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General Discussions

Why I think the ability to always stand up from the dying state can be unhealthy

Member Posts: 3,786
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Leaving a survivor on the ground and chasing another one means that a third one has to step up and go help the downed survivor. This knowledge has a strong strategic function, since it allows an average killer to build up pressure by playing the right cards. But if anyone can pick themselves up what happens? It happens that the remaining two survivors can just continue repairing generators without the tension usually associated with such a dire situation.

My fear is that such a change not only removes part of the strategic component of the game and the thrill, but it would just push the survivor gameplay to more sitting on gens and ignore everything else and the killer's to mindless tunnel vision, that is exactly the opposite of what the game needs imo.

I think the idea of the finishing mori could be executed easily just by making it work like a Cypress Memento Mori, without touching perks, removing part of their flavor, and breaking stuff that already worked.

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  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Why do killers need slugging as a competitive edge? They recently received several buffs and can easily stack generator slowdown perks (as they have been) to control the flow of a match.

    I’m not understanding why, along with camping & tunneling & 2-4 slowdown builds (that seem to be working if we go by the 61% kill rate), killers also get these in built moris and the ability to slug for however long they’d like, up to 4 minutes. Something seems disproportionate here but I’m not sure what.

    Also.., You realize that the characters slugged are actually being controlled by real human players, no? People who, like you, have purchased this game and, quite oddly, believe they have some right to enjoy it. What fun is it for a human player to be incapacitated from the game for up to 4 minutes..?

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited September 2022

    If you remove slugging as a way to build pressure for killers, you'll most like will see an increase of camping and especially tunneling, fun right?

    The whole point is there are teammates around and having someone down should promote teamwork to pick him up... let's not pretend that survivors are routinely slugged for 4 minutes, because except some very niche scenarios a survivor very rarely stays on the ground for more than one-two cumulative minutes per match, and still they have the ability to move towards teammates to get help or under pallets, so they're not out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    First of all, this might not end up as it is when it goes live, or it might be nerfed/buffed accordingly. We'll have to wait and see.

    Secondly, just a while ago I was wondering why 2 survivors are such a losing certainty, with basically no comeback potential (unless the killer is very bad and the survivors too good). So For me this is a sort of come back mechanic and killers do have those in a way by equipping end game perks. (like if you manage to get no kills until gens are finished you can still achieve stuff with NOED or Blood Warden and most survivor resources I assume by that time have been used up). Except maybe Adrenaline, but the requires you survive until all gens are done.

    I think it would be a more appropriate buff imo if it activated when there are two survivors left, which is more common for the slugging to occur, although I dunno if it would be more difficult to work with the upcoming Mori rework).

    Maybe it's too strong if it works like this throughout the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 207

    You dont always have a full team. People DC, go AFK, if you are Solo q you tend to get ignored. However most times i see killers slug is when they already have a 2 K and they slug one survivor to go hunt for the other.

    I have been slugged at 2k and left to bleed out because the other survivor just hid lockers while I bled out. Why should I be slugged for 4 min because my team mate is hiding like coward instead trying to help just because they want hatch.

  • Member Posts: 354

    Slugging is almost required to compete at anything above average skill level. These changes are a staggeringly huge survivor Buff that essentially makes boil over and any 2 story map offering means the killer won't ever get a hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    On top of a teammate hiding, there are also the killers who will slug and never leave the body.

  • Member Posts: 3,910

    Why should someone be rewarded for their teammates’ failure to pick them up?

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2022

    ugh this is what you can do in predator hunting grounds, get put into the dying state no worries just keep getting up in 2 secs its a really bad idea.

    In that it renders all threat from being knocked down completely meaningless and forces the opponent to hook even if its not the ideal play.

    Being slugged and bleeding out are thematically and mechanically appropriate effects to have to deal with as survivor.

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