General Discussions

General Discussions

Bhvr should not be getting rid of strategies.

Member Posts: 1,187
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Keep in mind I'm a 4.2k hour survivor main.

Slugging, tunneling, and proxy camping (face camping is an exeption) should not be dealt with anymore. Slugging especially. After the bt base kit, tunneling is fine. Camping honestly at this point is fine for a secure kill, always has been, but slugging?!. Why obliterate this tactic/strategy. I can speak for killers rn having 4 or 3 people on the ground is the most satisfying thing as a killer am I right guys? To get 4 people on the ground takes real skill and that gives reward. This game is getting less and less skill oriented now that I think about it. A good survivor should now how to handle slugging and if you get a bad teammate, well that's part of any online coop game. Slugging for the 4k is also completely fine. People get salty over it and I have no clue why, it's a simple strategy that gives you a chance for a double pip (it's hard in iri ranks as a killer).

It's not like people are leaving the game because of Slugging getting out of control or camping or tunneling, none of that is making people quite (some of you may disagree but let's be honest your gonna need dbd in ur veins a couple days later) what's making people quite is hacking, exploits, performance issues, and toxicity within the community being too much and some other reasons too.

Slugging should not be changed nor be worked on

Edit: also from a marketing standpoint, messing with in game strategies is a road to failure. It is generally not a smart thing too do especially when there is a higher chance to loose more players after changing strats then leaving them how they are.

Thanks for reading.

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  • Member Posts: 1,187

    4 minutes. I'm sure you can spare 4 min of your life. Worse case you go afk and go to your job cause the game took 4 more minutes than it should of

  • Member Posts: 394

    Camping and tunneling are not strategies bc strategy implies some skill, planning and decision making that those "strategies" clearly lacks. They are simply bad side effects of dbd base gameplay mechanics that killers tend to explot for easy wins and bhvr should fight against

  • Member Posts: 341

    I don’t know if they are willing to eat that time sink cost but given how many things they say they are working on to only just never happen i wish this was one of those things.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Not really as some killers are best played by setting up a 3 gen from the start i.e hag so during that match you need to plan and decide where the 3 gen will be, what gens your willing to give up and making sure that you keep the 3 gen till late in the game, which is why some killers will hook someone in the middle of a 3 gen as they are able to cover 3 objectives at once. So they are far from exploits and some take some real planning to pull off and are needed in some case.

    Are you telling me if you played killer and downed a survivor under a pallet and you saw someone with a flashlight you would pick them up or would you chase the other survivors, yes face camping at 5 gens sucks but sometimes killers need to proxy camp if they know survivors are near the hook and most times survivors are tunneled is due to your teammates unhooking you before the killer even leaves the hook.

    This change to UB basekit is not the way to go it just the devs being lazy if anything they should off let you bleed out faster if you wanted to or heal yourself faster when downed but you still need a 2nd survivor to pick you up.

  • Member Posts: 819

    This is literally only a problem if you actively choose to slug survivors.

    in worst case scenario, you have 22 seconds to pick a survivor up, in best case scenario, you have 45. Both are enough to pick a survivor up.

  • Member Posts: 341

    If you think it will ever be 45 seconds outside of a player just not having bill leveled, thats a pipe dream. It will always be 22 seconds and not counting every swf being able to make themselves unhookable. This is a massive swf buff

  • Member Posts: 869

    If those strategies are honestly unfun to go against, aka slugging, camping and tunneling, then yes they should be removed imo. Plenty of other fun strategies out there and if it turns out that these specific strategies were "necessary", then they will simply make extra changes further down the line.

    Personally, I don't think much of slugging but camping and tunneling definitely should be addressed. If the devs want to throw slugging on the pile of unfun strategies that should be removed then sure why not.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Sometimes you need to slug be it to put pressure on survivors, type of killer your playing i.e hag, other survivors are close ready for save. Slugging at 5 gens yer that's just wrong but at times you need to slug and now having UB as basekit it will kill a lot times you need to slugh.

