The basekit and Unbreakable recovery changes are unhealthy for both sides

SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions
  1. Kills slugging as a strategy because 45s is an incredibly small window especially when chain-slugging because multiple survivors in the vicinity. The first will be back up before or around the time the second goes down if the survivors are decent.
  2. Kills incentive for interactivity from survivors. Why the hell would I get off a gen to go help them if they get back by themselves in 45s anyways?
  3. Exacerbates major issues with unhookable zones that can be intentionally created.
  4. Kills incentive for interactivity from killer. Why would they risk a slug and losing health state when there’s an insanely overpowered base recovery mechanic? It would be better to just immediately tunnel off hook/camp, instead of slugging and going for more chases.
  5. Punishes the killer for playing smart by slugging in situations it makes sense (multiple around for instance) when the result is from survivors misplaying (by grouping up close by).
  6. As if the above points weren’t already bad enough, Unbreakable will now make it take a mere 22.5s to pick oneself up. Infinitely.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I'm not sure who is benefitting from the Last Stand mechanic.

    Who asked for forced, unavoidable Mori's? Certainly not killers.

    We won't be able to make 12 hooks, which means our maximum Sacrifice score will be even lower than the 8,400 it is now, while every other category for Killers and Survivors is capped at an accessible 10,000.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Going for 12 hooks is more like a challenge then base mechanic

    It sucks... but it's the truth

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The proposed dev changes mean that if you down someone and either (A) you are using a limited duration power or effect (eg, Haunted Grounds) or (B) other people are nearby, then you are put into a lose-lose scenario where no matter what decision you do will punish you.

    Example A: You make the smart call and slug them to get value out of the remaining time or chase the nearby survivor(s). Result? The slug gets back up on their own with no help, and you get screwed for making the smart call.

    Example B: You make the stupid call and pick them up and hook them. Result? Your power auto-ends for some (eg Oni), you lose a massive amount of time doing all that on others (eg Plague), and you let anyone nearby have time to run away and undo their positional misplay.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Making nurse's stun go at the same time as fatigue is ok. Don't touch nurse she is balanced. In fact make all other killers as strong as her.

    Tunneling is tactical thing that needs to stay in game.

    Killers need to slug for more then 45s - again it's tactics.

    Camping is legitimate skillful tactics.

    Killers need help so they don't need to camp/tunnel. 90s gens and 10% speed on every action barely does anything.

    We need to remake some maps that ate too strong for survivors like headonfield or RPD. Midwitch is fine the way it is. Also remove some pallets - survivors have way too many of them anyway.

    Btw nerf proofthyself. 6s boost on generator for 2 people coop is too OP.

    No - extra slow basekit unbreakable will ruin the game....

    Well. How easy do you require the game to be?

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    You done with making straw men?

    Nurse not being double stunned made sense in a coding consistency aspect but I disagreed with it from a balance perspective. I don’t think other killers should or need to be as strong as her.

    The game is balanced around tunneling/camping/slugging/etc. But if the game can be reworked/improved to a point they are no longer necessary strategies, that would be wonderful. The latest ideas were an awful way to go about it. 90s gen times were dumb. The 10% action speed boost felt like a bandaid in the wrong area.

    Maps that are too sided either way need to be changed. This includes ones like Badham and ones like Midwich both. Maps like Gideon need pallets removed and weakened because there’s 25-29 god pallets. Over half could be removed entirely and the majority of the rest should be weakened. In return, there should be more windows that aren’t utter garbage and the map shouldn’t be so compressed.

    PT is just another bandaid for other core issues.

    Reckless changes like the recently considered ones by devs will drastically hurt this game because it does not properly take multiple factors into consideration.

