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Behavior freeing up perk slots for survivors

A better version of BT as basekit. OTR comes bundled with a mini Iron Will. And now unlimited Unbreakables at basekit lol. Behavior did you ever guess that if all 4 survivors are getting slugged like flies maybe it's the team's inefficiency? Also if a survivor is now downed near a pallet and other survivors are hovering around it, the killer can no longer bait the pick up and will be forced to pick up the survivor only to get pallet saved? And flashlight savers can now hover around the downed survivor more confidently, because if the killer chooses to chase them for a hit, the downed survivor will get up? Thanks for proving once again that you don't play your own game devs. Just because Dead Hard got nerfed, they gave survivors so much to compensate.

OTR, DS and Adrenaline basekit next, let's go! Destroy those camping, tunneling, and slugging killers!

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  • Member Posts: 1,182

    You forgot spine chill and iron will!

  • Member Posts: 440

    Camping and tunneling is understood to some extend. But slugging? How stupid or cocky does the team have to be to go down one after the other? Never happens in my killer matches.

  • Member Posts: 640
    edited September 2022

    I agree with what you are saying about how come survivors can things base kit. I too feel that some killers perks should be base kit too. Like you and others said killers should have corrupt intervention base kit too.

  • Member Posts: 1,182
    edited September 2022

    Ok. Where and what are the killer equivs? How do I stop 45 second hyperfocus + stakeout + toolbox gens? Or how do I stop someone from going into a hook deadzone/high spot with boil over and becoming impossible to get to a hook now? Or 8 second medkit heals? Or CoH heals?

  • Member Posts: 440

    You don't even need Boil Over to be unhookable. A survivor being unhookable in an area (especially near the exits) is actually quite common.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    At the very least, assuming this goes live, it will add to build variety.

    This may not be the case depending on how certain perks on either side effect downed recovery, but maybe a big shake up is still needed.

    I'm a bit torn on the changes but it will certainly be an interesting PTB.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    So, you're talking about two separate spheres of issues there; you're asking about killer equivalents to basekit changes and you're talking about unbalanced perks/builds on the survivor side. Those are two separate things, so I'll answer them separately, I hope that's alright.

    To the unbalanced stuff like eight second heals and Hyperfocus builds, the answer is you don't. Those things are overtuned and need to be brought in line, but they're also not super relevant to the basekit changes because they're a case of improving your chances of winning, not responding to/countering unfun tactics.

    As for the killer equivalents, what would the killer equivalents be? Obviously there's all the basekit changes from 6.1.0, those are the killer equivalents to, say, the basekit BT. But after that... what perk becoming basekit would universally help killers in the way that the survivor changes help them? If you squint, slightly shuffle definitions around, and completely ignore both Trapper and Hag, you could maybe get to Corrupt Intervention, but that's the only example I can think of and personally I don't want that to become basekit. It's kind of a false equivalent, killers don't have specific perks they need to bring in case survivors take advantage of basekit gaps like tunnelling and camping on the killer end.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    So, part of what you're missing here is the intended function of the changes, on both sides. Just saying "meta perks" is extremely misleading, because they weren't "meta perks", they were specific meta perks. Specifically, the ones that covered for basekit gaps; the ones that were meta specifically because the game was lacking at basekit and survivors had extreme incentive to bring those or suffer at the hands of a killer employing certain tactics.

    As for the basekit changes, you're cherrypicking. Not well, because the post-hit sprint was one of the more impactful changes, but still- the point of the less noticeable changes, like the blade-wipe animation and the pallet-kick animation, was for you to have less overall downtime across the entire trial. But the more important changes were the 90 second generator change, the extra regression on generator kick, and the post-hit sprint reduction, all of which gave killers far more room to generate pressure. They were good changes and they were the equivalent of basekit BT, they aimed to address perks killers felt they needed to bring or suffer at the hands of a coordinated team.

    For the record, I am resolutely neutral on the basekit Unbreakable. I will have to see both it being tested on the PTB and whatever changes they make before it hits live before I can commit to an opinion. Right now, I think it could be a good idea but has too many blind spots to be abused without further changes.

  • Member Posts: 857

    You are right. Maybe the killers should get some stuff in return, like longer gens, faster pallet breaks, even easier tunneling...

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i read a lot that killer should get incentives to avoid certain playstyles. I think basekit unbreakable is an incentive not to slug.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    No, thats a punishment for slugging, not an incentive for not doing it. The carrot and stick analogy stops working if you're just holding two sticks.

