Last Standing FOV change is a bad idea. Here's why.

According to Behaviour's future change whenever Last Standing activates, both killer and survivor will suddenly have an FOV change. And it will change back if you either get someone off the hook or heal them from dying state. In my opinion this is a really bad idea because with sudden FOV changes, people are going to get motion sick from it. Especially if it goes back and forth repeatedly. I know I will. Please do not implement this feature into a future live patch.
Agreed. The FOV change is completely unnecessary and will annoy a lot of people (myself included). I don't play with Shadowborn for a reason
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Can we just get an FOV slider please.
Stop making it a mechanic.
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I wish i could just have shadownborn base kit
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Nahhhh, shadowborn is just sickness waiting to happen
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BHVR seems to be willing to do anything except make the FoV slider an option.
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Why not increase killer fov as a base thing? And why do it for both sides? Makes no sense, what these devs are doing.
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Yep anything to force FOV change except FOV slider where all players could set their desired FOV themselves
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They can't put a fov slider because it's an advantage for both sides. With a wider FOV survivors can see behind walls and killers have a wider angle to look around. It's not that simple. Stretched mode is infamous for a reason.
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Nobody is asking for stretched res.
We are asking for sliders so that we don't get motion sickness from playing the game.
Almost EVERY modern game has an FoV slider or an FoV that isn't 60.
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Stretched res is a home made fov slider. Am I clear?
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Here's stretched res:
And here's Shadowborn (a perk) compared to base FoV:
The one on the right is what people are asking for. It literally already exists as a perk. Nobody wants stretched res, so stop pushing that completely false narrative.
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Only for killers. And that would be from current fov to shadowborn 3 fov which is 102. Not what I would want but better than nothing.
And survivors dont need slider, they are already playing in 3rd person
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Are you serious? Survivors can see behind certain walls standing far away from corners with a wider area.
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It isn't a false narrative. You want a wider fov? You have a perk. It's a balance issue. I would like to have a fov slider too but everyone playing to win would max it out to have advantage over other players.
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So because .01% of the playerbase would use this change to gain an advantage, we ######### over everyone else who gets motion sick from playing Killer?
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Well... If you want a balanced game yes. I didn't make the game this way. If devs are OK to balance maps with a wider fov in mind for everyone I'm in. I hate survivor camera myself. It's too close to the survivor's back. But I don't make the rules.
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They might as well increase the FoV by default, because everybody would increase it to the max, as a greater FoV provides a bigger advantage.
That said, it would still be appreciated to have some kind of increase.
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Yea well some people actually prefer current/lower FOV so slider is always a better option to let players choose
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Base fov is also sickness waiting to happen. I do not enjoy playing through a magnifying glass all the time and being forced to use a perk slot for FOV alone which should be a QoL setting (not a perk) for any role in first person.
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I just wanna play the game and use 4 perks not running the same one because i suffer from motion sickness. BHVR said themselves when reworking spine chill "accessibility should not be a perk" then that should go to the motion sick players to. Don't punish people like me and say we can't play without a perk because we have a disability.
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I'm holding off any judgement on the FOV change until I see it in action. It could look cool, it could look bad, it's impossible to know anything about it either way until we actually see it.
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I hardly find FOV to be much of a factor for balancing. You can still very much immerse against wider FOV its just you gotta be more patient. Thats how I catch a lot of people even without shadowborn, they don't wait for me to fulling look away or start to go another direction.
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Oh look, more bad actors ironically making the bad actor argument against an accessibility option.
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You said base kit. which means people who cant play with shadow born will get sickness. hope you meant "slider"
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Can someone explain why on earth they decided to create this FOV feature? That makes no sense to me.
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THey're using their monitor and abuse logic, that "higher FoV must always be good"
Which is somewhat understandable when they set the default FoV very low and gave zero means of changing it. They're just extremely tonedeaf to the situation, and aren't likely to change that anytime soon at this rate. We can only hope for another PR disaster to force their hand about it i guess.
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Why can't they balance the game around having a higher FOV then? Also, at high level play (where it actually matters) FOV doesn't matter because stealth is a terrible strategy.
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You are right. When it is about accessibility, we should also consider anxiety is an issue for some people playing survivor, and it would really help them if they could set their running speed with a slider, because feeling safer might help battleing anxiety.
So, FOV-Slider for Killer, Running speed slider for survivors. I am sure noone would use either one to just gain an advantage, its just about accessibility.
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Just to clarify, High/Low FoV affect different types of stealth: High FoV is actually worse for stationary stealth, since the distortion done to your view makes it harder to differentiate. Its actually the foundation of the "t-rexes only see through movement" myth, since their FoV made it easier for stationary prey to blend with their environment.
