"WARNING: Risk of shock on my part"
The final theory, will you be able to memento mori the last player? Amazing!!
As they painted last year in May when they said that it was going to be a tool for the Killers who did things in game, that the killer could earn it, where has he been? In ... a real garbage? Great job on this part.
ME: I thought it was going to be a system which, depending on how it went to the killer, and did that killer in the game, would even activate X moris... the trapdoor AS THEY SAID it was going to work with this mechanic, in the end in the practice has been as in something quite rubbish.
Opinions? What I mentioned, I expected more from the mechanics that they said last year not in this.
Summary: This PTB is super disappointing on your part, it is NOT worth trying because... what are you going to try? To mori the last survivor? What a bullshit (sry)
The fact that it takes into account hooked survivors is abysmally bad. Now the killer only has to camp the 3rd survivor on hook to either catch the last survivor on the way to the rescue, or wait for them to die and find the last survivor / mori them.
We're heading towards a situation where killer is explicitly incentived to camp the 3rd survivor, and I hate it.
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If you manage to down all 4 (or hook two and down two) you will perform the mori on the last one, effectively killing all four at once. So it essentially the same as activating multiple moris.
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Read it again man... Mori the last STANDING survivor. Not necessarily the last survivor in the game. so for example if you are able to slug one or more you can mori the last survivor who was standing and the rest are sacrificed by the entity no matter what they do. If they couldn't get up before you downed the last one. I find it an entertaining dynamic and I can't wait to try these out.
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Me who likes to give the hatch: guess i will not see moris anymore 💀
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This ALMOST never happens, only with TOP killers and depending on the survis you face.
but the purpose of everything, the work that the devs have done for me seems VERY BAD or how they have handled it.
They could have made a more interesting mechanic for the game.
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yeah instant 4 kills would be a long stretch but last 2 killed this way will happen more often.
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How’s that any different than now? If the killer camped and somehow downs the fourth survivor, they’re dead anyways. I don’t see a difference.
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I understand, but this is super boring for the game, with which killer are you going to do it? with the Myers? with the trapper?
Obvius with the nurse and TOPS killers. My idea of mori was not this.
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With the rest of killer u will KILL only the last one in the vast majority of games or probably NOT in all...
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One actively incentives camping and the other don't (at least in my opinion).
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I'm not sure. We will see it in the game, I suppose. Not every killer was good at everything before this change either. So in that regards it will not change the fact that there might be underperforming killers. But probably this makes things a bit more interesting if you are able to pull it. Probably we will see an increase of detection perks after this
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It actually happens more than you might think. Any time you have one survivor on first hook stage, for instance and the other survivor is last one standing and you down them, now the first stage survivor will instantly die on hook with no chance to pull themselves off at the last second. Likewise if the other survivor was downed and still unable to stand up with the 45 second time they will instantly die when you down the last standing survivor.
This change actually should slightly speed up the endgame a bit.
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How though? Currently you can camp the third guy and the fourth has to either risk a save or wait and try for hatch or do a gate if gens are done. With this system, the killer can camp and the fourth survivor has the same choices. The killer gets no extra benefit other than the game ends slightly sooner if he catches the fourth survivor than now.
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It doesn't really encourages camping. How does camping help the killer if only two survivors ate left?
But it heavily discourages slugging for the 4k, which is the important part.
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Getting all (remainging) survivors hooked or downed is actually not that rare, at least currently. I get that maybe once a week, when the survs screw up badly. But then usually an unbreakable, DS, undeliverance or lucky self unhook gets in the way. That won't happen with that change anymore. So survivors really need to play it carefully when they are the last standing.
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I love giving hatch, as well. :/ so long for those days.
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I'll just jump in front and surprise you to force a swing, lol
I get to make you feel bad and I get to call you a tunneler, works for me, lol
/s incase you couldn't tell