  • Member Posts: 358

    At the very least make shattered hope basekit.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited September 2022

    Some killers wouldn't want corrupt though, for example a legion who would prefer all the survivors are grouped on the first gen. But something does need to be done basekit. Ideally it should be the old Scott Jund idea, where gen repair speeds are like twice as long (180 second gens) for the first 60 seconds in a trial, and go to normal once a chase starts. Additionally they should normalize spawns so survivors always spawn in pairs in 2 corners and the killer spawns on the opposite end of the map.

    And then change the survivor/killer spawn offerings to actually make sense for their side. I.E the survivor one, makes the survivors spawn in 4 corners of the map, and the killer spawn in the center. And the killer one force all survivors to spawn right next to each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    The point I am trying to make is giving killers a 1.2 second benefit here and there is not the same as giving basekit perks out and buffed variants to the survivor team. I don't want to do the math but every single change of 6.1 other than the DH nerf and 10 seconds to gens is negligible(on the order of sub 1 second benefits and sub 5 meter deltas in chase, true they do add up, I would argue that they still are not worth basekit unbreakable). The mini pop is on the order of sub 1 second gained(1.8 seconds to kick the gen, .025 * 90 = 2.25 seconds shaved off, it's still a net loss of time for the killer assuming other survivors are on gens)

  • Member Posts: 944

    Corrupt basekit is bad it can ruin other perks like discordance, BBQ could be basekit imo it's good to help killer go find another chase

    or maybe deerstalker basekit to compensate for unbreakable basekit, it makes sense if you need to find slugged survivor quickly and no one run this perk anyway

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Right, but that's because the basekit gaps they were filling were much smaller. Killer didn't have any glaring issues that could be solved by a single perk becoming basekit, and survivors did. That's why that perk was made basekit, because it neatly solved a problem in a way that no single killer perk would for killer problems.

    The killer changes were still the equivalent for that update, and the fact remains that there's no clear equivalent for this basekit Unbreakable, if it happens to go through. It's not just a free perk for no reason, it's to combat slugging, and there isn't really an equivalent on the killer side unless you branch out into just unbalanced perks and builds- at which point, the equivalent change would just be to nerf those perks and builds.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    It does more to combat actual realistic slugging (i.e. prioritizing targets in chase, hook sabo/slugs no longer resetting wiggle, hooks removed by kills creating deadzones, etc) than it does to stop the fringe cases people complained about (4 slug nurse momentum, BM bleedout, etc.) Sure it has an impact on the latter, but hurts the former considerably more when they were reasonable applications and more likely to occur. If your comparison is accurate, then perks like Agitation or Iron Grasp now need to take the same basekit jump since this change made those problems both worse and more exploitable.

    Basically they took the usual "nerf the whole perk because of one extreme synergy" approach to a core gameplay mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022

    How does your “strategic slugging” affect the human player being slugged?

    And while you think up an answer to that question, could you name any other game that effectively allows one player to prevent another player from leaving or participating in normal gameplay for minutes at a time?

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    The end result of the slugging is the same, though, to be fair.

    That being said, something like a basekit Agitation (without the TR increase, naturally) wouldn't be a terrible additional change to add more interplay. Based on what we've seen so far, giving the killer ways of affecting this new mechanic would be a good call, so long as they can't completely deny it permanently.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    How does not being able to hook anyone after downing them affect the human player being denied? Do you want some hyperbolic response about how we should remove being hooked entirely because the survivor on the hook might feel bad being stuck there?

    And of course I can do that, literally any pvp game. In mobas you can have a hypercarry get so fed that none of the 5 players on the other team can do a single thing to stop them, and they have to either votequit or hope that player messes up so badly that it gives them a slight chance, God help you if you're playing support on that team.

    You can (and should) address things like slugging by making them less necessary, not by punishing all cases good or bad. Its the same logic people use to admonish camping, then lead chases right to the hook and complain the killer didn't just go the other way.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited September 2022

    My point is that the necessity for agitation to be made basekit only matters because this basekit change threw off a core gameplay mechanic. You can't just pick and choose things ala carte in a game thats been being built upon every 3 months for what, 6 years now? You need to look at the mechanic from every angle, as well as every change thats been done to the game and how it affects every factor of said mechanic. I defend this sensibility when it comes to things like how they have yet to bother to incorporate any engine rewrites for better ingame reporting and/or anti-cheat features that would be a lot of work to incorporate, but then they just turn around and take a wrecking ball to their own mechanical structure making it look much more like an excuse than a reason. Especially since they'd rather break it and see how people react than implement obvious fixes to the obvious issues they introduce. Remember the CoH PTB? or even the recent 5 stacking endurance one? They had their chance with the Key/Mori rework, and showed that they would rather focus on one side and hope they can figure everything else after the fact.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Certainly, but we shouldn't forget that this is not a typical update. It's not going live in the following update, which implies quite heavily (at least to me) that they're using this PTB as a legitimate testing ground for concepts, not just for finding bugs and getting close-to-live-fire feedback for minor tweaks.