The only stealth it affects is being right next to the killer and out of their direct line of sight, which is essentially being blocked by blinders. Ironic and somewhat fitting how tunneling became such an issue in a game that literally forces tunnel-vision.
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This is such a bad take i don't even wanna spend the time explaining about how letting people not feel sick because of the fov being 85 by default (which is actually lower than most games minimum of 90). Which is such a minor balancing tweak since you can still do stuff against shadowborne like hiding. So basically punishing people for something out of their control. Especially when i also suffer with it. And allowing you to permanently have sprint burst. Have a nice day.
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I already discussed why the fov is a balance tool first and foremost in some of the other threads about this topic. People just chose to ignore that part because of something they want to have.
And i dont even say it shouldnt happen, but if you simply change the balance, you need to compensate for it. And usually in this threads, noone is even acknowliging it is an advantage, much less discussing the effects on balance.
The thing is you already got the perk if you really need it. What you want is a balance change in your favor, simple as that.
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Dude. All i want is to stop getting sick when i try to play the game without a perk vs with it. Try telling your explaination to the deaf people who rioted when spinechill got reworked. I was on the disableds side then. See how far you get.
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I actually missed it but as someone with an anxiety disorder, thats an extremely scummy way of being disingenuous. Especially since there have actually been constructive suggestions that people have had to address issues for people like me. If its not a conversation about stuff like SWF or the absurd amount of info that you need to mentally juggle as killer, kindly keep my condition out of your arguments (to the person you quoted, of course.)
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I dont think the spinechill rework was needed at all. But the difference is, they were using a perk, instead of asking old spine chill to be base.
And i do understand it, i am colorblind myself.
And after years we got a color blind mode that does basicly...nothing. I proposed the ability to change the color of auras from red to blue, so you could see them (on certain maps, i couldnt see auras of gens or hooks, and had to search for gens like a survivor). Instead we got filters that i have to adjust for every map differently. That results in matches where the first gen pops before i finished adjusting it.
So yeah, i understand accessibility, but i also understand game design and balance, and choose not to just ignore it.
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Seems weird to me they patch an exploit that gives you more fov only to make it basekit during potentially one of the most crucial times in a match that now has a time limit to find and down them
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Then you should still agree, unless you think that crouching next to a window after jumping through it is masterclass strategy that would be ruined by an option that lets people actually play the damn game. I agree that the colorblind options don't help with everything that they could, and that its limitations in doing so are indeed tied with the game's design and multiple of its factors (which would need to be reworked to make more meaninful options, like aura colors, or contrast/luminosity adjustments.)
Giving FoV options only removes strategies that rely on the killer only being able to interact with the very center of their screen, and ones where the camera is locked in place entirely. They're both forced limitations that it is exploiting, which makes them bad mechanics. Whether they are in the game or not is irrelevant, and there's a reason they don't do anything at even lukewarm MMRs. People only hold on to them because they don't want to lose a thing that can potentially benefit them, and prioritize that over people ability to actually play the game without getting physically ill.
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If you get motion sickness playing a game then just quit playing.Changing the game because a very few people get motion sickness is dumb
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Most games don't need to be changed because they structure their games around not agitating the condition. Its a very easy accommodation to make, and has been since the 90's. They even teach it as part of curriculum around first person perspective in games in general.
This is the same tier as separating WASD/left stick movement with mouse/right stick look. Its been solved for over a decade.
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I really believe this is there for balance reason. I am a stealth player at heart, and i used to juke killers all the time, and they being able to overlook you because of a limited fov or a dark corner is a real balance thing.
The problem is already that many people use brightness filters, so hidding in a dark corner is mostly gone.
Map reworks left a lot of areas either without los-blockers, or with nowhere to go after you broke sight.
Iron Will nerf broke the close range juking once you are injured.
The game is more and more reduced to just hidding before the killer is there, as soon as you hear him, or just go into a chase (which for me is actually the boring part of the game. I like it as a hide-and-seek).
Thats why i am very sensible when it comes to further changes on whatever is left on stealth play.
Maybe they just give killers that fov-slider, but that will finally kill the almost-dead-horse stealthjuke in a chase. At that point, i will leave the game. And thats why i ask about compensations that keep stealth play alive, but noone is interested, and thats why it feels like people just want an additional advantage.
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Because most games actually make their game to not trigger it in the first place. Bhvr just wants to be special and stand their ground on making people unable to play the game when they want to.
