Killers are the ones who should get base kit perks, not survivors...


So let me get this straight...

Survivors get free unbreakable every 45 seconds because in 1 in 20 games a Nurse might slug 4 people to end the game early (happens mostly against 4-man overly altruistic SWF which is good). First off, how does that even happen? Secondly, if you got slugged as 4 men, you probably deserved to lose...

Meanwhile, killers literally have to run gen regression perks on every build to even to have a chance to win a game. That is irrespectively on how they play. It's so prelavant/needed for most of the killers that you might even call it base kit at this point.

So why is gen regression/gen slowdown not part of the killer's base kit considering that it's basically a must nowadays to have a chance to win the game?



  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,882

    I think twins will get there update maybe this Tuesday cause they did announce after Ghostface and legion twins were next to get changed

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    We will see what the kill rates will be after the next patch. As far as I can see, the stats given were for 6.10, in which case, the killer WAS very strong - completely agreed due to buffed ability to tunnel easier.

    Regardless, please read their original post:

    "Before we dive in, we want to remind you that these numbers are still changing each day. The numbers we share in this post will likely be obsolete within a few months. This also means that any recent changes may not be reflected in these stats."

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,622

    Honestly quite a lot. W key got weakened substantially so my main is now much more effective.

    And no, Infectious is one of, if not the, best counters to Hyperfocus in the entitle game. Generators? Not so much. But Hyperfocus specifically? Absolutely. Them screaming interrupts the gen, forcing them to get off, and thus removing all Hyperfocus tokens.

    Corrupt's nerf was... Interesting. Lethal Pursuer overtook it on most killers since it was simultaneously buffed but it remains an incredibly strong perk on setup killers (a la Trapper and Hag).

    Still think that all we really need right now is a touch to Medkits + COH + base gen regression to get buffed.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,084

    A lot of times.

    While the mini built in pop and built in brutal didn’t have too much of an affect in most of my games, the 10% faster recovery from attacks and current STBFL on top of that has allowed the killer to win many camping situations simply because their recovery is ridiculously fast. Not to mention survivors getting a reduced speed boost and reduced speed boost duration after getting hit.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Bloodlust, windows blocker and egc sacrifice.

    Ofc we gonna give everything for granted

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    45 seconds UB is fine in some scenarios (ignoring giving a survivor another base kit perk argument). The killer should get punished for not hooking and leaving survivor on the ground for too long of a time.

    The problem comes from the fact that the killer is forced sometimes to leave a survivor on the ground and is forced into a lose-lose situation. That's when it is not right. Inherently, this is a bad design and should be addressed with another solution rather than 45 second UB base kit.

    Just like they should've prevented body blocking with BT/Off The Record.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    There are 2 situations where the 45s unbreakable will become important

    1)Killer royally f'up and he's trying desperately to win in a very debatable way

    2)Survivors royally f'up and the killer will have an easier match sitting back and enjoying the mori animation

    Other than that slugging will still slow down the game a lot and be a powerful tool

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    They probably would’ve died anyway, crybabies are bad most of the time.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    • It's a perk on a single survivor available soley for real money. That barely counts.
    • Because I watch a lot of streams and play a lot of killer. You aren't going to escape a Nurse for very long, BT or no BT.
    • Does it? I'd say maybe a percentage was shaved off. This is known as a 'void' fallacy (there's a proper term, but it's very Latin), you're arguing that because we can't know x for sure, then x must be the way you claim it is.
    • It's an honest observation.
  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,134

    It's more that basekit UB is a terrible way to bring in the mori change because you could easily change what makes slugging easier (alc ring, starstruck, etc).

    Killers honestly need corrupt base ASAP then I wouldn't mind other balance changes being made.

    Devs are gonna be real shocked when corrupts pickrate barely decreased from the patch because they didn't do anything to the "3 gens done with 1 hook" scenario which happens consistently without it.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2022

    It's a perk on a single survivor available soley for real money. That barely counts.

    Is this your argument? Because a perk costs real money, it's not relevant? Might as well make the same argument for all other perks that cost money. Not sure what to say to this.

    Because I watch a lot of streams and play a lot of killer. You aren't going to escape a Nurse for very long, BT or no BT.

    You're using 1 killer as your argument (even though that killer doesn't even have top pickrate). "But what about Nurse" is not an argument when discussing global kill rates.

