Why are there so many aggressive people/people that talk down to others on the forums?

Same thing happens anytime something new is announced, characters are released, buffs/nerfs happen, etc.
It blows my mind how so many people (M Rated game, btw) are incapable of expressing themselves in a manner that doesn't involve talking down to others, intentionally starting drama, resorting to us vs them rhetoric, or just trying to invalidate the opinions of others with whatever loop-de-loop logic they try to use.
There are quite a few posts throughout the various topics on the front page where such behavior can be readily observed.
What's the cause?
Internet anonymity
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Hit the nail on the head. Going off of this, when people see others online in any capacity, they don't see other people. Instead, they just see words, game characters, or hear voices. These things don't attribute to humans specifically in most minds, leading many to subconciously mark other online players as lesser beings or just not people.
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WhY iS eVeRyOnE tAlKiNg DoWn To EaCh OtHeR!?!?!11!?!/21!?!#@
(note; in case it is not super apparent somehow, I am joking)
@bm33 got half of it but to me the other half of it along with that is that commonly, the "snarky" replies are the ones that get upvoted a ton and that's always a fun little ego boost
Even for myself, about half of my posts I would wager are vote fishing (though I do it by making jokes and references and whatnot, not being a jerk and trying to dunk on someone). It's just kind of nature of the beast on The Internet.
Add to the fact that this can be a VERY different game for people (killer mains, survivor mains, solo mains, SWF mains, bully squad mains, low MMR players, high MMR players, etc) and what is glaringly obvious for one player is something another player may never ever see. So they assume the person posting is either trolling or exaggerating and they reply in kind.
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I'd give you an up vote but there's no Holly pic. 🤷♀️
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The developers managed to split a good chunk of the community into two roles while taking the wrong approach to solve core issues (too slowly and not fixing a problem on both sides at the same time) so people become more and more partisan towards they side because they perceive grievances against their role.
Doesnt help several streamer mains run echo-chambers where people just parrot self convincing mantras, nor the forum infested with threads that add nothing in meaningful ways except more bile and the player base has a huge problem self reflecting on their skils I mean how many people admit they played poorly instead of just spewing "X IS OP!! BHVR NERF IT!!"?.
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Strong case for the return of the 'downvote.'
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You know, tough but fair. And is HAS been a while since no codes and whatnot so you can have one of my Candid Holly pics that I wouldn't use on here otherwise since my Candid pics usually aren't as good.
CC @Sepex since they always want a new pic too
I do not know why she has chosen the basement window as her new sit spot but the mind of a cat is a mysterious thing
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I'd down vote any post that didn't contain an animal pic. Enough of us do it and we could make the forums more enjoyable, animals make everything better.
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Yeah, and if you post your opinion on something, someone else has to come by to tell you how wrong your opinion is and how right they are.
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View of under the car, she's watching animals scurry under there for shade in summer or for dry spot in rain.
Also, candid pics are great. Post more. 😁
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Oh I feel that, my cat has a new spot every like 2 weeks, lol
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Yes, pretty much. Shame these people aren't more capable of showing empathy and compassion when they debate.
Ironically, I bet most of them find it difficult to have an honest conversation face to face.
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I definitely notice aspects of my own personality/postings that need improvement, but that's the first step!
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To put the topic back on track, my guess is that since DbD is a fairly frustrating game, people mostly come to the forums while in a bad mood.
So you're catching a lot of people on their off-days or at a bad time when you read what they're saying on the forums. Nothing serious, just people that are upset tend to be a lot more willing to lash out at others.
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Completely agree! None of us are perfect, and it's easy to get riled up on these forums, but it's unproductive for everyone to come to these forums looking for a fight or drama.
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because everyone who can't pour out their anger in game, pour it out here, while giving the most useless opinions such as GIT GUD or skill issue, yes that's an amazing feedback how about you share it with someone else instead
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Definitely an up vote.
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Can't believe this is such a constructive topic!
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what kind of animal is that, btw? Very cute!
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Wow what a cat 😍.
I'm quite a cat lover myself.
