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Why remove Moris from Devour Hope/Rancor ?

HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

The whole purpose of the update is to make Moris more common and appreciate the animations better ??

Why would the moris be removed from Rancor and Devour Hope ?

I get that the effect given in return for Devour is theoretically equivalent (though it's really not as good since if you down someone in a dead zone, you can't kill them as quickly anymore).

But a big part of using Devour Hope (or Ebony Moris) is to see the Mori several times in the game. Specifically Devour, to be rewarded for playing fairly with cool animations.

Devour Hope was already a fragile perk since it could be broken anytime once people realise you have 3 tokens, now at 5 someone can break it after you've downed the survivor, on the way to the hook, and now it's just a normal hook ?

And if that survivor is one that already had 2 hook stages from earlier in the game, Devour 5 gives you literally 0 value from it ?

I really, really detest this change and hope it will not come to live...


  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    I like this update because honestly, because the system imo was outdated and needed something new. I do feel though the updated perks won't be as useful or exciting but then again... bye bye old Devour Hope and Undying!!

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    I can see myself playing this game a lot less when this goes live, sounds boring as hell.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,488

    I don't know how to feel about moris... We'll still have those as a base-kit... Ehh... Idk.

    But I adore the idea of less slugging in the matches.=)

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
  • Loldino
    Loldino Member Posts: 49

    Reject actually winning embrace x4 slowdown forever freddy

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    They didnt exactly remove the Mori from Devour, if you hook someone at 5 tokens they get sacrificed instantly which has pretty much the same effect as using a Mori (getting rid of someone bypassing hook states).

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    It makes you exposed, but yes, maybe takes away some scariness.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    You get rid of a survivor, and still see the mori when you down the last survivor.

    I think the point is just promoting healthier gameplay by making hooking the ultimate goal

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Current Devour : Down = Kill

    Its the same with new Mori system the difference is its death by Hook instead of death by animation.

    survivor might already be on death hook so no value

    Same as current DH, if you down someone at 5 marks and is on death hook you barely get any value as he would be dead anyway, Mori or no Mori.


    The exposed status on DH at 3 tokens still exists, you bodybock and get instadowned then MAYBE the guy gets to wiggle out but the guy who got downed is killed instead.

    hook can be sabotaged

    Same as bodyblock, everyone is still exposed, drop the Survivor and down the saboteur, you get 2 downs by the price of one.

    The others you are right but they are compensated by the fact you get rid of one person by using a hook and it activates hook perks like PGTW or Pain and the 10 seconds may be on the Killer advantage or disadvantage, if the Hook is closer than 10 seconds you save time, if its further away you lose it.

    That being said, I dont care if they leave the Mori on Devour and let the perk stay the exact same, on the grand design nothing will change, the times the Totem gets cleansed on your way to the hook are going to be close to zero and the amount of times a team manages to wiggle someone out under Exposed are going to be minimal too, the only difference is sometimes you may save or lose some time.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Devour Hope is personally the biggest gripe I have with it, Rancor doesnt really matter much tbh. But even then, I see this as a positive change.

    That gives the devs a mean to consider a bleed-out to also be a tie through MMR(right now, Devour, Rancor, Bleedouts and Mori's give the Killed effect), and on the other side, it gives Devour amazing synergy with hook perks now. Like, having 1 gen left, 5 stacks of devour and 4 survivors alive? Hook them on Pain Resonance to buy yourself some extra time while not even needing to care if the survivor is dead.

    As for the Mori's. Lets be honest, they are mediocre with the 2 hook requirement, and too powerful with only 1 hook requirement. They were due for a rework. What I do wonder is why the Mori's dont increase the amount of survivors being Mori'd too. Cypress making the killer kill 2 at the same time, Ivory 3 at the same time and Ebony 4 at the same time. It would add a niche animation thats actually very challenging to get, while also guaranteeing a shitton of BP even if you dont make it.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    It's because the new finisher mori teleports you to a certain location on the map.

    It's probably tied to the animation beginning, so if you were able to mori someone with Devour or Rancor after the update you would likely teleport to the Finisher Mori location.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't agree with all of your arguments.

    Current DH, if you mori someone who's already on death hook, at least you have the satisfaction of an instant cool animation. Now you have to walk and risk wiggling out or deadzones or such just for a regular sacrifice.

    And if I'm on 5-stacks of Devour, survivors generally have other problems than my Scourge Hooks.

    I meant bodyblocks with Endurance, like survivor-DH can do, but also Mettle of Man (I'll grant you that one wouldn't happen often), or Off the Record.

    It actually already happened quite often in my games that my totem would have a ######### spot and be cleansed while I'm mori-ing or soon after, so this is why I'm thinking that it would be more frustrating after the DH change.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    R.I.P Devour and Rancor.

    They were really situational perks already but now they'll be trash :/

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    its so wack

    those perks allowed moris mid match, but because we get a SINGLE END GAME BASE MORI

    they had to go

    l o g i c

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    In an update about seeing more moris in the game, you're forgetting :'D

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    R.I.P my favorite build. I loved using Devour Hope as part of my Hex: Roulette build. Undying, Haunted Grounds, Retribution and Devour Hope. The Danger of the mori incentivized looking for it...but finding any of the others instead was not a good thing. I always played with the rule, "If all hexes are gone, I can no longer kill the survivors." It was always so fun and a great takeaway from meta builds. No other perk can replace what Devour Hope brought to it, and no...the new effect doesn't work for it. Sacrificing a survivor on hook does not give that fear that the Mori does. Survivors, for the most part, don't really care about being sacrificed on hook. But when it comes to the mori...they will go out of their way to insure it Does Not Happen. That little tug of war for the mori is what makes it fun. Plus, it's not like getting the 5 tokens with Devour Hope is easy. And you definitely won't get them with camping either.

    Calling the new Devour hope the same thing as the old one is like....taking away someone's bacon and giving them a slice of deli ham and saying, "it's the same thing! Enjoy!"

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • Devour Hope is mostly unchanged from a balance standpoint. The only difference now is at 5 tokens you get instant sacrifices on first or second hooks instead of free moris on first or second downs. The time it takes to carry someone to hook is about the same as the time it takes for a mori animation to play out so it's not that big a difference, it's mainly just a minor nerf in that moris are immune to flashlight and pallet saves and Decisive Strike.
    • The Rancor change makes that perk not very good. A lot of the benefit of the current version is that you can instantly mori the Obsession even on first down. With the new version being that they're just Exposed it's a lot weaker.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,173

    It's all rather confusing to me as to why this is happening at all. It's been mentioned that the Mori was not seen as much, and it was being used as a negative action to spite specific survivors.

    But the fact a Mori was not as common made them special, and people have an issue with actions that do have negative impacts (like face-camping), but the Mori has rarely been commented on in this way.

    It feels like BHVR have come up with two reasons for the change, that have never really been an issue. Maybe they feel those things are important, but it's not been commented on by the player base at large. So it feels rather needless, honestly.

    I do get the unbreakable bit, absolutely! But the Mori changes feel rather ... needless?

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Im also in the boat to NOT change devour hope and rancor at all. It is really hard to get 5 token of devour hope, so a mori is well deserved. It takes too much time to pick up and hook someone and that would give even more time to survivors to break the totem before you can do something with 5 tokens which btw almost never happen. Its a terrible idea.