  • Member Posts: 228

    What’s the definition of camping and tunneling?Who decides these rules?Just wanting to know so I can always play by the survivors rule book for killers.I would hate to hurt a survivor’s feelings.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    A perk that always could give value against the majority of Killers? Being used because you could guarantee you would get perk value, but also practically being necessary to play against Blights and Nurses? Why I never.

    Remember Borrowed Time? Now the only people who bring that are people trying to rescue people who get hooked super far from gates at endgame. That is a more accurate comparison since that is a basekit granted effect from a perk. Similarly Unbreakable will be in that same boat of the majority of people not bringing it due to it being partially basekit now.

    Plus don't forget the easiest way to counter any form of Survivor pickups is the Killer picking them up themself.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I remember people saying " Omg!! 25s of Bt that's so busted!! Devs must hate killers!!!". Who's using Bt now?

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    That is exactly my point. The majority of people no longer use BT, and the majority of people will have no reason to need to run Unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 819

    Not to be an #########, but slugging is a last-resort type of strategy - that most of the time, a player will resort to because every other thing that they were meant to do in trial, they failed.

    Whether it be map pressure, gen pressure, or successful chases. In the same vein that Hatch was a 'last resort', that skipped out a portion of game-play for killers by prematurely finishing the game for the killer, slugging is the same. Killers don't need to be getting clean 4Ks, especially in a 2k, two more to go situation. If one person gets out, and it's via hatch, that doesn't affect you, as the killer negatively in anyway as it counts as a draw. The only loser in that situation is the survivor because they lost out on a win.

  • Member Posts: 542

    But it's not a last resort your pretty much saying if 3 survivors are in the same spot and you have Myers at tier 3 that slugging those 3 before you hook someone is a last resort and somehow the killer failed, not that the survivors made any mistakes that allowed the Myers to do that, why should a killer be punished for outplaying the survivors or them making a mistake and be forced now to hook someone and giving 2 people a free chance to get away.

    There is a lot of ways that slugging can be used as a good strategy and yes some are bad slugging everyone with 5 gens left, slugging just to get the 4k. in your own words not to be a ######### but if a survivor is in the dying state then they failed at things they were meant to do in the trial , if a killer slugs 2 people within 10-20 sec then once again the survivors failed.

    This change to add UB to basekit will punish killers when they slugged at the right time of the match, if they only made it that you can use it when down to 2 people that's fair and will help survivors when a killer is slugging to get the 4k. but it also now going to punish killers that slug at the right time or to make a great amount of pressure because the survivors made a big mistake.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    you see, as a killer main i'm not mad because they are essencially erasing slugging as a strategy (after all it's effectively boring as survivor being on the ground for 5 minutes without doing nothing, for that reason that mechanic could be deleted), i'm mad because they are punishing it, giving nothing in return to killers to compensate the loss of another tactic... what people fail to understand is that slugging most of the times is a necessary evil, required to get more time because normally YOU DON'T HAVE THE TIME for doing normal chases due to various factors (mainly the maps that now are actually awful to play as killer). i think that if this patch will be released, i'll probably took a loooong break from the game (or at least until the devs will gave to killers compensations for what they lost)

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    You are joking, right? Genrush, bodyblock, sabotage and looping are still here as far as i know (now some of them are even more powerful due to the bad map design and certain perks that overbuff the genspeed).

