Rip to all killer mains

This is a God awful change coming up... I literally took a 9 month break and came back because I liked some of the changes the devs did, but now... I genuinely don't know what the devs are doing. They straight up crapped on killers with this patch note. It feels like the devs still don't understand killers. So many years survivors have been getting away with second chance perks then they get nerfed and now given back to them via basekit *sigh*
Idk man I came back started enjoying the game again but then the tunnel & camping meta started because the endurance and gen rushing meta started. Neither are fun but now the devs kinda made the game worse for killers on top of an already existing problem in the game with cheaters. Think it's time for another break already. I'll probably come back if the devs understand the major mistakes they're doing.
Meh, the only players I am worried about going against with this change as bully sabo squads since slugging was all you could really do against them.
Granted, my playstyle doesn't include slugging...well....ever except in pretty rare situations (sabo squad being the main one or if there are two survivors left and I see them both when I take one down, then I'll go ahead and go after the other one but I won't slug the third person to try to find the fourth).
I could change my mind obviously once it actually comes out if this is a bigger deal than I expect it to be but I just don't really see this being much of a problem for me as a killer and it'll be nice to actually be able to do something about it when I get a killer that insists on slugging everyone and making the game come to a crawl.
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Unbreakable was strong because no one expect you to have, where you have a chance to use.
Basekit Unbreakable makes killers straight up to pick them up instead.
This change doesnt buff survivors, but it kills the interaction between dying survivors and their teammates. No one care about coming to pick you up anymore, just Gen rush
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Enabling free gen rushing is a massive buff.
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But you got .2 seconds off survivor sprint burst? You don't want to play vs infinite unbreakable with that?
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Most survivors didn't mind that 6 months ago. They prefer a 10+ minute wait if it comes with ebin tbags after.
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This ruins killer for me, I already despise using the hooks and now I'm not even able to play killer in a way I find enjoyable.
100% solo survivor once this goes live.
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I will play different games or i will play killer. I hope you are no longer wondering about what i am gonna do.
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Why would you play killer if you despise hooks?
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When this change goes live I predict that bloodpoint bonus is going to switch to killer really quick.
Except most killers don't mind playing some survivor. The majority of the survivor player base is positively allergic to playing killer.
I'm just going to go back to Hunt:Showdown until this crap blows over.
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what does this even mean?
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At least fair amount of survivor mains has been moved to killers for a while, wonder how people gonna play this game.
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Basically if a killer slugs a survivor, the other survivors won't have to leave their gens to go pick them up anymore since unbreakable is basekit now. It removes the killer to cause pressure. Killers are pretty much forced to pick up now. Some perks like Knockout or Deer Stalker (granted they weren't viable anyways) are now rendered completely useless now.
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But to be fair... why would you just leave the survivor on the floor? I don't see a situation where I would want to force survivors to come for the pick up. Especially when I know that the more they linger on the floor the more time they have to get to a pallet etc.
You would have to be slugging excessively and for long periods of time to notice a difference.
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Ok bye, others will adapt and play killer, actually I would love to play less survivor and more killer when queues are instant again
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There is a plenty of situation you want to and you are forced to do such, and 22 seconds is nowhere "excessive" at all.
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I am talking about the 45 second window , not 22.
And by excessive I mean people who feel the need to slug every second of the match. Regardless of the "play".
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I don't like to use hooks and instead prefer pressuring survivor altruism. Using Knockout in place of a hook based regression perk provides the chance for more chases and some strategy.
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Wow, you took a 9 month Break?
.... couldn't tell
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You mean... you don't like properly advancing the objective...Ok?
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Because travel time is precious, so that's 45 seconds you can spend on a gen, and if your teammate wants to get up, they'll use 45 of their 4 minute timer
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God it’s like if the devs give one good thing to survivor then killers cry like little babies, but when killers get something, survivors always have to “adapt.” The irony.
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Ah yes, survivor players never play killer and that's why the bonus has been 100% on survivor for 20/24 hours in a day since 6.1.0.
I for one welcome the return of survivor players if it means I get to play my preferred role without a 16 minute queue each time.
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Survivors got basekit BT and good perks like OTR in 6.1.0 and yet survivors whined and threw a tantrum about the 10% killer action speed buff and reworked DH.
Meanwhile, killers pointing out that making one of the strongest meta perks basekit and buffing it to unlimited uses might cause problems are "crying like babies."
I'll take some of whatever you're smoking, it seems like pretty strong stuff.
