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Windows of Opportunity is an unfair advantage.

Before anyone types “use Zashin Tactics” I’m not wasting a perk slot for that trash. Survivors run WOO to learn how to loop, cool, it’s fine. It or really needs some sort of range nerf or cool-down. I know it previously did and it was trash so idk. But I really think it’s an unfair advantage.. why are prestige 80 people still running it… and I play killer and survivor 50/50 sooo…

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  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited September 2022

    You don't want to use Zenshin tactics because you don't want to waste a perk slot. Consider that survivors who run WoO are wasting a perk slot for it. Like, literally, the perk exists in both survivors and killers. It's anything but unfair. It's just about willingness to use a perk slot for it.

    Plus as others have said, Blindness is not such a rare status effect to go by.

  • Member Posts: 533

    It’s really easy to identify when a survivor is running it (though it does look a bit silly on high levels)…if you feel you’re being looped/ran too long, by someone using it, why not just temporarily go for someone else? You know what they’re trying to do.

    Though I also find the perk mildly annoying, it’s more up to the killer to know when to drop chase and move on. Or stay motivated! You’ll get them eventually.

  • Member Posts: 800
    edited September 2022

    not gonna lie windows carries bad survivors so hard (i know cuz i am one of those and i love the perk) but it's very clear when you chase survivors that barely look behind them in chase or their mindgames are not the best yet they always know where the next pallet is while you're chasing them so that sometimes you have to drop chase (especially on pallet dense maps or indoor maps) that the perk is carrying

    example :- i saw a feng on badham that never looked behind her yet she kept going from a pallet to another insta dropping them (she must have dropped (6-10) pallets on her own plus the ones her teammates used and there were still pallets in the endgame on the map and it turns out she has windows

    i don't want the perk nerfed cuz it was very bad before with the cooldown but it'd be nice if there was a solid blindness perk to counter it ( the closest thing to that is third seal and that's a hex)

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    I agree this perk is lowkey OP. It turns mediocre survivors into decent loopers and prevents them from ever running to dead zones

  • Member Posts: 322

    Change it? Ok!

    Lets add the effect to other survivors aswell if someone brings it. :)

  • Member Posts: 193

    The best killers that I have seen play don't let survivors direct where the chase goes. They cut them off and force them into dangerous situations and dead zones. It's a skill I'd love to have when I play killer 😥

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    WoO is the only reason blindness is a semi serious/useful effect vs a slugging tool exclusively.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Fair point.

    I still feel that having general map knowledge negates the advantage gained by WoO - and it is hardly a perk that I would say is an unfair advantage.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    That’s why I said the survivors direct the chases “for the most part”. Killers can influence and herd survivors a bit but they can’t directly make the survivor run a particular way.

  • Member Posts: 1,065
    edited September 2022

    Dont let the devs see this topic, they will 'ironwill it' by making it not work while exhausted and seeing half the items

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Are you new to the game by any chance?

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    If you've got a big enough net, you can catch the whole ocean

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    They don't provide the same value, nor even for the same reasons though. One is absolutely less of a waste than the other, before even getting into how important those slots are in the first place. Zanshin doesn't provide any meaningful metadata like Windows does.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    "Nerf Windows of Opportunity", from the creators of "Securing my kill", "Don't care about someone fun" and "doing my objective".

    But I know the solution for Windows of Opportunity: let's remove windows and pallets from every map. Interesting what next complain would be?

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    I'm glad we're back to the "Survivor's aren't allowed to have decent perks." the forum.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    WoO does nothing to enhance a Survivor's looping ability. More info doesn't suddenly make a Survivor have better movement or mindgame skill. A bad survivor with WoO is still a bad survivor, they just know where to hold W to a tiny bit faster.

    A decent looper with this perk would still be a decent looper without it.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    While that last statement is certainly true, not as much the one before it. Windows enhances looping ability by giving more info to make decisions faster and more efficiently, and gives the added bonus of helping players spread out resource usage so they know which pallets to skip to avoid creating dead zones, which windows are close enough to each other that a pallet isn't even needed, which pallets (or doors!) can be used to force the killer to reset bloodlust with the break, etc. A lot of that data only really benefits the players who even know to use it, as worse or less experienced loopers aren't even going to be considering those things and are more likely to panic.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    People using Windows to "learn to loop" is a bad misconception. It's a great perk regardless of skill level because it shows what resources your teammate has used and what walls the killer has gotten rid of. That information is valuable regardless of skill level.

