Small Anti-slug adjustment needed if this goes live

Currently, there is a strat where a survivor with the boil perk will simply run to a safe zone and stand there until downed (no loop attempts). This usually a 2nd or 3rd floor. These areas never have hooks. The issue for the killer is that it is literally impossible to reach a hook from these areas, so the survivor is completely safe from ever getting hooked. This extended chase gives other survivors free time to work on gens, having the killer waste time going out of their way. However, the counterplay to this is downing the survivor. Yes, it's slugging, the survivor is setting themselves for an intentional slug. Since the killer cannot hook them, the killer has to leave them there. However, this does create some pressure, as now one survivor has to pull away from a gen to go get them up. The survivor continues to run up and get slugged in this area. The good news is the bleedout timer usually catches up to them. So, it's a frustrating strategy, but it has risk vs reward for both sides.
Here is the new problem, with the ability for survivors to pick themselves up, it is now all risk no reward for the killer. If the killer chases, that's other survivors working on gens. Once the survivor gets to their immortal spot, they get downed. What happens? Survivors continue to work on gens. There is no incentive for survivors to go pick them up. The killer cant stay there, as they must defend gens. After ~22 seconds (let's face it, everyone will be running unbreakable at this point), they pop back up and continue working on gens.
So the killer has two options
1. Chase the survivor, wasting time allowing other survivors to repair gens. End up getting zero payoff.
2. Don't chase the survivor. They get a free pass at doing gens. Chase them off? You either give up immediately or chase them and up they go into the immortal zone.
This is just leaving squads of boil with map offerings to have guaranteed wins vs some killers such as m1 killers, because anyone running boil with these maps will be immune to getting hooked. Anyone on the squad just runs to the safety spot. Someone else gets chased? They run to the safety spot. At that point, it's fruitless to even chase.
If this change is going live, then a simple adjustment of adding hooks to these immortal zones are needed. It's silly that a survivor can just run to a spot and be completely immune to the killer.
Definitely add hooks BUT make sure they aren't put in spots where the killer can body block a doorway/stair case preventing survivors from reaching the hook or the hook is positioned in a way where you can only unhook from 1 side instead of 3.
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If it turns out the new system is a bit too weak they can simply make that 45 seconds longer to, say, 60 or 75 or 90 seconds. Make that time long enough and the other survivors will want to revive the dying player rather than be shorthanded for potentially multiple gens worth of time.
Another possible tweak would be to slightly shorten the base distance between hooks. If hooks are closer together that makes it easier to hook survivors in tough areas.
As far as Unbreakable goes, if that specific perk turns out to be problematic they can just lower its bonus.
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If something is problematic, they have a habit of making it worst. For example, spinechill was a problem. They themselves said it made killers have an awkward approach by having to look away while approaching. The "fix" was giving spinechill a 36 meter guaranteed warning where even looking away doesn't help. "Problem solved! Now killers don't have to look away." No, they just made it worst, now there is NO counterplay. It's even worst for stealth killers. Now it's impossible to ever sneak up on anyone running spinechill. They simply don't handle problematic issues without making things worst.
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That’s an untrue generalization. For instance, they had an issue with rare add-ons after the prestige rework and that got resolved, and they reduced the costs of all bloodweb nodes by 1/3 because they didn’t think the changes went far enough. The original version of Circle of Healing was a lot more powerful than the current version so those changes were in the right direction. They removed broken pallets from the PTB version the new RPD maps. And those are just a few things off the top of my head.
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Hook placement already needed to be fixed, this just makes it impossible to deal with. Also makes sabo bully squads instant wins on certain maps where there are plenty of windows to use to escape. (Lerys, for example, becomes insanely easy to just sabo and prevent hooks from ever working.)
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Fair, but a load of recent changes has made me lose a lot of faith in their ability to make sound design decisions. I mean heck, there's a million and one ways now someone can have endurance, now. Now every attack feels like a roll of the die to see if it will actually hit or not - and that's discounting dead hard.
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I don't know, I don't mind the Endurance honestly. 🤷♂️ Worst case it costs them mending time so it's not like it's a totally free hit for them.
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True, but how much it can be weaponized sucks. Chasing someone for 30 seconds only to find out they were never in any actual danger the entire time and losing gens because of it is a really frustrating experience that happens on a regular basis.
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Honestly the fix I'd prefer to see for this specific issue is a nerf to Boil Over by adding another bullet point to the end of the list: You can not completely recover from the Dying State without being healed by another Survivor.
There, now they can still do their little run to the dead-zone cheeky play but have to wait to be picked up. It doesn't change anything about the problem now but asking for hook spawns to be fixed is a bit too big for the devs to do right while we can hot-fix this one problem very easily. Plus it might make fewer people run Boil Over which is a win in my book. (I am so, so, so tired of seeing this Perk in my Killer games.)