    Does it? I'd say maybe a percentage was shaved off. This is known as a 'void' fallacy (there's a proper term, but it's very Latin), you're arguing that because we can't know x for sure, then x must be the way you claim it is.

    Yeah, we can't know for sure, but with a high confidence level, we can safely assume it's lower. Especially when tunneling/camping is likely to be the biggest difference factor in that 61 % figure. No, 10 seconds on gens is not the biggest factor in kill rates, tunneling someone out early is why kill rates are/were high. When that cause was directly addressed, it doesn't take much to add 1+1 and figure out that the states are very likely (read: "very likely") to be different now.

    I appreciate you being super theoretical and looking into data, but perhaps try to deal with things in a more pragmatic way.

    "It's an honest observation."

    Likewise to you.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    • Yes? It's entirely relevant, as the counter to camping is basically an RMT.
    • Nurse is relevant to this discussion because she's what most survivors on the forums seem to complain about when they talk about tunneling. But Trickster and Blight would also be relevant as strong tunnelers that aren't especially concerned about this change.
    • Lower? Sure. But if 'lower' means 'around 1% lower' than it's not all that meaningful. And I completely disagree, I don't tunnel as a rule and I'm definitely killing more. 'Very likely' is a wonderful weasel term though, as it means basically nothing besides 'I think that...'.
    • No, mine was an honest observation. Yours was an ad-hom. There's a difference.
  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2022

    Yes? It's entirely relevant, as the counter to camping is basically an RMT.

    From 6.10 statistics themselves:

    7 of the 10 most popular killer perks are behind either RMT or progression with IRI shards.

    3 of the 10 most popular survivor perks are behind either RMT or progression. "3" only being more of a cause of a lot of meta survivor perks being free. Unless you have an argument that survivors spend less money than killers on perks ;)

    It's fair to assume that not everyone buys characters with Iri Shards even if they are purchasable with so. Regardless, it's clear as day that if a perk is meta/strong, people don't mind purchasing it using RMT (especially above lower levels). There is a reason why DBD base game costs dirt cheap, and they still make massive revenues. They don't get revenue from IRI shards.

    Nurse is relevant to this discussion because she's what most survivors on the forums seem to complain about when they talk about tunneling. But Trickster and Blight would also be relevant as strong tunnelers that aren't especially concerned about this change.

    The nurse is mostly complained not due to tunnelling/camping. Most killers who tunnel/camp are lower-tier killers. That would be a logical assumption given that they are weak and need to use such strategies to win the games.

    Regardless, we are discussing kill rates globally, not just Nurse's. If you really like your 61 % kill rate statistic and base everything off that, then Nurse probably also needs a buff because she had a 40 % kill rate.

    Lower? Sure. But if 'lower' means 'around 1% lower' than it's not all that meaningful. And I completely disagree, I don't tunnel as a rule and I'm definitely killing more. 'Very likely' is a wonderful weasel term though, as it means basically nothing besides 'I think that...'.

    Massive projection by putting words into my mouth.

    No, mine was an honest observation. Yours was an ad-hom. There's a difference.

    Right, because saying that I have "a narrative" instead of addressing my individual arguments is definitely not a sign of someone being emotionally involved in a discussion. You basically neglect all my points because "I have a narrative" which is dumbing down the opposing party's arguments. I suggest you read about "Narrative Bias" or "Narrative Fallacy" to not fall into such cognitive bias traps ;)

    Hope you have a nice day.

  • anestis
    anestis Member Posts: 18
  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2022

    You do know that most regression perks require you to end chases (and fastly so) to get value out of them?

    In fact, if you're running full regression build, you're likely good at chases considering you don't need any anti-chase/information to perks to find and catch survivors. If I was bad at chases, I would literally get 3-4 useless perks as they would never proc/barely proc.

    What an interesting argument lmao.

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    Not true. Killers are weak as ever, nothing in high MMR changed. Killers have more kills in low MMR, but you can't balance a game around newbies who doesn't know the game. SWF Squad teams became stronger. And 61% ist saying, that 2 out of 4 survivers are escaping. Not a great thing as long a 2k is a draw. So killers get a draw and because of that they are strong? What a nonsense.

