The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Well... what's the difference between this and steam

Yeah I know the difference it's just a headline people.

However I do want to know people's honest-to-god opinion about the forums. At least the main one right now because I don't really see a difference between this and steam because it's the same hatred spilling over.
1. Killers and survivors will never see eye-to-eye because it's always them versus us
2. Console and PC won't ever get along and console is somehow seen as lower than dirt for some reason( we're part of the same Community get the stick out of your A$$)
3. Whining and complaining about everything and anything but then again yelling about it sometimes does help you feel better
4. Same as the steam forum barely any actual positivity of any kind.

That's just a few but  I noticed the forums were starting to take a nosedive...

 Is when they remove the downvote button.

Let me know you think below and all that other good stuff...


  • lay
    lay Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2018

    Steam is moderated by SJWs while this is not. At least not yet.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    internet "chat" will always be a place for issues laden to try to infect others.  it's just what they do.  throw in a game where one of the primary objectives is to kill people, give them a place to "chat" and it becomes lunacy and bedlam.  it has nothing to do with the web address.  
  • Easylife
    Easylife Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2018

    The steam forum has easy access to your steam profile here that is non-existant.
    That means unless you specifiy, noone knows what platform you play on unless you mention it.

    There has been some anti-console posts recently due to the way the console player base has reacted to the delay when it comes to 2.0 and the cosmetcis/Curtain Call DLC.
    The console players are frustrated and vocal about it in many seperate threads, the PC players get sick of reading it every day, mix that together and you get drama.

    There will always be survivor mains that complain about camping and tunneling, killer mains that complain about SWF and both "factions" that voice their dislike when one or the other recieves a substantial buff/nerf via perks or quality of life changes.
    That will never change, it's up to you weather you want to read or take part in those kind of threads.

    If you avoid those threads I've found the rest of the forum to actually be pretty good and there are a lot of good disscussions going on.
    Also as someone else said, the Dev's seem to be active here, never felt like that about the steam forum.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    lay said:

    Steam is moderated by SJWs while this is not. At least not yet.

    No joke. Literally got banned from the Steam forums for “disrespectful post.” IE : I called out some dude trying to tell me how to play Killer, when he doesn’t even have 20 sacrifices to his name. Told him I wouldn’t listen to some idiot that has no idea what he’s talking about. 

    Yet no banhammer for him telling other “Your just to dumb to play Killer effectively.” 

    Dont forget, SJW is just one letter away from SWF. ;)