Why exactly nerf rancor to ground and dh too?

Genuine question.


  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Devour Hope is fine, but you're susceptible to DS (lol), Sabos, Bodyblocks, and Flashlight blinds.

    Rancor just got gutted though lol.

  • Botiz
    Botiz Member Posts: 483

    The amount of times I've had Devour break just after I finish mori'ing one survivor with it...

    Now, with the change of the survivor insta-dying on hook instead, it gives the teammates a chance to cleanse the hex on your way to the hook and/or sabo the hook.

    Yet another Hex being nerfed, shame.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,356

    Devour Hope is kind of net neutral. You can hook the survivor for instant kill and get value out of hook related perks.

    Rancor is just bad. The only reason to use it was for the mori effect now it doesn't do that. Exposed doesn't mean much honestly because you could always run noed which also works on hatch close.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Current devour is down-kill.

    New devour is down-flash save, pallet save, sabo, no hook nearby, hex cleansed before hook etc.

    It's NOT the same.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited September 2022

    You are not susceptible to bodyblocks because everyone is exposed, Sabo is a bit more feasible but the odds of the Killer dropping the Survivor and downing the other guy are huge, you risk ending up with 2 deaths instead of 1.

    How many sabos against Starstruck do you see on normal gameplay? This is even worse because Starstruck only guarantees you are exposed for 30 seconds, Devour is permanent and you die after getting hooked no matter if its your first or last.