    Shoving unheld beliefs into other peoples’ mouths does nothing.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited September 2022

    MFW devs attempt to fix an objectively bad mechanic that feels awful to experience

    MFW I'm forced to take the second to last survivor out of the game instead of forcing them to waste 3+ minutes of their day

    Honestly? Skill issue. Adapt or play something else.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    MFW I make a complete strawman while not understanding what objective means

    MFW solving issues like spiteful slugging to death in a wanton way that drastically messes up every part of the game and not a less reckless solution is criticized

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Those are all the things I read in this forum.t

    Most hreads buff killer X compares to nurse or blight and say there killer is garbage in comparison (to paraphrase).

    Tunnel/camp especially are very cheap and easy to do. They provide way more value then they should. And once someone starts with it, there is no going back because "survivors are too strong without camp/tunnel". Slugging is just their little brother.

    90s gens and you can count the number of threads that gens still run like crazy.

    Maps are always just badham this, mothers dwelling that or game pallets. Its very rare someone mentions that maps can be bad for survivors too (shelter woods, midwitch, ....)

    PT got so many threads how OP it is already...

    How can you call my arguments strawman? Read this forum pls

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    And you’re rambling about that here to me why? I don’t hold those views in the first place, and I think both this current anti slug idea and multiple other things in this game are issues that should be addressed in a different manner.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    My first message was meant for this community and not specifically for you. Even if you protect nurse (not counting her range addons) way too much.

    Your message that I am making up strawman was your response to me - and as I noted. It's not strawman. There are a lot of threads here showing, that people indeed think these things. So that part I aimed at you

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    Alright then. I still think while things like people slugging people to death out of spite is an issue, this was not the right way to go about it. And so this was a thread about all the issues I see with this new conceptual mechanic implementation. That doesn’t mean I think other things are okay. Does that make sense? The only reason I didn’t bring up suggestions for other changes is because this thread is specifically about the new considered mechanics.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2022
    1. 45s is more than enough to chain 3 hook actions in between 3 normal snowball downs. If the first would be back up before the second goes down then simply hook the first. There is no reason to BM by excessively slugging for that long.
    2. They will still be injured after a self-pickup, and could be healed even faster than self-pickups with assistance.
    3. Those can only be created by killer macro misplays, and base map flaws will be more visible and ideally fixed sooner.
    4. It is nowhere near overpowered, and incentivizes the killer to snowball with hooks instead of slugs. This removes the abuse case scenarios and forces the killer to not be a jerk. You don't need to slug to apply pressure, just hook survivors.
    5. It only punishes killers for excessive slugging, as stated before a 3 man slug in the span of 45s is still possible to hook all 3 survivors.
    6. I can't defend the infinite Unbreakable, but it is very easy to play around regardless. Killers just need to use the spacebar on their keyboard. Difficult to grasp for some players, but all you have to do is pickup the Survivor and hook them.
  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Yes. That makes sense.

    I also don't like these specific changes, but at this point I take anything (even bad thing) that is given to me.

    I think ping system and all the other things that refuce gap between swf and soloQ would be time much better spent (but aiming for reducing gap is not giving everyone extra info that swf can utilize better than solo).

    2nd thing - the hard part. Making camp/tunnel less beneficial or harder to execute. Right now both of these are almost fully brainless go-to tactics that offer way too big benefit.

    3rd - make killrate roughly 50% at all MMR brackets. I think I don't need to explain why.

    I don't care about slug at all if these huge problems are solved. Slugging is minor inconvenience in comparison.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    Its not only bad for killers but for survivors too. You gonna get more frustrated killers, meaning more nurse, more basement bubba, you gonna not beable to make that epic escape in times you could (being over the hatch for few seconds, killer downs you) Unbreakable basekit is a joke to SoloQ. Once the killer realizes its not an SWF, they dont have to worry about anything, they just pick up and hook. Before the 6.0.1 update i have get to escape through gate a couple of times, maybe like a 40/50 percentage rate of the games i played, maybe a tad bit more. After it it gone less, really WAY less. Cause im bad at loops and get cought relatively fast (between 30 seconds and a little over a minute, depends on the killer whos chasing me), because of teammates giving up, because of teammates not doing gens etc. But in a compensation i got to enjoy killer more, having my anyways favored role more relaxed. And now its going to be harder for me on both sides if this update comes live the way they mentioned it. I will have even less escapes and even less fun on killer overall. 😡

