General Discussions

General Discussions

The extraordinary amount of BM killers can inflict on survivors needs to be addressed.



  • Member Posts: 418

    BM'ing, regardless of 'side', is just a frivolous annoyance - nothing more. Sure, it sucks to get your ass kicked by a 4-man SWF and watch them taunt you at the exit gate, but it's just a game and really not that big of a deal.

    I think we need to differentiate between general BM'ing (teabagging, flashlight clicking, nodding, etc.) and actual 'sweatiness' which really dampens the experience for the other player(s). A survivor who teabags a killer after pallet stunning them is not, in any shape or form, comparable to a killer who face-camps someone and denies them any further gameplay or BP's. One is just a petty gesture to try and berate the killer, whilst the other actually effects gameplay and denies the player of a fun or engaging experience.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    You don't have to tunnel or camp unless you're garbage? I'm done.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I play a lot of both sides, and the BM i get as killer pales to the BM I get as survivor. I receive BM from survs at a rate orders of magnitude greater than I receive from killers.

    I occasionally get nodded at, rarely get smacked on hook, and very rarely (like once a month) get intentionally* bled out. A myself and another surv got bled out the other night by a Doctor (with a very offensive handle), and that was the first time in ages.

    I get BM from survs in at least half of my killer games, and 80% of the time when someone escapes. While it does happen, killer BM is much rarer, imo.

    That said - when it does happen, being bled out is easily the most egregious of the in game forms of BM. But for me, it just doesn't happen often enough for me to be generally salty about it.

    *if I crawl off to Narnia and the killer can't find me, that's not really intentional.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Correct! You don't have to. You can choose to play on easy mode, don't worry when I only want to experience the story I pick the easy mode myself, but that doesn't mean you earned a victory by outskilling your opponents. It is just a cheesy way to pick up a "win". Similarly I rarely pick Nurse or Blight (outside of dailies or tomes) because there is no challenge in the victory. Getting a 4k/3k+Hatch as Trapper/Ghostie/Sadako(without basekit Mori cheese)/Dredge/Bubba(the non facecamping kind)/Billy/etc. is far more rewarding and proves my superiority over my opposition.

  • Member Posts: 264

    I get hit on the hook, head nodded and slugged just because i ran the killer for a long time. I dont see it as BM's, i find it quite sad and funny at the same time cause they got annoyed by me playing well.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Camping is not BM.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Apply that same logic to tbagging and flashlight clicking, do you see how that sounds? What about survivor fun? I’m sure clicky clicky and tbagging annoys you

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