    If later on down the line they haven't made serious changes when they implement this, sure, but we should give them the benefit of the doubt for doing something different here. Like you said, it's a very integral mechanic being toyed with, it's good that they're testing it more cautiously.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    They lost that faith when the whole key/mori change kept getting hyped up as needing additional time on the key side, so they were put in the game with a large time lapse in between, then the final result was just one of the many number adjustments people had been recommending before the "rework." They don't understand how to approach one problem from both angles, and start with one angle then hope they can catch up with the other. If they were able to think unilaterally like that, the whole Solo/SWF/Killer triangle would have been solved years ago.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    They made camping and tunneling way less necessary than before, but since it also became easier, its use did rise, not decline.

    The Community has already shown that the "they only do it because they need to"-argument doesnt really work.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Did they remove CoH and I didn't notice? If not, then they didn't make them "way less necessary" strats than they were. All they did was extremely safe adjustments to a variety of interactions, most of which didn't even break even to their disadvantages. If you want a clear example, just compare how pop was handled (both basekit value, as well as the perk change to match it) compared to either of the new survivor basekit tools. Its weaker and its basekit impact barely offsets the duration of its animation lock, and the perk is absurdly weaker than it was previous while current BT basekit is stronger than old BT with the perk was due to the haste that got thrown in as well and a (now) much closer duration.

    And no, the point of that is not to bemoan that survivors got a nice thing. Its to give you perspective to how badly that perspective is skewed. As for the rest, Killers had most of their incentives to leave the hook taken away, as well as their ability to use their loadouts to help provide surrogate pressure: For all the gen perks that are the new ones to complain about, half of the old ones got nerfed into uselessness, especially ruin and corrupt. So now you have less reason to be confident in leaving the hook, no direction to go in, no reason to leave logically... Its absolutely no surprise this didn't have any impact to reduce tunneling nor camping. Its both made them the most consistent strategies while simultaneously ruining their alternatives, a trend thats been happening in this game's balance for a while now.

    This is why carrot and stick analogies don't work unless both are present. If its always just the stick thats just abuse.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Time to jump into the unfun starstruck / focus 2 survivors to kill asap nurse playstyle ,,who knows what's next ? free pre nerf ds ?

  • Member Posts: 392

    Kill rate accounts for all the survivors that get downed in 10 seconds, and that give up on first hook. Remember that. The kill rate means nothing because it combines players that could run a m1 killer for 5 mins if they had the right tile setup, and survivors that go down in 10 seconds to Ghost Face at shack with pallet still up.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i just dont agree with you. But i do play both sides, and recently, at least to me, solo surviving has become incredible hard, because of the the killer buffs/survivor nerfs and a matchmaking that keeps giving me teammates that cant handle that.

    On the other side, i recently got ALL the killer challenges and achivements i couldn´t do before, because i am just a mediocre killer. But killer became really easy (unless you get a 3+swf, because they can easily compensate, but i actually play killer only at times when they are few in between) against solo and 2swf, and either a lot of killer mains choose to ignore that, or are just afraid to lose their edge again.

    I, for one, profit and from every balance change, because i play both sides, but thats why i want the game to be balanced.

    And yes, i belive the unbreakable basekit is a good thing, while i dislike the mori-removal from both devour hope and rancor. They could do the endgame-mori despite having the perks do it earlier.

    Yes, but in solo queue, you also get all kinds of teammates, so the kill rates mean actually a lot on your own survival rate.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    I'm glad you do well as killer and im sorry that you struggle as survivor, but anecdotes mean literally nothing in this game, especially when attempting to use them to discredit the opinions of others. They are simply what you have experienced, and the basis for your perspective. nothing less, but also nothing more. It has absolutely nothing to do with how the game is balanced, just why you feel the way you do, and thats completely fine as long as its kept within that scope.

  • Member Posts: 20

    It's like you weren't here when they announced the new kill rates and how much higher they are now. Stop overreacting just like everyone does before literally any other patch.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Run lightborn and hex blood favor. Also, if you down someone at a pallet and there’s so many survivors around you that you can’t pickup: REJOICE, there’s no one on gens or at most, 1.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    To be fair I rarely saw/see survivors bring BT (outside of SWF) and UB was pretty uncommon too. In my experience, survivors usually just deal with being slugged or disconnect after a couple of minutes. Most killers generally pick up immediately in my games. I can’t imagine slugging is much of a tactic for any killer besides Nurse, and even she doesn’t need it to win.

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