Feels like people are freaking out about the base kit Unbreakable way too preemptively.



  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    If you were griefing the killer you deserved the bleedout my guy

    And as someone who's been slugged for the 4k this ######### will be abused to all hell with sabo swfs

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2022

    Wrong they let the broken boilover buff through did you forget how survivor swfs were abusing offerings and such just to abuse the perk

    So much so that they got boilover nerfed to a sensible state

    Also don't forget about coh

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    The counter to the feature is to do your job, pick up the survivor and hook them.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2022

    Oh neat now tell me what happens in the situation where a hook is too far away especially against sabo swfs who bring 2 hook distance offerings and a realm offering that takes them to a map with exploitable spots

    I've seen this happen tons while playing both sides during the boilover fiasco and if you think that the situation won't happen again with this buff you're out of your mind

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,423

    They will find a million reasons why it’s “broken” before something is even tested. It’s the way of these forums. Lol

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,043
  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Seeing people think UB wont be nerfed and mald about it on forums is hilarious ngl

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
    edited September 2022

    Consider the possibility that SoulGuard will also become a base kit in a few months.

    This is a mistake. Already.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,917

    Yep, 45s is way too short, they're bound to increase it to 60s at least.

    Looking forward to being abandoned by my team mates on the ground for 60s now that there's no incentive to pick people up anymore...

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    People were announcing the apocalypse over trash perks like power struggle "oh no the 4men swf will abuse this perk omg i wont get any hook anymore because a survivor will hide near another survivor and then they will tbag me after power struggling because im killer im weak please help me behaviour im getting so stressed over this videogame omg game is unbalanced reeeee" so much so that i've seen that perk like 10 times since the release.

    99% of the population of this game has very little ability of hindsight but they don't realise it

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Um they fixed that perk in less than a weak. I'll give you CoH since that had to go through 2 nerfs. But like I said for the most part, overly broken stuff isn't allowed on release

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Still proves you wrong if what you said was true the boilover fiasco wouldn't have happened outside of the ptb

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418
    edited September 2022

    I agree, I think we need to see it in action before making conclusions about how much it'll affect the game. Objectively, it will only affect killers who slug a lot; this isn't a bad thing as so many killers resort to slugging as they're desperate for a 4k - even killers which don't need to slug in order to win (Nurse, Blight, etc.). However, my major concern is that it'll make killers who rely on slugging to a certain extent in order to get hooks really unviable. For example, look at The Twins: if you down someone as Victor on the other end of the map, you then have to get Charlotte there as quickly as possible - this will become almost impossible if Unbreakable becomes meta again.

    The positive is that slugging and being left to bleed out on the floor for 4 minutes (how fun!) will no longer be a thing. No more sweaty Nurses slugging a full time at 5 gens (yay). The negative is that it's going to really be the final nail in the coffin for multiple killers and may incentivize camping even more! Or other forms of nasty plays like camping downed survivors and hitting them straight back down as soon as they're back up.

    I think a healthier option would've been to make it base kit if there are 2 or more survivors slugged.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,357

    UB is one of the strongest perks in the game.

    They just buffed it and made it unlimited.

    I'd say the reaction is warranted.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Y'know, knowing how basekit BT did sorta make tunneling worse or at least not help the issue, I think basekit UB won't help much either.

    Said it elsewhere, but I have seen and been in matches with UB and/or Exponential in play that lasted 40 min and more because the killer was so intend on slugging for the 4k.

    As long as the behavior these changes are meant to counter are not punished by the game it won't get better, only worse.

  • Ebonbane2000
    Ebonbane2000 Member Posts: 157

    The amount of protest to slugging being nerf'd kinda shows that ALOT of killers use this as their go to strat. Thus, proving that something needed to be done about it. Only, 1 in 5 players each match having fun in unsustainable for the game. When you down a survivor, just hook them and the 45 second timer is gone.

  • Friction
    Friction Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2022

    I'm personally am excited for it.

    It would be great to see slugging go away. at least the long bleed outs.

    Maybe they can add a new perk to extend the time, like reassurance.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 155

    I'm hopeful that, since this is a very fresh idea, they will take the time to iron out the kinks before it ever goes live. If the game is largely overhauled to account for this change, then I'm actually excited for this change.

    If not, well, then we're in trouble.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,423

    This is neither of those.

