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Are sabo squads getting buffed?

Now I actually don't mind a lot of the new changes that are coming in the PTB that have been announced but it brought something to mind. With the new base-kit Unbreakable will that not make sabo-squads more overpowered? If everyone is downed then everyone dies, I know that, but a sabo-squad really only requires two people at once to do effectively especially on a map like RPD so would that not be a direct buff to sabo squads since before it at least could only happen once and required an extra perk slot to do?

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  • Member Posts: 5,249

    Sabo is def more rewarding if you can pull it off, because now the Killer is put in an awkward spot

    They can drop and chase the saboteur, but the person who they were about to hook will likely be able to get away. I say likely because by default, hook respawn time is 30s, basekit UB is 45s there's a bit of a question mark hovering over that.

    Or they can just try for another hook, and if they fail - chase and down them again.

  • Member Posts: 6,497

    I don't mind sabo being buffed a bit. It's a strategy that is very rarely ever useful. Not to mention that after dropping a survivor, it will still take them 45 seconds to pick themselves up.

    This change might force the devs to take a closer look at hook spawns on some maps though. And Unbreakeable, if it does keep that 100% increased recovery speed, will surely become a big problem.

  • Member Posts: 78

    That's what I'm saying. Without the added bonus from Unbreakable and on a reasonable map it won't be that bad anyway but on a map like RPD where some areas only have one hook that's possible to reach without perks plus the addition of Unbreakable could make some games hell, where its near impossible to actually hook somebody. And I'd also like to add that while I do agree that it is rarely used I don't think that's a reason to not consider it in balancing the new changes.

  • Member Posts: 3,250
    edited September 2022

    Remember the old days when destroyed hooks were not restored until the end of the game?

    This made it impossible for the killer to hook and was an improvement due to frustration.

    But what about the base kit indestructibility this time around?

    The hook was destroyed by Sabo, forcing the survivor to drop the hook. It was dropped. That will not break before the hook is restored. GG.

    So let's wait on the side in anticipation of it not breaking. Another survivor fixes the generator. GG

    I'll be on the lookout in advance so as not to be skipped. Wasting time. Unbreakable or generator.GG.

    I deliberately went down on a pallet that didn't collapse. For the same reason, you can choose to lose by pallet stun, lose by unbreakable, or lose when the generator is repaired in the time you were alerted.GG. or dare I say GGEZ.

    Survivor dissatisfaction trumps all. The slagging Allergy prescription came with the side effect of greater frustration for the killers. We offered this drug knowing that it would do so.

  • Member Posts: 354

    It will take them 22.5 seconds to get up after being dropped. They get free anti pressue and the killer gets nothing.

  • Member Posts: 354

    So killers can literally not play the game if survivors just bring normal perks. Great.

  • Member Posts: 6,226


    Fending off one survivor near a pallet probably won't be an issue, but multiple? There's no way to win that situation. Even if they screw up, you can't down people faster than the guy on the floor can pick themselves up. Those situations were always wars of attrition and now the killer loses them by default.

    Unbreakable + Soul Guard in a bully squad is immediately a no-win scenario. You can't do anything unless they screw up the save or bodyblock.

  • Member Posts: 6,497

    With Unbreakeable, yeah. That's why I agree that perk will become problematic if it actually gets buffed like that, but I can't see the devs going through with that.

    But the basekit 45 seconds Unbreakeable will be completely fine.

  • Member Posts: 6,497

    But that's at least 3 survivors not on gens. I doubt that will become a big problem if you are skilled enough as killer to deal with those survivors. It will surely be fine.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Nothing that encourages survivors to triple oak me and play disgusting 30-minute-plus "haha you have no hooks" matches on RPD or Midwich is ever going to be a good thing. And skill? Skill was putting them all on the ground after a knockdown slog because I was experienced enough to realize that trying to beat them at their own game was a bad prospect. Now I can't even do that. Unless skill just means I should play Nurse every game...

    As long as one survivor can progress the game, the fact that the killer has no good options is a problem. Hell, even if all four of them are doing it, it's still a problem. That was the entire issue with that godawful week of Boil Over - it was a massive timewaster with no recourse but very slow bleedouts, and nobody honest wanted that gameplay. (Speaking of, Boil Over is still a problem on certain maps, and basekit Unbreakable means you don't even have to spend perk slots on self-pickup.)

    BHVR just went over how the killer is supposed to be a force to be reckoned with and that's why they want kill rates to improve, which makes the timing on this super weird. I'm not sure they realized how much they just empowered clown strats.

    Stepping aside from SWF strats, basekit Unbreakable cuts down killer options and improves survivor efficiency by removing any need for players to pick up slugged teammates. How much this will impact gameplay, PTB will have to show, but make no mistake that this is a very substantial buff and the situations it would impact are not rare. Overall, I think it's a pretty overkill solution to 4-man slugging.

  • Member Posts: 354

    You clearly haven't seen the 4 man bully squads that ensure you don't get a single hook.

    Before this, you could slug them as a counter to their tactics. Now it's a lose lose.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Add to that 4 breakdowns and the few times the killer might actually get a hook, this massively reduces their options

  • Member Posts: 8,602
    edited September 2022

    If you can pull it off, sure. From my own experience, survivors have to be pretty coordinated to pull it off more than once in a trial. If I'm expecting it, you're probably not going to be able to do it. I run Agi a lot anyway because the hooking process is the least efficient thing a killer does and being able to get hits during the carry while having hook flexibility is a massive efficiency spike.

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