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Basekit BT and basekit UB counter cheap play styles that are boring and taking little to no skill to do. If you aren’t welcoming it in the game, then that says a lot about you as a player.
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Basekit BT, yes. In fact I would like to see basekit BT buffed further.
Basekit UB, at least as currently designed, no, not even close.
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i saw always the contrary tho... i can do a lot of examples: ruin reworked the 1st time? survivors yelled to killers to adapt. pop nerfed? same. undying? same. even when they nerfed specific killers (nurse, deathslinger, pyramidhead, twins... i could go on but i'm unwillingly to put all the stuff complained by survivors) killers said something similar only in 3 instances as far as i know: the 6.10 patch, the game rework and when keys were changed...
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Well said. I 100% agree with everything you stated.
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Unbreakable's biggest strength is the threat it possesses simply by existing, even if no one is running it. Unbreakable forces the killer to pick up a survivor or risk the survivor getting up and costing the killer a lot of their pressure. If a killer wants to slug, they are risking a possible Unbreakable play but also possibly getting off a lot of pressure if the survivor doesn't have it/already used it.
If the survivor didn't have Unbreakable, you were basically pressuring 3 survivors at once (assuming you are chasing another survivor).
Now the killer has to pick up the survivor as they know the survivor can get up and cost them their pressure. No other survivor needs to get off their gen to pick them up because they know that they will either get up on their own, or the killer will be forced to pick them up.
This change just removes risky plays and makes everyone play safer because chances are now that risk is going to backfire.
And it is no longer one time use. Before if they used it you know they can't do it again so you can afford to go for that risky play, now you can't because it's infinite.
My biggest issue though is that this change is going to punish lower tier killers more than Nurse and Blight. They can still make their risky plays, but weaker killers like Myers and Trapper can't really afford to take those risks anymore.
This is a buff for survivors. We should wait until the PTB to see if this is actually a big buff or if we are all overreacting, but this is definitely still a buff.
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maybe because they literally whined like babies about the changes without realizing that nothing is changed? i play solo survivor too and when i have an actual decent team the killer can consider himself lucky if he did 4 hooks in the entire match... mind you that i don't play with exhaustion perks, so i'm one of the few guys out there that didn't relied on dead hard in order to kept busy the killer, unlike most of the people out there it seems...
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Removing options is never good IMO. I'll watch these changes from a safe distance, preferably on Youtube.
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I really don't care about what's caused the queue imbalance if I'm being honest, I just want fast killer queues back because playing survivor bores the hell out of me.
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I hope you are right. Maybe I can finally play killer with fast queues and BP bonus
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You're also forgetting killers also got: buffed gen speeds, stackable meta gen regression/slow-down perks, buffed bloodlust, and all the previous survivor meta ("second chance") perks got major nerfs and became useless in the end-game. "10% action speed buff and reworked DH" are major understatements of the buffs killers got in the July update. The 'tantrum' came from the fact that tunneling/camping - the two most despised strategies - got major buffs and became easier and more rewarding than ever in 6.1.0.
I do agree, however, that the basekit Unbreakable is ridiculously strong. We need to remember, though, this will be a PTB and BHVR will make significant changes before they even consider taking it live. Look at OTR, COH, etc - all these overpowered game updates got major nerfs after the feedback from their respective PTB's.
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It's not even in the PTB yet, nor it will be during the next update, and there is still a long way to go. Plus it will be tested. so why give it such a huge importance now?
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Almost like the killer should hook that survivor so the team has to rescue from hook. I know, crazy thought
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If you pick up the survivor and hook them you are still pressuring 3 survivors if you start chase on someone else lol
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I don't mind it as a whole, but if it goes live without changes to Twins, double locker flashlights and spots on maps where you can't pick survivors up it's going to be a Boil Over level disaster with people just trolling killers for weeks.
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Your not seeing what killers see. Killers are mainly upset because this essentially is a nerf to killer tactics to gain momentum/snowball and of course risk/reward.
I only slug when the opportunity presents itself. Let's say I got lucky and downed someone at a strong loop with no way to avoid a flashlight. I have no choice but to chase the flashlight and the slug gets up for free with no risk/reward.
Let's keep in mind this will make perks like Knockout and Third Seal completely useless. This will also make killer more of a ######### sweat fest since killers are running out of 'fair' options to gain momentum.
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It also means that I can't slug someone who was just unhooked to avoid tunneling when I'm feeling nice. I have no choice but to hook or let themselves get up for free.
