Jane Mains, RISE!

I see you Jane mains, standing there and doing nothing, help me fight for a better day to us, Jane mains.
PLZ, anyone who sees this, go vote up my bug report about Jane bugged cosmetic, because maybe then devs will notice, cuz it's in game for 2 years...
Let me make your day
I think her face is bugged too, default face when hooked
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Her glasses change every patch tbh. Sometimes they are tinted and sometimes they are pitch black
She pulls off both looks though :)
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but these bugged ones cover up her entire eye makeup and it's so ugly...(i mean glasses are ugly not makeup xDDD)
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Upvoted ✨
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I kind of like the pitch black especially since they changed her eyes in the lobby (they look pretty odd now)
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yeah, noticed that too, she looked sm better years ago like WUT
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Behold! Monkey Jane!
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Where did the sunglasses head w the pinkish/reddish hair come from? I see people w it every once in awhile, I want it 😭😭😭
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Rift, sadly you can't get it now :<, but since they are bugged it's not big loss...
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Remove Jane from DbD.
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We will not take Jane slander in this thread 😡
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I was joking...
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So was I :)
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The switch grafics look... interesting.
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You have my upvote. Us Jane mains need to stand together.
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I hope Janes crawl back into the hole they came from.