The subtle cheating is getting out of control.

Just got out of a game where this player felt like they ran just a little bit too fast around a corner. They'd just barely make a pallet that they shouldn't have, that sort of thing. I suspected they were cheating, but downed and hooked them twice. On the third time when i got to them and was about to kill them, they suddenly moved extremely fast sliding on the ground (not a perk or anything) obviously cheating at that point. I DCed, and he said "don't tunnel scrub killer and it wont happen" Got in on video and reported it.
But the point still stands. Otz is right, i can't tell when people are cheating anymore, because they keep trying to do it in subtle ways. I'll never be able to for sure know if someone is cheating to allow them to do a gen in 70 seconds instead of 90, or if they move just a little bit faster such that it is hard to tell, but just enough for them to get to a pallet or window.
You need to fix this.
I actually had this happen to me on Lerys as you described. I was playing Artist, a 115 killer, and was having an awful time catching up to a couple players. I know Lerys has some ridiculous set ups and few cutoff angles a killer can take, but I also know how to play killer. So I decided to start taking corners a bit wider on this Feng on a hunch.
Sure enough, whenever she thought I didn't have LOS on her, she'd speed up ever so slightly and then go back to normal once I was fully around the corner. A couple times she messed up and pressed her hotkey a bit too soon and switched to 105 or whatever before she had turned the corner. And I still got a 1k in that game with two players in all likelihood subtle hacking because players that do this are absolute dogwater.
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I try to avoid steam players because so many cheat. I had a game where I couldn't catch a Meg that was just running in a straight line while I was on a 115 killer, they showed up as cross play so I couldn't avoid them. Something was obviously off about her but it was whatever, maybe she was a God Meg. As soon as the game ends she starts talking in chat and it's just like of course she's on a free epic account...she wasn't using any super obvious cheats besides being about 5% faster without any perks that provide that. I always give them the benefit until I see that there are no perks on any survivor that provide haste.
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I slugged a cheater once then they perma blinded me.
Gg ez baby killa.
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Just in the past two days I had a survivor turn off his scratch marks and another one doing gens at double speed. If I wasn't diligent and checked for perks or their teammates didn't rat them out I would've missed them both. Makes me wonder just how many people are cheating
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Please don’t bunch all steam players together like this. I play on steam as a survivor and have to deal with hackers too. Some are from steam, some are from epic. It didn’t help that they gave the game away on epic for a week, allowing these hackers to get hundreds of accounts created so they can hack the game.
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Please don’t bunch all steam players together like this. I play on steam as a survivor and have to deal with hackers too. Some are from steam, some are from epic. It didn’t help that they gave the game away on epic for a week, allowing these hackers to get hundreds of accounts created so they can hack the game.
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For 3 nights in a row now I've come across survivors that are sabotaging Hooks with no toolbox and no Sabotage perk, There is also no cool down so they can just sabotage hooks one right after the other. They also run just a little too fast for being injured. I'm not talking about when you 1st hit them and they get a speed rush or adrenaline perk, Or dead hard, I'm talking about I am inches away from Downing them and they start suddenly running toward the gate and are moving way too fast To be normal . Also when I'm playing Myers or ghostface and stalking, some of them have no aura Which aint right.
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I'm so paranoid atm that I'm immediately sus over the smallest things. Can't even have someone use a syringe without considering hacks. It's driving me bonkers.
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Just disable the DC penalty at this point.
If there's a cheater or if you suspect someone is cheating, just go next.
It's clear that BHVR is incapable of dealing with the issue.
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I usually get the peanuts who fly around the map, today I got a really good one. A plauge moving at probably 120% move speed and infecting everyone in less than 1 spew. Like who you trying to fool homie xD
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they had the chance but they did the EXACT OPPOSITE THING... they gave for a couple of weeks dbd for free on epic games store, so cheaters had the chance to get free accounts for their entire life... why people still believe in those devs when they clearly showed us with their actions that they simply don't care about the game's health?