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This game has 87 degrees FOV basekit, which is arguably 3 less than it should be, but within the safe range for most humans. (Extended screen time is not safe, and that is what most people, myself included, need to seek to fix.)
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It does have balance considerations, but I would argue that the FOV is already far too restrictive for killers.
You can still juke killers using Shadowborn with the use of the environment, but what should never be a thing in the game is being able to hide directly in front of the killer.
If you're literally standing on the killers toes, they should be able to see you!
There's also the fact that you can blind a killer with flashlights from outside their FoV, meaning the killer can be blinded, and not see the survivor blinding them!
DBD has such an oddly specific default FoV at 87 degrees. (with Shadowborn increasing this by 15 to 102 degrees) Most games are around 90-100 degrees. Even a small increase to 95 degrees would improve the way killer feels to play, without giving survivors any significant disadvantage, outside of the aforementioned absurd scenario of hiding on the killers toes.
I don't think Survivor is in any need for a FoV increase, as their third person camera already allows for ample awareness of their surroundings.
Furthermore, stretched res was never useful for killers, outside of the niche scenario of allowing a Nurse to be able to see survivors in her periphery during her fatigue state. However survivors did make use of stretched res to see over obstacles they otherwise should have been able to.
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If you're an actual stealth player you WANT the killer to have higher FoV, because it lets you blend easier. "FoV-tech" is not stealth, like i said before, its abusing a very bad limitation that is forced on the killer. This is also why it is extremely ineffective at most skill levels.
Brightness filters through third party software has absolutely nothing to do with an FoV slider ingame, especially since it would actually make it HARDER to see you due to the aforementioned blending. Contrast and Luminosity are the only two things that would affect blending negatively, while brightness extremes actually help it.
The comment about maps is inherently false, as there have been more LoS blocking tiles adapted to other maps, like the Yamaoka and Ormond styled ones. While configurations might have changed so that you're more likely to have two mindgame ok loops back to back, thats honestly something that should have always been the case. If you're struggling in that regard, run Windows since its a perk that gives you more value the better you are.
Iron will got nerfed and then rolled into OTR, a perk that everyone and their mother has been using to replace DS, while the IW part doesn't even wear off with the conspicuous action. You get to keep it for ages after every unhook. If thats not enough, play Ace and you don't even need it.
Mid chase jukes are still plenty viable and have absolutely nothing to do with abusing FoV limitations. They're based on misdirection and mindgames, which using in tandem with perks designed around jukes can cause a massive delay in the killer resuming the chase. Most times you succeed with a juke its not because you vanished, its because restarting the chase causes too much of a time deficit for the killer, so they move on to another target. They usually only restart the chase if they have no other target available, I.E. the other players who might be nearby when it happens are also being stealthy.
You don't hide in a box like snake and laugh that you can't be seen. Unless its a snowman event, anyway, then you just abuse that for free health states instead.
All in all its not that i fault you for feeling how you do, just that most of your perspective is flawed. And thats extremely important when the topic is about accessibility, since it affects a lot more than just you.
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You'd think people would use Shadowborn more often with these claims of an FOV slider screwing up the game balance. Maybe the fact that Shadowborn isn't this meta force is a signal of things?
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Mhm. Sad theres no hard data to show how many actually run it. Mostly the only people i know are myself and my friends who also suffer from it MS. Like occasionally you'll get a blight nurse or huntress because they make some more use out of it. But thats it.
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Well Monitor& abuse has changin FOV depending if you are in a chase or not. And nobody truly complained about it, nor I ever had any trouble with that changing FOV back and forth
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Thats because if you have issues with one of the FoVs but not the other, you would just not run the perk to avoid having variation. Its now a basekit mechanic in a certain situation that theoretically should happen every single match. If both values don't cause any physiological issues, especially when alternated, it shouldn't have any impact. But for those who it does, they just got a basekit accessibility nerf.
The devs are effectively parroting the misunderstanding that "more = gooder"
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I was about to say that, thanks!
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I don't see it as a huge issue. So many games implemented FOV changes to show speed, to create a focus, so many reasons I can't even count. It's not like gamers haven't dealt with FOV changes in so many games before. But for motion sickness that really low FOV killers have by default already should be a problem. Yet people still play. Small FOV causes motion sickness to some, not wider FOV.
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And those games let you adjust it for those very reasons. Being able to disable options like motion blur is tied to the same reasoning as well. When games have FoV or Tilt adjustments that cannot be disabled, that is inaccessible design which causes issues for people, which is why many of them give you options to disable one or more offending aspects when present. When games don't do that (like here) its bad design, and not exactly a good example, since the people it affects are basically told their money isnt welcome.