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    1. Are you seriously trying to say chaining downs on people nearby is BM? Against decent survivors, even a good chase will be ~30s. If there’s multiple people in the area, it’s part of intelligent play to chain pressure like that.
    2. That is time not on gens. They are capable of saving themselves.
    3. Until all map flaws are fixed, that is a major problem.
    4. Slugging for chain pressure is not being a jerk. What kind of logic is that? Spending time to pick up and go hook is literally time spent out of chase where survivors can run away.
    5. If 3 people went down in 45s, they massively misplayed horribly.
    6. Yes, by completely giving up the pressure of another immediate chase and giving time for others to flee the area.
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    1. If you got the good chase with a 30s down then you will have no problem hooking the first person then hooking the second. That is unless you let the 2nd Survivor bait you ~70m away from the first, then that would be your misplay.
    2. Yes but people like BP for all categories, Altruism is one of those categories. Players typically only play hyper-optimally against sweaty players.
    3. I don't know of any current map flaws where you can't hook anyone if they get downed there, could you list any? I personally don't count burning a corner hook to kill a Survivor as a map flaw, that is a macro failure on the Killer's end.
    4. Hook for chain pressure, it can give you even better results. It can actually kill survivors in 2 minutes rather than 4. You don't need to spend every milisecond in chase. Hooks are the intended method of dealing with Survivors.
    5. And they can all be hooked, even with a 45s basekit self-pickup.
    6. Yes that is how you play the game, when an enemy brings a tool you adapt and play around it. If I play against Ghostface I try to reveal him before he stalks me or break LOS. If a Killer brings Gen Regression you try to complete the gen before they can apply it, or go to a different gen. If a Survivor brings DH you bait it out or swing through it ASAP.
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    its just pondering toward survivor mains as usual. killer deserves to get rewarded for downing survivors, not punished. its already pretty silly that you can pick other people up infinitive and now they're adding the ability to self-pick infinitely? talk about punishing the killer for downing the survivor.

    The chapter could largely simplified to following: When end game collapse begins and final survivor remains, You will automatically mori the last survivor if you down them. None of this infinity unbreakable pick up stuff. if anything unbreakable is not a very popular perk and slugging is not that popular so it should improved instead removed from the game. I hope changes do not pass through but they likely will so it is what it is.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I honestly wonder how often the auto-kill mechanic will be used that this 45s UB base kit is supposed to be balanced by. Seriously, how often can a killer get all the survivors on the ground inside of 45s?

    If they just added the auto-kill mechanic to the game without base kit UB, survivors would try to adapt. Then they could see the effect it had on the game and decide what to do from there. If survivors couldn't adapt and kill rates became too high the system could be tweaked or another mechanic could be introduced later.

    Putting in both mechanics at the same time means we'll never actually know the effects on the game independent of each other. I think putting both mechanics in the game at the same time is a gross overreach.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,721

    @SuzuKR I love how I will vehemently disagree with you in one thread, then turn around and applaud your comments in another

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167

    Mmm Yes. Pondering to survivors. Myes.

    You could post a suggestion instead of whining. Especially about "pandering" to Survivors, who have had the lowest Win Rate for how long now? I'll let you look up those stats. Take some Mayo, them thangs is DRY.

    "OH NO BHVR YOU SUCK" Yeah, you folks act like this is their first rodeo. But forreal. Don't you dare sit there and say they are pandering to anyone. Cheaters aside, this game is still wildly unfair for both sides.

    BHVR's at least attempting to balance stuff. As mad as I am at them for fumbling a dozen times a minute, they haven't abandoned their game like a LOT of devs do when things get a little prickly. What I believe you are having a problem with is being self centered with a huge self bias. You are blind to anything except what affects you.