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It feels like cheaters have overtaken the game. It's tiring to check every lobby for cheaters and having suspect everyone that is just a little too good. It's even more suspicious if you can down them twice with ease because without their cheats they aren't good and then they become completely uncatchable, running faster than the killer, impossible to mindgame behind walls etc. The main problem is that everyone has to record their games to even be able to report them and get them banned. BHVR is basically making the players do the work in finding and providing evidence for cheats when the game should be able to do that by itself.
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IKR it's disgusting.
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Speaking of abnormally fast survivors, I once chased a Jane as a cloaked Wraith on Lery's and she still outran me. Now that's blatant bs. I made sure to record all of that and sent a ticket to BHVR about this. I wonder if she ever got banned.
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The Other day as i was playing Spirit i encountered a Not so subtle subtle cheater, it was a Claudette who escaped with 4 Gens left while dying on Hook. She also brought an Item i first thought it was a key, in the endgamescreen it turned out to be a T-Virus Vaccine.
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Behavior is a video game company. They hire people who are good at making video games. I doubt they have hired anyone who knows anything about security.
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The first problem that DBD has is that the game is client authoritative. This means that the client can say,
- I should have this skin displayed.
- I should be able to move faster.
- Even though I missed this skill check it is actually a great skill check.
And the server will dutifully fulfill these commands, no questions asked.
This problem becomes obvious if you watch any video of hackers who show everything they can do. None of that would be possible with a server authoritative architecture.
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Behaviour, if you read this and think “well it’s not possible to implement server authoritative for a video game”
Please. Hire a security expert. You don’t know what you are talking about.
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Yeah but that would make the game more expensive to maintain...
So as long as you all playing, why the devs should care?
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My first suggestion which would have the biggest gains, assuming you still use UE4:
Have the character’s actor blueprint exist only on the server. The client may only issue very specific commands to the blueprint, they can’t directly change any values.
And when I say very specific commands, I mean only button presses, analog stick movements or mouse clicks. That’s it.
Now hackers will not be able to directly manipulate the speed of their Actor Blueprint among other things.
There’s a lot more you can do, but at least do this.
Post edited by roundpitt on0 -
These are wild times for sure, hackers are more subtile than ever with the changes but you gotta understand that bhvr can't get rid of hackers. They use EAC which is a pretty ok anti cheat program but as you see in the game it's exploitable. My point is that no matter waht bhvr does they can't get rid of 100% of the cheaters, although they could put more work into it for sure
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I personally believe the servers are too cheap to be able to take the one step that is extremely necessary - server side validation of player inputs.
Nemesis gets 2 zombies, how are these servers going to check constantly for the subtle hacks happening? It's not going to happen.
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I wish Survivors could tell if killer is console or computer. I can't turn off cross play or I'll be Indefinitely waiting for a match and I just don't trust computer players anymore.
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hear, hear! Every other post I make I'm begging for console only crossplay
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It's hard for me to really say anything about subtle cheating because of it's ability to be nothing but flat out hysteria. It's one of those things where I just believe it was legit, because I'd otherwise lose the last bit of desire of keep playing in general.
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You are aware the the cross play icon will appear for anyone in a different platform that you right? So if you play in Xbox then anyone on Stadia, Switch, Playstation, Steam, and Epic will have the cross play icon. Similarly I play on Steam and anyone on Stadia, Switch, Epic, Xbox, and Playstation have the icon. Many of the cheaters I encounter have the icon because most of them got a lot of accounts on Epic when the game was free so if they get banned on one they just have to log into another. You can try just turning cross play off if you want to guarantee you aren't against anyone on PC but there are hacks and the like out there that allow these people to insert themselves into lobbies regardless of cross play or platform. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario.
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If I avoid Steam players I have a much lower chance to see a hacker. It's not my fault that Behavior isn't fixing the hacking problem and this is the only way for me to somewhat avoid it.
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I play on Steam which is why I am only able to avoid steam players. I know how crossplay works.