    If it really bothers you that much there are perks and killers that counter it. I get good mileage out of third seal legion and kerosene bottle clown. You can tell the survs that lean hard on Windows because they lose all ability to loop as soon as they get blinded.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    That has nothing to do with zanshin if you have basic understanding of tiles, and is its "beginner" application. Due to how procedural generation works, it stops providing value after that information is learned.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    Windows gives you much more and much more useful metadata as well. As myself and others have noted in the topic, it gives you plenty of extra info on which resources have been spent and which ones you can chain together without creating dead zones, which ones you can force the killer to break to reset bloodlust, which ones you can prolong for extended durations due to their configuration, etc. Since you are both the one leading the chase as well as having 3 other unknowns in the form of allies, that metadata alone creates a big disparity between their potential values. If nothing else, think about this: Why would you need to know a pallet is no longer at a jungle gym if you had to break it in the first place? You already witnessed its destruction, you don't need a perk to tell you its no longer there.

    None of this is even getting into specifics, like using it to keep track of fake pallets from freddy, or other general uses like seeing pallets drop and knowing that someone is likely in chase at that location.

  • Member Posts: 775

    I don't think it needs nerf but somehow wish range gets reduced to 24 or something whenever I go to Gideon Meat Plant.

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited September 2022

    I really hope it doesn't get nerfed because it's a good solo perk. There's information you just don't have as solo which windows compensates for.

    There's a few ways to beat it.

    1. Blindness. There's quite a few slept on perks that do this and it's got other uses too.
    2. Enduring/Spirit Fury.
    3. Brutal Strength/Fire Up or other pallet negating perks/killers. You can get downs/hits with Brutal Strength that you otherwise wouldn't.

    Realistically the problem lies in the fact some maps are just pallet factories. Going up against Windows on Gideon as the previous poster pointed out with an m1 killer is immensely frustrating. In this case if I'm not prepared I simply leave chase and harass someone else and try catch the window user off guard. If they return to where they once were, there's fewer pallets for them to use.

  • Member Posts: 545

    It's one of the only perks along with Kindred that makes solo queue tolerable. The perk is fine.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    You're talking about perk combos needing to be used to attempt parity. Thats outside the point completely, and limits builds even further due to requiring synergy. The original point was that Windows provides considerably more value than Zanshin, and is much more viable as a perk and to be worked within other builds without needing to be the center of them either. You could make arguments for open handed, bond, and any other number of perk combinations that it can synergize with as well.

    The bottom line is that windows is a perk that is mostly limited by your ability to apply deductive reasoning, while zanshin provides much more focused value, and not as much to boot.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    It's definitely one of the best perks in the game.

    If you're good and the killer over commits, you can win the game in the first chase (pretty sure it's helped me frustrate some killers into DCing as well).

    Great solo perk as well - Prevents bad pathing and allows you to properly lead the chase without worrying about dead zones, in most cases, that you'd otherwise be ignorant of without comms.

    I never take it off.

    People slept on it in my other topics, but low and behold, it became meta. This was verrrrry easy to see coming, but some people just like to be contrarian/ignore the actual reality of the game.

    Run it if you can, then run the killer....if you can :P

  • Member Posts: 702

    WOO never leaves my build. Perfect information perk for tying in loops together, and knowing immediately where deadzones have been created.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Are you implying that because a perk has a perk that can impact its effect, that makes it bad? Or that other perks can give auras as well? I honestly have no idea what point you're trying to make. If you think I want to nerf Windows or something you're not even close, as I even promote its use to give players linear value with their growth as survivors. I'd much rather zanshin have more metadata it can be used with than have windows brought down to its level.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    This thread is a gem 😂

  • Member Posts: 3,966


    There will always be people who complain about things that provide their opponent any form of advantage.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Killers have an issue with WoO and survivors have an issue with Lethal Persuer. sounds like a wash to me

  • Member Posts: 396


    If we had a “Best post of the year” vote here, you’d get my vote for sure!

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    I like to run it in SoloQ to know which ressource I have left after the team drops a lot of them.

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    I hate this perk so much. Watching bad survivors follow Google Maps to camp every pallet is absolutely depressing. It takes away every bit of map knowledge/game sense.

    The old cooldown made it fair. You were still given the information but had to actually use your brain to remember the layouts between uses.

    Is Mindbreaker actually effective as a counter? Not worth trying Third Seal as it is easily breakable...

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    I'm not complaining about anything having to do with windows. You were originally arguing that zanshin was as good as windows, which I was rebutting. If you made assumptions based on your own ambiguity after that, thats on you, but I even clarified it wasn't the case.

    For the record, once more, I think that Windows is a well designed perk, and would rather see Zanshin get more secondary information relevance than remove that factor from Windows.

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