    Also, we will be losing another Achievement: You will no longer be able to crawl out of the game via hatch.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Honestly... If they could code in specifics then this wouldn't be a problem

    Cause then they could look at what happens and have a fix for it (eventually)

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    I genuinely don’t think the auto-kill will actually change much. If everyone is downed or hooked, games are usually over anyways. Even on live, 3-4 people going down in 45s requires the killer to be cheating or the majority of the survivors to majorly misplay anyways. And even on live, if the last 2 people go down in 45s, that is probably death for both regardless.

    Especially with the 45s self-pickup, if the survivors notice the killer is trying to trigger the auto-end mechanic, running as far away as possible from the others/hiding somewhere will mean the others can pick themselves up if the killer doesn’t pick them up.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Oh I so hope it will settle somewhere close to 50:50. Ideally across-mmr-50:50. That would be actually be fair for a change.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 895

    Yeah, with the announced changes my first thought was "they killer my Plague" (she's my slug killer) and my second was "why would I, as a survivor, go and try to heal a downed survivor if they can get up by themselves anyway?"

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2022

    ???? I am very confused? I am not sure why you think you should be getting up automatically with no perk without any downside when the killer down you. that is like jumping off a hook for free, base-kit. Perks that allow you to get up with no downside should have limit use like unbreakable and the unlimited sources of pick which are no mither, your teammates, soulguard and the boon should take away a portion of bleed out meter so that slugging is closer to hook-states. you can get up but it is limited to around 3 times similar to 3 hook-states. It will help killers like twin's function a bit better and other killers can opt into slugging strategy if they wish. this patch is like completely killing twins and is subjected to have huge abuse with sabotage, bodyblocking and deadzones with no hooks.

    that is why hope the patch gets large revisions/changes or does not pass through.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Wow amazing, I didn't realize playing solo survivor half the time is what a killer main does! Any other pearls of wisdom you feel like contributing?

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167

    Yeah. Deliverance is a free yeet off a hook if you unhook someone. You can unhook yourself for free otherwise during the 1st phase of your hook stages. You are indeed confused on how game mechanics work and that there is a huge cheater problem. I don't think your first language is english from your post so I'll try to be nice.

    Your reply makes me think you are:

    • White knighting BHVR for no reason
    • Never actually played the game beyond the tutorial
    • Never played against cheaters
    • Are in fact a hacker/VPNer(VPNs are considered cheating IMO. Blame BHVR for poor security).

    I've been the victim of 4k slugging and the killer making us all 4 bleed out while going afk 100s if not 1000s of times. They aren't fun. Why should i have to run 4 second chance perks because the person playing Killer is "playing for money" and needs to take a shower? We shouldn't. But the same thing with killers. But SWF is here to stay, they will never get rid of it. so GG there.

    The only 2 killers this is going to affect directly are Nurse and Twins. Nurse is a 4slug demon who the Dev have had major issues balancing perks around since they started introducing new perks. Twins needs a huge overhaul because her kit demands you slug for pressure or suffer a loss almost every time.

    Yes, Sabo/Breakout teams are going to be stronger, but you have free Base perks to handle that(Iron Grasp/Agitation). "But thats a wasted perk slot!!1!" so is DS now. At least as a Killer you can save shards and buy killers/perks that are free to combat sabo/breakout. Survivors have to buy DLC to counter it, unless we run No Mither(LMFAO)

    No Mither is Trash has been since David was released and has seen very very little changes since. Don't you dare ever seriously suggest this perk to anyone to counter slugging until it gets a desperately 5+ year long rework unless you're literally running in a SWF with a Sabo Squad. You are basically trolling new people when you tell them to run No Mither. That's rude dude. You'll just get tunneled out of the game faster than normal.

    Soul Guard has never seen the Shrine and odds are, according to the way BHVR does things with the Shrine, it won't. Even if i have been playing this game since before its first Anniversary, i'm not buying DLC anymore until BHVR fixes the balance on a lot of things and seriously handles the cheater issues(it sucks watching a baby streamer lose 80% of his viewer count because he's being held hostage in a game)

    Don't ever suggest buying DLC(since you can't buy SG with shards, just real money/auric cells) unless someone has asked which one they should get.

