New DH is so frustrating.

I know its not as easy to use then before,but getting deadharded punishes killer so much that I can't never lunge at pallets,window,gen.
It feels so bad to chase survivor holding w to corner of the map,stick to their ass for 3secs,watch them do all kind of turns till they use DH.
I can't use a chain saw from distance if they are injured or they'll get speedboost all the way across the map.
Mid range hatchets are also pretty easy to deadhard so I always need to hit 3 times to down surv as huntress.
I don't think a single perk should eliminate lunge attacks,lots of ranged attacks and basic mind games at pallets&windows.
While it's very funny when Survivors fail miserably after they use dead hard, it's also really annoying as killer to wait every time those couple of seconds before attacking. High risk, high reward.
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Whats the risk of using DH?
You chase normally and use it if u ######### up to ensure pallet drop.
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I much much much much much much much much much much MUCH prefer nu DH to old DH
While there are situations in the game where your hand is forced and you literally can't do anything against Nu DH, EVERY situation in the game against old DH was that situation. Nu DH is something you can actually bait out. Nu DH actually takes some skill to use (so many survivors don't time it correctly and go down anyway). Nu DH doesn't absolutely cripple killers like Trapper.
I am 100% fine with Nu DH and hope BHVR is never foolish enough to try to revert that change
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New dead hard takes actual skill compared to the old one. It's a matter of using it and being able to read if you're gonna attack or not.
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Yeah but once u know how to use it its a free health state.
Its something that should have more requirment like MoM imo.
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Hmmmmmm tons of echoes of "D34D HarD is D-E-D" resound through my head... xD
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They should never revert i agree on that.
But still its a free healthe state against alot of killer once u learned how to use.
I'm seeing almost the same amount of DH before "nerf "on high mmr match and it really suck to play against 4 surv not just because DH is strong but unfun to counter.
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Try using it and you'll see why it doesn't need nerfs.
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You think it is frustrating as killer? Try experiencing it as survivor where you press it in time, you see the animation start, and you still go down.
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New Dh at least requires you to time your arrival to the pallet.
I still ignore DH because it's still worth the Deep Wound or dropped pallet
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What about adapt to it?
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Did you read the post?
I adapted to it and it made the game unfun.
Its not fun when u get punished for lunging.
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As a survivor main that use DH, the new DH is easier to counter than the old DH.
With the new DH, you can just wait it out. And also, DH has a delay. Even if you already press the legendary E button, there's still like some delay until the DH endurance is actually activated.
Most time, it is frustrating. But it's way better than the old DH
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The user and all related content has been deleted.3
I believe the "it is frustrating" part is a enough reason to appeal to devs.
Its not a minor thing it happens every match.
At this point almost all the downs I get is point blank swing after 3secs of waiting DH out hoping theres no pallet near by.
Almost all the lunge to pallet ends up with surv getting speed boost and not even using pallet...
Its really unsatisfying.
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Facts, This was happening even with the old godmode DH too let alone the reworked DH. Imagine the new .5 duration on top of the laggy players that can still leave you exhausted, not to mention it can be be baited unlike the old E for distance
Perk is fine now even though its still strong
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I feel like its better to not lunge at pallets any time unless youre in a really good situation.
Good survs use dh on pallet to save pallets and it can hurt you later especialy if that surv runs to strong loop with that speedboost.
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I always use it when I play surv.
I'm not saying DH is op,to me its really unsatisfying to play against.
Especially when I'm playing hillbilly or huntress,demogorgon,trickster.
Trickster is sooo bad agaist DH! How am I suppose to stop throwing right before they go down....
Balance wise I think all exhaution perks are in good place.
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This is why, because DH wasn't nerfed fundamentally, it wasn't a real nerf. We want to be able to lunge as killer and not get punished for it. It's sad to hear people argue "Oh, so you can get a FREE lunge? 🙃" trying to demand skillfulness in a function that shouldn't require any. Same with 360s. It's a melee attack, you're in range, you should get hit. I hate having to wait to hit a survivor who's right in front of me. Am I crazy or does someone else feel this way?
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Now, maybe we're crazy (we are but listen) and this may sound mean, but at this point sounds kinda like its on you here.
Survivors cant DH over a pallet or window so if you smack them, they get deep wounds and practically nill boost away unless its a long window, and if it was a stronger window, you probably could afford to wait a second or 2 and smack them. And if your stuck to their ass as you claim you really should just swing cause most people aint gona react to that (sans scripts or something). In addition, one you know what exhaustion perk they're running, you should be adapting accordingly.
If your chain sawing from across the map (I dout it but if you are your officially better than 90% of the billies we face) then the speed boost shouldn't realy matter aside from say an end game situation. And while hatchets are easy to DH, you should have atleast 5 and alot of lockers on most maps.
The perk doesn't eliminate lunges and basic mind games (my definition of basic anyway), it rewards the survivor for timing and punishes the killer for greed/desperation.
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For a non mobility m1 killer dbd will always be a survivor sided game. It's sad to figure this out over many hours but it is what it is.
I have been saying for years that no killer that requires 2 hits to down while also having no mobility should never ever have to deal with a third health state. But the developers wont do it, they always give survivors way too much safety throughout all trials. I honestly feel like the amount of pallets are enough.
The only thing i will say is run save the best for last, but even that what happens when it acheives high usage rate since that perk is an absolute neccesity.... Dead by Daylight is a great game still and will always be one of my favorites personally, but it truly is making killers have to go in a corner with barely any builds to properly utilize consistentcy.
While survivors have soo many good builds and synergies that could help any situation significantly... Hopefully the developers change something because this could all get out of hand and be worse than last time.
