a loss for killer and win for surv, and anything above is win for killer and loss for surv

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    not getting a hacker in my matches

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    4k. If I get a 3k and one gets out hatch, it feels like a loss. Unless I actively make the choice to let you live, it’s not a win.

    When I play survivor, I care more about getting a good amount of BP’s and a pip. If I die, but had fun and it was a productive match, I’m okay with that.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,154

    9 emblem points is my "win" condition. I consider that a decent performance.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    As survivor, 3 or more escaping. As killer, Killing at least 3 or more.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,844

    As killer 2 of the following:

    7+ hook states

    Had fun

    Killed the best or most annoying survivor

    As survivor 2 of the following:


    Got over 20k points

    Died a hero/had fun

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,412

    A pip and/or a decent amount of bp

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    I'm happy with 2 or 3 kills, especially if everyone gets a lot of points. Bonus if any escapees are on death hook and barely make it out. I'll go for the 4k depending on my mood but it's a little unsatisfying if the survivors are bad, as they often are.

    4king a try hard swf on the other hand, that's the good stuff.

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    A game when you just have fun, you don't have to escape to win. If you just have fun during your games, that's the best way to win.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    It used to be 2 hooking all survivors. I didn't care about killing them unless they were jerks. My goal was so that everyone had fun, I gave a good challenge, they escaped, especially in a time where killers can be really unpleasant.

    That was until my rating dropped so low that I started playing against people who would never try and not do generators.

    Problem with kills rather then hooks being associated with rating growth I guess. Honestly now I'm not so sure. Gotta be honest since I ran into people who weren't trying at all I'm not having as much fun. I generally 2 hook everyone before I kill if I can and give the most deserving hatch but I don't like killing and sometimes when you 2 hook everyone and there's 3-4 generators left, they start to hide and it makes it tedious.

    Previously I could just make my non hostile intentions clear and they'd do generators and leave but if I do that, back to playing vs. people who don't try.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    3-4 dead is a killer win

    2 dead is a draw

    0-1 dead is a survivor win

    But that can be broken down further for survivors into personal wins. Personal wins can include stuff like completing or making significant progress on challenges and rituals or event goals. In that case even if I die or all survivors escape, I am happy.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,493

    Pip for killer is win so while I only get 1 kill but get ruthless killer I see this as win. Any game when I earn over 30K bp is win too as killer or survivor. But usually I consider escape only as win for survivor.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374
    edited September 2022

    It doesn't really matter to me if I "win" or not. Some of my best matches involve me not winning by my own definition.

    As killer, basically I want to prevent anyone from exiting through the gates. If I get a 3k though I consider it a soft win and escaping through the gates after I close hatch is the same as escaping through hatch to me. It's mostly just "did they finish 5 generators and escape through the gate".

    As survivor, if at least 2 survivors are able to escape through the gate. If I escape through hatch it's just for BP/tome challenges but I don't really consider it a win. If I escape through the gate and the rest of my team dies, I consider it a soft win. If I die at all, I consider it a loss for myself.

    Sometimes I'll have a game where 4 people escape and I just have to sit back and be proud that they were all on death hook and they just played well. There's also times when 2 people escape and I just am proud that there were 10 hooks. Maybe more of those are in the soft win category.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,884

    For me, as killer:

    3K+ or 7-8+ hooks is a win, 2K or 5-6 hooks is a draw, less than 2K and/or 4 hooks or below is a loss.

    Survivor win condition is harder for me to quantify. I feel like if I contribute in all phases (completing objectives, rescuing/healing/protecting teammates, wasting the killer's time), I've gotten from the match what I wanted. Escape is definitely the goal, but I have had lots of games in which I got out and it sure didn't feel earned, or like a win. And plenty of games where I died (usually in a late game altruistic play) but felt like I was the best player in the match.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    3-4 kills. preferably 4.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    As CrashFM says in Burnout you take risks you get rewards.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    In football terms;

    1k is like losing by a single goal

    2k is a draw

    3k is like winning 1 nil (unless they fluked a hatch escape with 4+gens left

    4k is a clear win and how many gens left equates to your winning margin 🙂

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032
    edited September 2022

    Four conditions: All four survivors have to have been hooked at least once with three kills. Less than 20,000 bloodpoints is a loss. Also my wins have to include a survivor complaining in end game chat.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    If I'm able to get everyone above 20k BP before my flan is applied (killer) than that's a win for me

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,846

    If half the survivors escape, I feel it's a draw. If 3 or more survivors escape, survivors won. If 3 or more survivors are killed, the killer won.