    Considering the low survival rate of SoloQ™(which is the majority of the playerbase currently), if you can't pick up someone and hook them after 45 seconds as Killer, maybe you should play Survivor.

    Also, don't complain to me about Dead Zones or even Comp Corners. You will see these players maybe 20% of the time. You need to complain to BHVR. Considering the last 6 months that's all they've listened to is Killers crying about everything despite having a higher win ratio, so what did BHVR do? They knocked Survivors down even further. HybridPanda made a rather funny statement(and was quoting ME from his in stream chat) in a recent video about Self-Care being #1. Survivors are pissed and have boycotted buying and using DLC perks. I'll co-sign that statement because its true.

    Also, do me a huge favor. Name a Killer perk that has a true, honest to All downside? Hex? lol Pentimento.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2022

    I've been the victim of 4k slugging and the killer making us all 4 bleed out while going afk 100s if not 1000s of times

    sounds like a skill issue. unbreakable does exist. bleeding out for 4 minutes is part of the game. it is that long because they do not want killers camping the slug the first time they down them. sounds reminiscent of.... hook camping.

    Yes, Sabo/Breakout teams are going to be stronger, but you have free Base perks to handle that(Iron Grasp/Agitation). "But thats a wasted perk slot!!1!" so is DS now.

    The premise of second chance perks is that they're second chance perk. not an endless chance. The way killers counter second-chance perks is by over-doing a particular strategy to win. the effectively the counter to DS is tunnelling, the more you tunnel, the more opportunity you to have waste the second chance. You get more opportunities to successful tunnel a survivor out of the game by pushing their hook counter to 3(0). Its same for unbreakable. You counter unbreakable by continuously slugging because it gives an opportunity for the survivor to waste it so now you have more of an opportunity to slug.

    your job as survivor is to make your second chances count. IG and AG are not related perks to second chance perks.

    The only 2 killers this is going to affect directly are Nurse and Twins

    wrong. it will affect every single killer. It is just that not every single basis their gameplay win condition through slugging, for other killers, they take slugging opportunity when they see it but the survivor has to play poorly for you to gain an opportunity to slug. some killers have explosive power-ups in their ability that give them more opportunity to slug. Some player will take that as opportunity to make slugging as part of their primary win condition. It will affect Oni, Myers, Plague, Nurse and Twins. Twin's is the most prevalent slugger because she get punished for NOT slugging because survivors can often be far away from Charlotte when victor downs someone far away. Victor himself is limited time power-up. He has low cooldown but he is dependant on positioning. Slugging is way to make victor more time efficient because twins themselves are not very time efficient despite having really good 1vs1 through victor. That is why Twins can do well at high-level(good 1vs1) but do poorly at low level because low-level players have trouble making victor time efficient while a skilled player can mitigate the drawbacks of victor through slugging. Slugging is easiest highest skill-cap action for the killer so you can argue for Twins being among hardest killers to optimize in the game.

    No Mither is Trash has been since David was released and has seen very very little changes since.

    Apart from old Sole survivor, It is the worst perk in the game. The iron will and lucky break are pretty good effects on no mither but they're not the game-changing effects for why No mither has drawback. It is the unlimited unbreakable. Unlimited unbreakable removes the ability for the killer to slug. with such a powerful effect, it has to have drawback. Being permanent broken on the other hand is too severe of a drawback. Nobody will seriously use the perk with that kind of drawback. I think the idea behind the perk should be that you can pick yourself up more then once, but the survivor loses some bleed out timer. The ability to pick yourself up multiple times will give you multiple second chances but it will come at cost that you are more likely to die to bleed out. This makes david king perk more of risk vs reward. It would add to another dimension to the survivor gameplay to juggle between their bleed out timer and the current hook-states that they get.