    How do you even know if it will even have the same impact? You don’t.

  • ihateboons
    ihateboons Member Posts: 167

    I wanted Unbreakable to have a cooldown(like, 2minutes) and once per trial. At least with a flippin' medkit. Yes lemme suture my wound

    I didn't want Unbreakable to be Basekit. Kindred should be basekit but theyre already supposedly making a new mechanic for solo players.

    Their main complaints have been from Solo players and they have watched the SoloQ™ part of the playerbase: Quit, Switch to Killer, or SWF

    All 3 instances are bad. Quitting, obviously the overall Queue suffers, Switching to killer is the same issue, and more SWFs = more killers crying they got genrushed and stomped into oblivion and run around with "survivors op plz nerf" flags on here and twitter.

    It's like new players complaining Wraith is hard. Bruh

    Their main complaints: being slugged for an eternity, being held hostage, being tunneled, being camped.

    They can't fix tunneling and camping. That's a player decision and any punishments or "Balance" will never be perfect because yall mfs are toxic. Cmon man we have cheaters going afk, forcing the killer to DC or wait 2 hours for the server to collapse lol

    I see what they're trying to do. But they are going to make Unbreakable/Sabo/Breakout SWFs brutally strong

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Basekit unbreakable is not a problem.

    The problem is what it does to unbreakable which is buff it significantly. You should only be able to pick yourself up in that speed without help once, then the perk should disable.

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    i like the change but 100% on unbreakable sounds abusable with bully squad

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    I am willing to give it a chance. If it ends up being too strong, we will know day damn 1..

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,248
    edited September 2022

    I feel like the perks that help pick yourself up should be toned down and that the hook states should effect recovery times but overall I feel this is an incredibly good change for the game. If anything Unbreakable and Exponential should have numbers swapped because iirc Unbreakable was the stronger of the two. The Boon totem requires more setup so I feel that should be the stronger of the two.

    Ultimately though here's what I don't understand - Everyone complains about perks are being used to fix the game all the time. This change is literally the opposite of that where we make a perk into basekit because it's a sensible mechanic to do so. I do agree that if the numbers aren't fine tuned this will harm the game long term because I do see slugging as a necessary component of the game - It just needs to be less viable early on and more viable later to maintain a healthy balance for both sides imo.

    Either way - That's the part I don't understand - We're no longer solving game issues with perks and people are wanting this change to not happen. I don't get it.

  • edufato
    edufato Member Posts: 3

    The game will be broken, I don't plan to play killer again if this is implemented, in high mmr it is almost impossible to win and with this forget it, I will not play until they announce that this decision was a bad one.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    Expanding on my previous post, this will inevitably suck for killers who have limited time for their powers - particularly Myers. How can a Myers who isn't running Fragrant Tuft of Hair addon supposed to get any pressure when he's in T3? That's why he excels at; getting multiple downs whilst he's at his most powerful/oppressive (same as Oni). How can he get any map pressure if by the time he's hooked one of two downed survivors, the other could've already picked themselves up? Equally, M1 killers with pretty poor mobility who are power reliant (Trapper, Twins) will suffer greatly.

    I stand by what I said: this is great in theory, but not so great in execution. It would be far healthier if it was limited to certain criteria, like 2 or more survivors slugged at the same time. Or alternatively, change it to a 60-second threshold - this would give killers sufficient opportunity to hook 1 or more, downed survivors, without running the risk of losing any map pressure. Unbreakable could be changed to a 50% speed increase so it takes 30 seconds to get back up, and is limited to once per trial.

    However, it is important to remember that it's a public test build. We only have to look at previous PTB's (remember the stackable endurance meta in the 6.1.0 PTB?) to see that these things often get heavily nerfed. I'm very doubtful that the current proposed update will ever make it in to the game; the feedback so far has been overwhelmingly negative, possibly moreso than 6.1.0 back in July.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,269

    What? The DbD Community Fearmongering???

    dont believe you

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,936

    Or if this only starts in situations that could lead to a TPK, ie when the "not all hope is lost" is activated and everyone's FOV gets expanded, then slugged players could get up, no matter how often they went down this trial and the timer carrying over from the normal game. But the unlimited UB is really crazy.

  • CosmicScarab
    CosmicScarab Member Posts: 94

    Broken stuff still gets through without nerfs, just take a look at hyperfocus, being released.