This update seems a bit unbalanced, thoughs?

I really hate to be the person to create a "survs op" thread, but... Killers got a resource that may get them a kill every ten matches , and survivors got *check notes* a extremely strong effect globally and without restriction that can win them a lost match, and that hinders even more the twins, and to some extent oni and that opens even more possibilities for strong perk combos.
So... Soul Guard meta? Yay! They did it
The last update was definitively unbalanced. This is I think a good game health adjustment.
And I think Last Man Standing will trigger more often than you may expect. It still is possible with survivors escaping. Even three survivors escaping.
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Even if last man standing trigger every match, this will hardly change anything in for real, as in most situations you would already get the kill anyway. The only situation where this could be useful is when you cant find the last survivor to hook them, but they will be able to get up, and all their teamates need to do is just wait a bit.
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A bit??? You are too kind.
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Think that is strong effect will affect exclusively to slugging so any other killer that does not rely heavily on this will not be affected at all.
Plus, bhvr tends to be very careful lately when buffing survivors, so this unbreakable basekit will probably be nerfed before it goes live as they did with reassurance and off the record
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A twins rework was announced months ago, so I imagine they'll compensate for this in some way. But regardless, I don't consider any of this to be what we will definitely see when it goes live. I'm keen to see how people go with it all in PTB, I think it's definitely interesting
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This is literally one of the worst ideas BHVR has ever put out.
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Killers get a stylish way to finish off a match that they already won.
Survivors, in compensation, got a super-powered version of one of their already most-taken, most-powerful perks as basekit that now can be used forever.
Oh, and all those Mori offerings? They're a minor BP boost IF you totally blow apart the game you burned it on. Or, presumably, you get nothing. So, they're basically worse than the bonus BP for chasing or whatever, despite costing WAY more BP to unlock.
Yeah, A BIT UNBALANCED would be one way to put it.
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I really hope, that "base-kit unbreakable" will work only when all 4 survivors are downed, hooked, etc...
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It's a massive nerf to killers for a mechanism that doesn't meaningfully make the game easier for killers.
The mori when all 4 survivors are slugged/hooked really only comes into play when they've already lost and just makes the game finish faster for everyone. It doesn't make killers stronger because getting into that situation doesn't give them any buffs except messing with their FOV (which is annoying for certain killer powers and for judging distances).
So there's no meaningful change to killers here. In the situation where the changes happen, the killer had already won and now we're just talking about ending the game faster.
At the same time, it gives a basekit buff to survivors to prevent any kind of slugging play. Which will end up being relevant in every game. This removes one of the fastest ways for killers to generate pressure. It also makes certain perk combinations, like Flip Flop/Power Struggle, to be uncounterable. You pick them up, they're out. You don't pick them up, the pick themselves up.
I'm also not a fan of the FOV change. Whenever I run monitor or shadowborn, I feel like I'm nerfing myself because now the character feels different and I judge distances incorrectly. If I ran shadowborn consistently, I probably would feel the opposite. Monitor in particular also gives me a headache because of the constant FOV changes.
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I dislike the fact that Devour Hope and Rancor got nerfed just because they thought we were not seeing Moris enough. Pretty pathetic, honestly.
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The mori deal is so bad.... i don't get why they removed it from rancor and devour hope.
like yeah, its at base, once EVERYONE IS DEAD.
Those moris were at other times as well, at least devour is still okay (albeit survs have more time to cleanse and cancel the effect mid-hook)
but rancor just went down the drain
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If all survivors are downed/hooked then the game ends. That's the Finishing Mori update. The last downed survivor gets mori'd and the rest killed by the entity. It's also why this basekit Unbreakable is included, because if it wasn't then slugging would become more common as a means of ending the game. Some people would abandon hooking. Plus, "certain killers" would have very short games...
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I'm not sure I'd call it super-powered; you have to be slugged for 45 seconds before you can use it.
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No you don't. Unbreakable cuts the 45s in half so you are able to get up quicker.
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Amazing future update this'll completely change the flow of the game and I welcome that last time something actually did that was endgame collapse 3 years ago
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The game is currently killer sided, so a balanced change would have kept things bad, I'm happy!
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The unbreakable change I can absolutely see a reason for, because it does prevent a very dull and frustrating scenario where a killer will go out of their way to just slug. It's not common, but I've seen this happen both in streams and in person, and it is just a boring strat.
However, I just don't understand the reasoning behind the Mori change. They pointed out it was done because it isn't seen as much and it had a negative reputation, but I can't ever remember people complaining about the Mori for either those reasons! It's like the reasons were picked out of thin air almost, and the option to have those Mori's as they currently are was more varied, and added spice to the match. Having it as always an ending will lose the appeal to me.
The Mori idea is really the strangest decision since they said Hillbilly was exactly where they wanted him, then proceeded to nerf him.
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I'd have to see it in action before I jump to one side or the other
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Sounds like the same thing Survivors were saying recently and were told to suck it up. Seems fine to me.
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it's hard to understate how much this is going to impact the game's balance and how little thought it seems was put into it.
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Dont worry guys, once this update went live, survivor player will still scream on tunneling.
Icing on the cake is, this update is pushing Killer to tunneling straits harder and harder it seems.
Mark my words, No more split pressure! One target, 25% efficiency!
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I am fine with most changes.
Rancor needs buff and mori offerings should have higher value as BP offering.
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Nice threat but tunneling is already meta anyway it happens 9/10 games, average killrate is like 65% and you're all crying for an anti slug mechanic ?
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Dont you think that tunneling killer will still tunnel. But for other killers who play different strait will force to use tunnel now?
Be careful, once this update went live and most killers will become even more like this.
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65% is like 2,7 kills every match, average kill prior to this update was 2,2ish, so not much has changed
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Even worse, neither devour hope nor rancor needed to change for that.
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It's super powered in that you can use it infinitely. Also, it stacks with healing speed boosts, so if you have Unbreakable and Circle of Healing, you get up after 15 seconds.
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That's a good point. Devour Hope was the last 'good' Hex perk.
This officially puts the last nail in the coffin. There is zero reason to run hexes, ever. Boons are infinitely better in every way.
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I am surprised to see people saying this is too good for survivors after the last midchapter update was insanely good for killers. This doesn't even come close to the buffs that killers received in that last midchapter update.
It will be fine, I am pretty positive. Some survivor payers weren't very happy with the 6.1.0 changes, and had to deal with it. This will be the same for some killer mains.
Honestly I am really hoping we see some more, other improvements for survivors in the next update as well, since this change won't even be going live with the next update. Survivors still need some more against camping and tunneling, so we can go back to normal queue times again.
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It doesn't stack with healing speed boosts, you're thinking of boon exponential
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Devs, if this poster says the idea is bad, it's probably at least decent-good.
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After being left on the ground for 45 seconds, Survivors will now gain the ability to pick themselves up without the need of any Perks. This time is affected by recovery speed effects.
Okay, fair enough. So THOSE two will give ya a 15 second bounce-back