    This idea behind No mither could help slugging as a whole. It can fix a little bit of the problems of slugging being too super high risk to attain the high reward. Its currently too high risk to use as main stream strategy. it would be good way to have more gradual build-up rewards towards slugging like there is for hooking and this would help smooth out twin's gameplay. Other killer could also opt into the strategy more often and survivor would have another dimension to their gameplay to optimize.

    this is why hooking is more popular then slugging. it is much safer option. Its so dominantly more popular to hook that survivors do not even consider bringing anti-slugging perks as part of their regular build. Killer's see it too much of risk and survivors do not face it too much unless the killer see's specific place where he see's slugging as a way to gain more reward then hooking. That's why you will never see Wraith slugging people as their dominate primary win condition.

    Also, do me a huge favor. Name a Killer perk that has a true, honest to All downside? Hex? lol Pentimento.

    Like all of them? They're usually explicit like "This perk has 80 second cooldown -Oppression".

    I don't think your first language is english from your post so I'll try to be nice.

    I would say that I have too many ideas in my head and I want to write them down, but its hard to write them down in concise manner so sometimes I end up blitzing out ideas without proof reading what I am trying to say. It ends up being confusing.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2022

    Very disingenuous. BHVR also removed the 3 possible levels of anti-tunnel and nerfed it to 1 viable possibility. (BT and DS and DH is now BT or OTR or DH.) To be fair they raised the minimum from 0 to 1, but the max was hard nerfed. That was due to the foolish notion Endurance stacking was a real possibility in matches where people are trying to win, and not just meming on the PTB. BT was only anti-tunnel, OTR was only anti-tunnel, MoM was throwing the match to get 3 prot hits, DH was tied to exhaustion, and Styptics were 1/match. They also buffed camping indirectly through the basekit STBFL as you can hit rescuing Survivors before they have as easy of a chance to run away. So the 2 of the scummiest tactics Killers could use were being used and abused heavily.

    I do agree that Rancor and H:DH should keep their Moris because I love playing Ghostie and filling my photo album, and as Surv photo-bombing or teabagging in process Mori-d friends is hilarious.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    We need to at least try the ptb first before jumping to conclusions. Honestly a 45 second basekit pickup assuming no perks could effect this you could argue is fine. The unbreakable buff so you can now use it infinitely and pickup in 22 secs is just too much and basically an auto run perk (if your a swf you would probs want to bring 2 or 3). That said again we should at least test this all first.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I don't know if I am smart enough to have a constructive discussion, but let me just give you an idea.

    How about a suggestion that the hooks will no longer be permanently destroyed after the execution is complete, to alleviate the problem of 3. a little?

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited September 2022

    Based on past experiences, they will release this exactly how it is or worse. Then games will be extremely terrible for a month or two before they do anything about it. Finally, when they do decide to fix it, the fix will be a complete knee jerk reaction that will completely swing it from being abusable by survivors to being abusable by killers. Everyone will screech on the forums and tell them how horrible the change is. They'll ignore it. Then they'll call it a day and leave it how it is for a year until they silently delete it so they can pretend they are doing a "pretty good job so far".

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I'd be ok to see Nurse get a "Hillbilly" treatment but only if SWF gets obliterated too. Nurse and Blight are the only killers that make certain maps fair and that's completely stupid. Likewise playing against certain try hard SWF teams, on survivor sided maps with insanely strong items is impossible except as Blight or Nurse.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Playing against certain killers on map of their choosing is impossible except WAY more (like 2-3 leagues better) skilled survivors.

    Take range addon starstruck nurse on midwitch. RIP.

    But let's go to more meh killers and "survivor sided map". Take Legion on the game with Julie's mix tape, Iridescent button, enduring and spirit fury. You have 0 counterplay. Now go enjoy the match where there are like 2 loops in whole map you can use.

    Killers have same amount of OP unfair things that they can do. Same as survivors. The difference is, that there is also nurse and blight's addons.