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Yeah, totally a neutral patch. Must be why kill rates went from 53% to 61% 🙄

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2022

    Read my previous replies. The 61 % number is likely to be lower by now (even devs literally wrote that on their post to understand that this data will be outdated soon and does not include recent changes).

    For how many months are people going to use this number to support their claims? My guess is 6 months.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684
    edited September 2022

    Or it’s someone like me who doesn’t speak English mainly and just uses words others have used to express myself.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    It's harder for killers because basekit means nurse and blight get whatever everyone else gets, so if people say asked for basekit lethal, nurse and blight would have an amazing perk basekit that is already great on them, whereas if doc got a basekit lethal, it'd make him more mediocre

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    You can't split up on gens and use prove thyself, lol

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Sure? Then add base kit perks and nerf top-tier killers. What's stopping them from doing that?

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    I guess BHVR should come in and tell us how kill/survive rates are calculated because aside from rage quits messing with the number. Killers are constantly letting full teams of survivors escape when they should have killed the whole team.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 354

    Killers don't want to admit it and like to dance around this argument but when the stats show in their favor they are all over the place complaining. Slugging may be a legit tactic in some peoples minds but it is one of the most boring things to have happen to you, now with the uptick of killers slugging at 4-5 gens "to put pressure" on survivors it is insane and it's finally being addressed, like it or not.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Well, Killers did get T1 Brutal Strength and 1/4th of a better version of Save The Best For Last.

    But Survivors got a massively better T3 Borrowed Time and are slated to get an infinitely better Unbreakable.

    So, there's SOME degree of both sides getting perks basekit. It's just that the survivor ones are way, WAY better.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    And how do you get slugged so easily at 4-5 gens? If it's against every other killer than Nurse, then that's just you being horrible at the game. And even against Nurse, it takes some really bad plays to be slugged more than 2 people at 4-5 gens.

    Slugging is boring, but most survivors who get slugged do usually deserve it by either disrespecting killer or making mistakes:

    • Doing gen in their face and ignoring the killer's presence
    • Doing stupid stuff (bad flashlight attempts, trying to unhook straight after other person gets hooked, general messing around)
    • Grouping up together (survivors' fault)
    • Rushing gens (fair play for killer to slug)

    Avoiding slug is quite easy, you can literally play safe and hide. But instead, most survivors do stupid mistakes and don't respect the killer enough which gets them to 4-man slug on the ground. I can bet that 90 % of such situations can be avoided by playing smartly and safer.

    And "Nurse" is not an argument to screw other 28 killers in the game.

  • Tony_
    Tony_ Member Posts: 19

    Look, i was once just like you but then i realised. Is 45 seconds really meaningless? I mean, survivor bleedout timer is 4 minutes which means even tho he will get up, he lost nearly 1/4th of his bleedout timer. This basically means you can have 4 hook stages but without hooking them.

    But i still think NOBODY should get any basekit perks. The only exception i think of is kindred, becouse it wont affect SWF but will impact solo queue. Kindred basekit is just healthy for the game, but UB and BT both aren't really healthy. I think from all the perks, theese 2 SHOULDN'T EVEN be considered making basekit

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2022

    Its actually 1/5th, between there and 1/6th. If they bring unbreakable? its nearly 1/11th. I get why you rounded it the way you did, but it's not quite accurate. We can very easily see the return of whack-a-mole trolling that was oh so fun during the boil over RPD test.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    My biggest gripe with base kit UB is that:

    1) It limits killer strategic play. Now killer most of the time is forced to hook and is forced to play a certain way (almost AI-like). They just destroyed some of the killer strategic gameplay elements, while at the same time giving more strategic options for survivors. I like to have options when I play killer, and one of those options is severely hindered. Adjusting the killer's strategy as the game goes by is one of the most fun things for me and this is telling me "no you can't do that".

    2) This really does not do much for solo and in turn just buffs SWF to an even stronger level.

    3) Another change that should give survivors a helping hand in "unfun scenarios" but will be abused by SWF/competent players. They keep adding defensive things to the game for survivors but in reality, these changes are more used offensively rather than used defensively. You can abuse this change very easily with some strategic gameplay from the survivor side.

    In the end, they had tens of ways to solve this issue, but chose to do the easiest, most short-sighted way possible.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
    edited September 2022

    Way more balancing than imaginable?

    And because it's BHVR, we probably wouldn't see those changes for an easy 2 years, lol