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Please show me how you will hit it every time ? I can bet you will fail it more than 50% of the time.
I love it when everyone on forums act as if it's so ez and DH experts.
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DH isn't annoying, the script that procs it to activate everytime is annoying
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Git Gud.
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What? Its the most latency dependant perk with 0,5s window and you have to calculate input daly into it if you on controller, just to fail miserably and get hit before animation starts anyway.
I really want this perk to work but with the laggy games lately its really 50/50 even in ideal scenario
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Its also annoying to have DH on the ground because you pressed it early enough to trigger the exhaustion, but to late for endurance.
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I believe the "it is frustrating" part is a enough reason to appeal to devs.
I agree with this statement
But let's talk about DH in the killer's POV
the only way to counter the new DH is just to wait it out.
I sometimes also play as a killer and would hit a survivor with DH even though it's obvious that they have DH. It's just a reflex thing for me. But the more i play as a killer, the more i learn to wait it out
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Balance wise, I think it is pretty good where it is. Fun wise, it's still the most annoying perk in the game.
If they could find a way to make the perk less frustrating without nerfing it, that would be amazing. But sadly there isn't really anyway to do that without either nerfing the perk or completely reworking it, which I don't think is a really good idea as the perk is pretty balanced.
Still better than old Dead Hard though. I hope they never bring that back.
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That's sorta how lunges are balanced, ie they can hit suevivors up to 5m/15ft away, but are telegraphed ahead of you like nothing else in this game.
Quick M1 attacks though basically have no wind-up time and hit pretty much instantly. If you suspect a survivor to be running DH, try M1-ing them next time.
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I actually think dh destroys me as much as it helps me.
If it doesn't work and you made a play thinking it would, you just commited suicide.
I think some killers only focus on the annoying part when it works but probably don't even know when it didn't.
For me it works like 50% of the time atm.
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I preferred the old dead hard. Hitting a survivor with demon strike only for it to be null and voided because of a button click is super annoying. Its a cheesy perk now albeit takes some skill to use.
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Again,I don't think DH is op or anything.
I play on asia server on mid night to early morning,and its really sweaty.
Lot of survs I go against are ppl practicing for tornaments and shits.
So hitting DH once can results lose me the game sometimes.
When I say long chansaw,I mean like using at junglegym.
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The thing is,skill of using DH is a surv side thing and killer doesn't have a impact on it.
Killer can't really play around the junkyness of DH yet it can punish you so hard that killer has to avoid risk and wait for DH.
Its really annoying for killer with power that is hard to wait to attack like Oni,Hillbilly.
Spirit is also a good example.
She can lunge longer with her power,but because you can't see surv while using power,alot of time u get DH.
Its really unsutisfying to stop using power behind surv and wait.
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I think this might be one those things I’ve been hearing about… skill issue?
Might be time to start doing some of that adapting.
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I have like 90% win rate man.
I'm not talking about balance.
Might be time to start doing some of that reading.
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Wanna know what's the most frustrating aspect of this perk? People screaming as if they're being downed just to have their endurance activate. That ######### really confuses me at times when I look for the survivor on the floor just to realize they're still running.
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So you have a 90% win rate but are crying about being mildly inconvenienced by a perk? Ok dude
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yeah I don't enjoy stopping Demon Rush,Chainsaw even I have a clearshot,not throwing hatchet that I know I can hit cuz they might DH.
It doesn't matter how much I'm winning if I'm not having fun.
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yeah I had so many times I thought I downed surv with long range hatchet and walk all the way to grab it and realized they are alive.
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Have you tried being more aggressive? (as in just plain attacking asap as opposed to waiting it out) It tends to work for me. Apologies if i'm rude or pushy but I genuinely don't get the frustrations for dh now compared to before. At least now I can hit something and burn the survivors time if I need to go elsewhere.
With that said
I agree with the last part
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well I can try hitting survivor that ran to deadzone immediatally and get unlucky and let surv boost away to god window,shack.....
Maybe I should feel good for making them DW?
I think DH atleast should work differently for some of the killers power.
It should not work for chainsaws,Demon strike,T3 Myers.
For hatchet I guess I'll use exaution addon every time.....
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New dh is pretty easy to counter. And requires really fine timing to use. Just gotta hold of the attack for a few seconds, especially when survs use it aggressively, they run towards you for a sec it's pretty obvious they are going for the trigger. Or just play doctor and shock therapy them so they can't trigger it lol
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Why does everyone talk like DH is used only in the open?
It can be used in a loop and guranteed pallet drop.
I think thats pretty boring.
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It still requires good timing to trigger, i miss time a lot of my deadhard triggers when i play surv. Maybe your mmr is just high and you are against good players.
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Well atm you got 2 options: Hit them and see where the chips fall or stick on them, hope they screw up and hit them. Having it changed again is just asking for trouble, broken game, broken perk (in both sense) or all the above.
As a side note i have not a clue what DW stands for. Holding D and W?
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And also,what I'm saying is that u can't lunge,wait few second after holding w for ages is really boring.
I used to enjoy mindgaming pallets and get pixel close hits but now I don't even try to hit them on pallets cuz they might DH and don't even use pallets...
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Deep Wound sry its jp term
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I was excited for the change, but after everyone got used it it... it barely changed. It still is the same exact situation where killers are afraid to swing because of one perk.
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You can bait it out sometimes, it doesn't really work on reaction because of the delay. And it is really inconsistent.
Like I said in my first post in this thread, try using it and see for yourself.
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I know its inconsistant,I use it all the time.
But its not something that killer can controll so relying on its junkiness is just ganmbling.