  • Member Posts: 542

    We know they won't give killers anything the way they are going they will make DS basekit for survivors, with the BT basekit and now UB each survivor is pretty much using 6 perks now not 4, i'm surprised with how many people can't see making UB base kit is a bad idea if there were more conditions to using it as basekit then that wouldn't be to bad but the way it is now is pretty ######### and to be honest the devs on one hand is holding survivors even more now and the other hand giving the finger to killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Remember devs make game to be fun not competitive .So if people A.K.A survs ( cuz seems killers have fun getting 2 gens in one chase and later 1 gen per chase) dont seems fun to get slugged they will fix it.In my opinion they shpuld encourage to go to heal the other person not allowing him to stand up by itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    for your logic then genrushing should be forbidden, boyblock and sabotaging hooks should be forbidden because they are unfun to go against. please try to be objective, despite i'm the first to say that slugging is boring (especally as survivor), that strategy was one of the few ways that killers have to keep up the pace with the survivors doing their objective... with that strategy gone WITHOUT compensations, camping and tunneling will be even more common now... this is one of the worst updates ever done if it will goes live

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, I'm never gonna run unbreakable, I'll take 45 seconds easily

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    They've been doing this since "forever" Freddy and M&A Deathslinger. "Stop coming up with fun/unique builds! It's not allowed!"

  • Member Posts: 819

    Being slugged is not the survivor failing. They fail when they die because their objective is to escape. Killers that tend to resort to slugging are failing because they are not getting rid of players, they are still keeping them in the game, at times, keeping them hostage.

    slugging is a crutch for killers when they can’t keep up with the survivors, the same way that DH was, the same way that a 4-man hatch escape was.

    the changes punish being too greedy as your main objective is hooks/kills.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    A concept as wildly variable in its applications as slugging is an extremely bad comparison for a 4 man hatch escape. DH maybe (at least it has the concept of variance, so thats a start!) but if you think they're comparable, then you are blatantly only factoring in the absolute worst extreme and ignoring everything else. You're welcome to not understand the difference, but it sounds pretty silly when you do.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    Still has its issues, but still considerably better than the official plan (thus far) and addresses some of the core issues, and most importantly none of the pointless bickering while instead sharing considerations between both sides while actually considering secondary effects of the changes. 8/10

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Since we're posting personal stats to boost the credibility of our statements :

    Around 7000 hours in DBD at this point - I want all the "strategies" to be dealt with so the game can finally get balanced around interactive gameplay (aka legit chases).

    If the devs finally got rid of slugging, tunneling and camping they could finally get data on "fair" gameplay.

    Soon they would realize "high level survivors" will typically allow a good killer on average to get 5-ish hooks before they escape if said killer plays completely fair and relatively good.

    As a result they could finally balance around fair gameplay and possibly even add a little additional objective.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    You have listed absolutely no concessions from the survivor side, and implied that killer strategies are the only thing holding the game back. Not even a single thought about why those strategies might form, just "other side bad."

    Note how that other post made very clear admissions on how the changes would affect either side, be it positively or negatively, as well as mentions concerns on how the changes would affect other seemingly unrelated factors. Actually putting in not only considerations for both, but also reasonings that preemptively remove exploitation avenues.

    Again, even without agreeing that its the best avenue to take, its considerably more constructive and considerate than trying to punish one side into submission while pretending the other side can do no wrong unless they're forced to then its ok. The projection about how survivors sandbag themselves to give nice killers a reward is also extremely anecdotal, and completely contradictory to the experiences of many.

    And you're completely welcome to believe it, but you'll have to pardon people who don't agree, and especially those who will start arguments over it with you.

  • Member Posts: 3,250


    This concept is very interesting.

    For a survivor, time spent not actively participating in the game is boring. Yes, that's right.

    So what about the killer? There is never a dull moment for a killer, and while a player who face camps on Buba at any given moment may be bored, there is almost always a lot to think about and do when you are a killer in the game of DbD. There is no time for boredom.

    Slugging disappears due to survivor boredom. What happens to the killer after the slugging is gone? More sweaty busy time begins. There is no boredom in killer.

    Will the frustration of being busy be ignored over the frustration of being bored?