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Lionhead Rabbit :3
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Sometimes it's the only way to get folks to listen to you.
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Big Oof from me :(
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I had rabbits back when I was a kid and lived in the woods, never seen one so fluffy before! Makes me miss having lots of critters around.
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Some people just want to argue, despite others just wanting to educate one another through sharing differing perspectives. They just don't like when things arent an echo chamber.
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it's a horrible way to get people to listen to you.
Most of the time when people get a snarky comment they respond with their own untill it's a constant back and forth where whatever they were originally talking about not even mentioned anymore
There is zero listening being done then
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He used to be president, you know!
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??? just @ me LMFAAOOOO ur weird as hell 😭😭😭 that has nothing to do with you at ALL GIRL. like seriously mind your ######### business sis this is my life and i choose to do WHATEVEE THE ######### I WANNA DOO LMFAAOOOOOOOO😭😭😭 weird as hell forreal…
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Oh you, ho ho ho ho
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I always thought people like that are kind of weird. A discussion or argument is best viewed as a cooperative journey to find a mutual truth or understanding. Even if you disagree with each other, you can at least understand one other and walk away with a more enlightened perspective on life.
If someone tries to """win""" a disagreement, it's a good indicator that they're trapped in a perfectionist or narcistic mindset (as much as I hate talking down on people). It's an inability to grow as person or accept that different people come from different walks of life.
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I think that's just pretty common in old-school forums. I haven't participated in this kind of a forum in a long time as most fandoms have moved to social media or reddit. People have always been like this online I feel, it's not just the game necessarily but it probably doesn't help that it pits killers vs survivors against each other.
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It's not a pure forum thing, it's also quite frequent after a DbD match.
Reasons for them being mean/harassive:
- You say something controversial
- People take posts/the game too seriously
- You say something against the one side of the post/you don't share the same opinion as them.
- There are also some other reasons. Some people think the best way to release frustration is by harassing/being mean towards others (and perhaps they release their built-up frustration on others, creating an unending cycle).
Sadly most people don't care about the feelings of other people or don't thing about the consequences of their actions. There are some exceptions, but most of the people are usually mean or harrasive.
That was one of the main reasons I quitted DbD for more than a half year because this community mostly doesn't care about feelings that their actions might create - they usually only care about themselves. After my comeback (was shortly before the 6.1.0 update), toxicity and harassive people are quite rarely, although from time to time you may find one.
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I'm not going to say I've never been like that either, but its something I've identified in myself in the past and moved to improve on. Its usually because they're either insecure about their own stance, or conflate arguments between different people and make assumptions based off of how they associate the post (especially when "X-main" accusations start popping up.) There's also a lot of crabs in a bucket mentality on the board, where people don't want to see others get improvements that wouldn't affect them personally, either through what they feel is misplaced urgency at best or "giving everyone but me an advantage" at worst. You see that last one a lot in accessibility topics.
The fact of the matter is that there are tons of very real problems for both sides in this game, and just for the players as a whole. There's so much room for improvement i've become more enamoured with how they refuse to learn from past lessons and fail at customer relations with how they address a lot of these issues. Even then I'd still rather educate people to help them cope with the game's state more than demand they fix anyone's personal problems at the detriment of anyone else.
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It's the Internet and people looking to justify their positions instead of examining the problem. As an example, the nuanced takes I see generally get very few likes while someone who writes "Solo Queue is Trash!!!" or "Survivors are totally OP" get tons of likes.
Ironically enough, once the people actually start trying to explain their hyperbolic positions they get pushback but the position that is based on hyperbole gets a lot of support as long as it doesn't explain their faulty premise.
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I'm in a similar boat. I'm a deeply flawed person, but I try my absolute hardest to polish off the edges every day. I'll catch myself thinking "what an entitled XYZ main," but then I make a conscious effort to understand their perspective. We must be vigilant against our own ignorance.
Indeed, DbD has a lot of issues. But if we didn't see value in the game and it's experience, we wouldn't be playing it and talking about it. At the very least, it's exciting to be invested in this game since it changes so drastically over short periods of time.
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One step at a time :3