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The sky is falling! 😂😂
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Feels like a good way to not get picked up by teammates anymore
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PLUS their entire build can be for things like that now, or to bully and they still have the top tier perks as basekit.
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Survivors got OTR at the cost of DS, losing the old at best potential 3 anti-tunnel effects (BT DS DH) into the new at best 1 (BT OR OTR OR DH). I think DH change was fine, but anti-tunnel endurance should never cause deep wound. Endurance stacking was a meme that didn't cause you to win, and typically required throwing the game getting MoM active to pull off as well. (BT only after hook, OTR only after hook, MoM 3 free hits for killer, DH exhaustion, Styptic 1/match.) Anyone legitimately complaining about endurance stacking never tried to pull it off in a real match AND win.
I don't disagree with UB potentially being excessive with unlimited use, but the majority of Killers are crying about 45s being too long to hook 3 Survs as Oni from a single power usage (since if they got all 4 they would instawin, so 3 is the most they can get). They also appear to have this strange cognitive dissonance, in believing Survivors will be able to simultaneously gen b4 fren and not pick up, but also be present for pallet saves. You can claim one or the other will happen, not both. (To be fair you can claim a different Survivor could do each, but that would realistically change nothing from the current paradigm.)
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I mean, yeah, I was just explaining to the other guy why you can gen rush if the killer tries to slug, you have less to worry about than before
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Don't be too harsh though, my friend. Unlimited UB is more then basekit UB: its unlimited! Yes, getting slugged was not fun at all, but there could have been other solutions then letting survivors picking themselves up after 22,5s, thats REALLY rough. One survivor with a flashlight can easily put enough pressure on a killer that they can never pick anyone up, all the while gens in the background get done without retaliation or pressure. This doesn't feel like a "crybaby" situation, but legitly like "way too crazy to comprehend".
What if sluggs could have crawled at x2 speed? You already quickly lose track of slugs if you chase another survivor, with x2 speed they could much more easily crawl to a mate, without taking away the killers pressure entirely. I was never a big slugger myself, but 22,5s --- oof. Thats so frigging fast.
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I don't like hooks; the time sink of transport, the counter measures for safe pickup, the opportunity survivors have to kill themselves, or managing hook #s and locations to prevent dead zones.
I'll slug and go for chases, if anyone dies it due to poor team altruism.
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I don't think things going to play out the way people think they are.
I legitimately think survivors are going to have a pretty bad time with these changes, particularly against one shot killers/exposed builds.
The mori system is also a pretty big buff to removing people asap (ie tunneling and camping), most effective with the killers/builds mentioned above.
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Double Locker Flashlights are easy to counter without slugging. Grab one locker repeatedly till the other Surv runs out of juice. BTL takes 12s so they can't reload the clicky in the time it takes to re-grab. Plus eventually they often screw up because that is a meme typically used by weaker Survivors who can't get normal Flashlight saves. Plus those 2 dinguses are foolish enough to not be on gens, so where is the complaint?
In all reasonable momentum circumstances you can pick up the 1st person after you down the 2nd, hook them, and then hook the 2nd. In extreme examples like Oni if 3 people got downed from 1 power use they only have ~24s of total power time, due to losing 7s per Survivor downed. That 21s is more than enough to run back to the 1st Surv and hook each of them in the downed sequence. (Don't forget if you down all 4 you instawin.)
If the flashlight user distracted you from pickup for 45s without you being able to ward them off I'd say you have more pressing concerns than self-pickups. You are bound to lose that match regardless.
I don't disagree with Knockout (but honestly fudge Knockout users), but Third Seal is a soloq stomper and prevents hook rescues from lower skilled players more than assists slugging. Even then it still is a Hex and people bad enough to be affected by it would be scared enough to search for and cleanse it, similar to Huntress Lullaby. I know this is difficult for some killers to hear, but the "fair" option to gain momentum is using the hook. I know some people are allergic to the spacebar, but you can rebind it since you are on PC don't worry.
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Survivors have actually been crapped on for 6 years.
This is more like a QOL change more than anything. I don't think the devs ever intended on killers to slug everyone on the ground all the time, it also removes the chance for someone to get the hatch which the killer shouldn't straight up deny because he wanted to. It is not fun to be incapacitated on the floor.
Killers are still very OP so winning a majority of matches will still happen, you just have to actually hook people like you should have been doing all along.