  • Member Posts: 207

    Why is everyone worried about SWFs or Sabo squads? Can no one see how this is a good change for Solo Q survivors or does no one care? Its happened to me more than once as a solo survivor that im slugged for 4 minutes because the SWF doesnt want to help me up or the killer goes hunting for the 1 other survivor.

  • Member Posts: 542

    The survivor failed in the chase causing them to be downed, survivors ready to try for the save and you down them failed at getting the save there is many ways a killer or survivor can fail in the match not just the basic kill or escape.

    Killers slug for pressure and the fact that sometimes you can steamroll if the survivors are hanging around for the save and you can 1 shot them i.e Myers tier 3, why would a killer pick up the first one when they can down the survivors close by ready to try and get the save and ending up with 2-3 on the ground because of the choice the survivors made to hang around for the save.

    Slugging is far from a crutch as there is times when you need to slug, forced to slug i.e survivor goes to a dead zone and with boil over they know you won't be able to hook them the counter to that is to slug them and let them bleed out.

    The changes do nothing more then making it more easy for survivors and forcing killers into a lose/lose spot, how would survivors act if they made PGtW base kit to help putting pressure on gens and to stay away from the hook?

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Slugging isnt an issue.

    Survivors being able to continuously loop the same area is.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Sabotaging and bodyblocking are in my opinion not even unfun to go against. The last time someone successfully sabo'd a hook against me was when a whole squad did it, which happens like once a year. At this point we're also not talking about just sabotaging hooks, we're talking about how many similar items survivors can bring into a match and SWF. Same applies to bodyblocking. Only SWF pull it off consistently and even then, the majority of the time someone else goes down.

    As for genrushing, yes that should be addressed.

    However, none of these things are counterarguments as to why slugging, camping and tunneling shouldn't be taken care of. It's just whataboutism.

    Where in the patch notes did they announce that compensation won't come if deemed necessary?

  • Member Posts: 767

    Let's be honest, a strategy is placing traps in a certain area of the map knowing that further on in the game you will try to push survivors on that area.

    Camping tunneling and slugging are really not strategies they're more shortcuts to higher the chances of winning

  • Member Posts: 566

    A strategy is literally, from the definition

    a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.

    In this case the long-term aim is to win, creating pressure by slugging to force other survivors to act to help their teammate out. And with the proposed base kit Unbreakable this strategy goes out the window.

    As has been discussed already in other topics, being downed under a pallet will be a lose-lose against organized survivors. But another area where it will introduce a problem is in the cases where a "comp corner" exists, an area of the map created by the lack of hook spawns thanks to bad logic in the map setup, this leads to an area where good survivors will run to, as they already do to force the killer to slug instead of hook, where the killer will be put in an even worse spot. The killer cannot create pressure by leaving the survivor, but but the killer cannot hook the survivor either, i.e., a lose-lose situation is created for the killer where there is no counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited September 2022

    How are they getting rid of a strategy? You can still slug as a stall tactic on preferable targets. Survivors don't even run Unbreakable 50% of the time now. Slugging is somehow happening often enough to address it, yet survivors currently don't run Unbreakable that often, and after this change they'll all start running it? The take that survivors will suddenly all start running Unbreakable after omega slugging is less viable makes zero sense.

  • Member Posts: 192

    I think that's hilarious. Survivor strats get worked over constantly but anytime it happens to killers the sky is falling. You'll get used to it just like survivors have had to.

  • Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2022

    Slugging for 4k is becoming extremely prevalent even at lower MMR. Yesterday I either escaped the match, or the match ended with a drawn out 2-survivor loop n slugfest. Slugging within close quarters is fine, if they are loitering around you, but it's the sluggers that abandon people on the floor to go off and search the map that SUCK. I would recommend a tweaked form of flip-flop something like, you gain wiggle progress from recovery while the killer is more than 12m from you (with wiggle bar appearing separately).

    Unbreakable current live form does not help against the intent sluggers as it is a 1-time use and that just means the killer will slug the survivor again and get back to searching for the other(s).

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