Friendly Reminder For Killer Mains :)

I'm bringing to you your own words of wisdom.
"Don't prejudge a change or a feature and proclaim it to be the apocalypse. Let it settle for a few months instead of wanting the devs to make kneejerk reactions and taksie-backsies. Learn, adapt and become better at the game."
I don't remember saying that. Did all killers say that? Must be having some bad memory problems.
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Pretty sure it was the overarching sentiment from most people on the forums. The same people who are now losing their minds.
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Unpopular opinion but I'm actually pretty okay with these changes. I may not be a hardcore dbd player but I see some potential for fun. It's not like I slugged anyway
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Tbf I'm a survivor main and many changes are objectively horrible like removal of Moris from Devour Hope and Rancor, literally nobody asked for that
I can tell, this change is from the same dev who decided to nerf Blast mine
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Makes sense, there’s no possible way anyone could tell what the impact of Unbreakable now being infinitely reusable at 22.5s per pickup will have.
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.2 second changes == free meta perks?
I propose a .1 second addition back to survivor sprint burst and no way out is now basekit and bringing the perk increases each tokens value by an additional 4 seconds.
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When I saw the title I was hoping this was going to say "killers just need to adapt" and I was not disappointed. 😂
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Where was that quote? I didn't say it, and killers don't share a hivemind, jeez
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Instead of lumping everyone into one big group and putting words into people's mouths, how about having reasonable and nuanced takes?
Killers that rely on slugging to win like Oni, Twins, and Myers are receiving an indirect nerf from basekit Unbreakable. Not the end of the world for three killers to be a lot weaker, but feels bad for the people that main those killers. (especially Twins, who got bodied by the Endurance meta and then bodied again with the future basekit picksies upsies)
As survivor, bleeding out on the ground is extremely boring. Being able to pick myself up and avoid getting slugged for 4 minutes as survivor is a fair trade off for making slugging when I play as killer more risky. I am all in favor of bringing Soul Guard every game to stick it to BM'ing killers that want to slug everyone to death (killer that stand over you and slug you to death will now switch to standing over you and slugging you to death while hitting you every 45 seconds, and Soul Guard counters that to an extent). Also slugging for the 4k is dead, praise God.
Slugging was always a high risk, high reward strategy as killer. Now you must take greater risks and have the skill to down a survivor in less than 45 seconds to get value out of slugging. Not particularly difficult, but it means slugging when someone is near is no longer two free hook states.
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My only issue with this (as a killer main) is that it will make people who run boil absolutely untouchable on certain maps. They can just run to 2nd or 3rd floor. Under normal circumstances, you just slug them (since it's impossible to get to a hook). This causes pressure by other survivors having to pull off gens to get them. However, now they can just get themselves up. That means they are literally immune to the killer for the match. If you chase, they just W right to the spot. Can't hook them. Just have to leave. If you chase them there, it's fruitless and 3 survivors are working on gens. If you don't chase, they get a free pass to work on gens.
Want guaranteed wins with an swf? Everyone runs boil and unbreakable and bring a map offering with a 2nd or 3rd story. Everyone just runs to the safe zone if they get aggro.
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I haven’t struggled with facing B/O and UB on second story maps since B/O was nerfed*. In fact when I play killer I rarely see that combo. I actually don’t think I’ve seen it once since B/O’s nerf. I’m sure people still use it, it just doesn’t seem very common. And most 2nd floor maps have hooks on both floors. If you’re running iron grasp or agitation, you can definitely make it on the one map that sometimes has odd 2nd floor hookspawns (Midwich, but I don’t personally run those perks and haven’t had an issue).
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I think there’s more to it. For instance, say I down a survivor under a pallet and another survivor is nearby. If I don’t slug the dying survivor to chase the other one I’ll get pallet stunned on the pickup, so my only option it slugging. But if I slug and can’t resolve the other survivor in that 45 seconds (or 23 seconds with Unbreakable) then the dying survivor stands up and I’ve gotten literally nothing in two chases of time.
Also currently if I slug someone then I know at least someone else will usually have to come off the gens to revive them. But now the other survivors know they can just stay on the gens unless they’re being chased which reduces the pressure on them. It still might be worth the slug depending on the situation but it’s weakened either way.
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Ah, I see. It does kind of make weak killers weaker, while not really affecting strong killers in a meaningful way.
Killers with insane 1v1 would have no trouble with ending a chase in sub-20 seconds, but a killer with poor 1v1 would be trapped into a lose-lose scenario in that situation.
I'm excited to test it out either way.
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What's unpopular about it? Survivor players are the majority of the player base, so any changes that benefit them are going to be met with overwhelmingly positive sentiment. It's just a numbers game.
Now whether the aforementioned change is good for the game is a different matter entirely. Common consensus is rarely correct. The majority like a lot of really dire and terrible stuff.
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Same, I’m interested to see how this works out. I think in principle it will be ok as long as 45 seconds isn’t too short. If it turns out that time frame isn’t long enough then increasing it to 60 or 75 or 90 seconds or whatever should do the trick. (After all, if that time frame is long enough it won’t matter if the survivor can stand up after a really, really long time because the other survivors will still feel the need to go revive them rather than be down a player for possibly multiple gens worth of time.)
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I can actually live with the basekit BT if they do several sweeps to balance it for the purposes of avoiding BM slugging (making it work only when x are slugged, or when theres only x people left, or after x seconds). There is a time and place for it to work.
But the entirety of the Mori rework is crap. It forces every game to end with a Cypress Mori, and to hell with everything else in the game. It reeks of pet project that wasn't thought out.
Don't ruin niche perks for the sake of a cutscene
Don't force the dev team to do a deep dive of every achievement, challenge, archive, and perk in the game to make sure that your cool mori cutscene at the end of the game actually works with the rest of the game.
Dont reduce options for the killer and survivor. If the hatch hasnt been found yet and the last survivor goes down with an active Decisive Strike or Flip Flop, it shouldn't straight kill them. The players should have the opportunity to play the scenario out.
Basically, dont go through with this Mori rework.
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Look at OPS post record. That's exactly what this is.
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Don't go through with ANY of this. As is.
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What is this post? Lie-Propaganda?
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As i remember the only thing in the 6.0.1 called something like the "doom" of dbd was the endurance stacking, which wasnt even intended, it was a side effect ant the perk got deep wound so it doesnt stack. Majority of players was happy and with the wesker DLC playerbase increased. Now i see people complaining left and right, majority is complaining. And this isnt a survivor or killer thing, we all are going to suffer, it will only make the game more sweaty and tournament. Noone can want that. At least i dont.