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General Discussions

The new changes and what I would change

I see a lot of people upset over the base kit unbreakable, and I can understand their point. There's a few areas where it becomes problematic.

The first being sabo squads. While they don't happen every match currently, they do happen quite a bit and with the new changes I could definitely see an uptick. Because the only real way to counter a full sabo squad is to slug them. Sure it's not fun for survivors, but playing killer and never being able to hook a survivor isn't fun either. So it kinda balances out. However the new change kinda removes any counter play for killer and leaves them to either just afking the whole match or dcing. Because what's the point of playing the entire match if you never even get to actually play. Both options are not very healthy for the game overall. Being a swf and having every killer DC or afk because you're playing a certain way isn't fun, and I think there will be an uptick of that as well.

The other issue is that it removes a big chunk of the killer's ability to snowball in the game. I see a lot of people say that if a killer needs to snowball then they're just a weak killer or poorly designed. The issue with this argument, if you've ever played a significant amount of killer, is that every killer has to do this. Nurse, blight, every one of them. It's how the game is designed. Survivors start with all of the power and killers gain more power throughout the match as they end chases, get downs, and snowball from there. If they don't capitalize and snowball in the mid game then the chances of them winning goes way down. This removes a big part of having the ability to snowball. So that 60% winrate that they're comfortable with right now, is naturally going to go down as a result.

These two things are mainly only affected if survivors stack recovery. If devs simply changed it to where the ability to pick yourself up is not affected by recovery and just kept it at a constant 45 or even 40 seconds, that would get rid of the parts that are abusable in a way that can really hurt the game, while still fixing the issue of just being slugged all game and left to bleed out.

The other part I don't like is the moris being moved to only being the last person in the match, and you have to down them while everyone else is dead or escaped. I don't think this is really going to happen as much as they think it is. Especially with them wanting 1-2 survivors escaping on average. I think this change would take one of the coolest parts of this game, moris, and make them even less used than they are now. It takes all option of when to use it away from the killer. I'd much rather them just make it optionally basekit after the second hook. Or anything other than what they're actually doing lol. It just seems like they'll be used less than what they currently are, which sucks.


  • Member Posts: 445

    There are ways to deal with a sabo squad, including running perks that increase your speed to travel to a second hook.

    I understand that snowballing is desirable, but the killers just got HUGE buffs in 6.1.0 and they continue to use up to 4 slowdown perks (even though BHVR advertised slowdown as no longer needed with generator length increase).

    Combine the gen length increase with all the secondary objectives that exist in the game (cleanings offensive Hex totems, removing Pig trap/Wesker's poison/Plague's illness/etc., mending against Legion, dealing with the lament configuration against Pinhead, etc.), the killer has plenty of time to pick somebody up and hook them even without slowdown perks. If you want everyone down and no one able to get up, you need to play a different game. Those that snowball should be happy with 2-3 downs, and then hook them quickly. If they can't do that in the post-6.1.0 world, it's a user problem, not a game problem.

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