Garden Of Joy could use a rework.

So who were the smart devs that designed the map and thought it was balanced and a good map? We can start with the main building. Too many windows, too dark. Just pain in general. Besides that we have alot of filler pallets. Alot of strong tiles and loops in general. Sadly BHVR can't make good maps anymore. Since Portrait of a Murder chapter. All maps have been trash, RPD, Eyrie, Garden Of Joy. etc. What a real shame.
Is it just me, or does it feel like the front of the house functionally has an infinite in front of it. I can never seem to catch anyone in front of the house. Like, this is ignoring how survivors can hide from killer because of how dark the map can be. It feels like they can run you forever between the bushes, two fences, and the pallet in front of the house. Am I just bad (probably), or is anyone else having that issue. (If I am just bad, please give some advice on how to handle that map better).
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Sometimes the house can be good for trapper as it's so dark there is less chance for them to see my traps but beyond that it's a rough map for killers.
The only killer I have any run of luck with on that map is Doctor honestly.
Now as a survivor unless it's nurse, blight or insta kill Myers it's usually a win
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The whole map is just broken, making it very difficult for killers.
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Blight is terrible on that map because the colissions are broken. Either you slide or hit something invisible. Real sadge.
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Totally. What is that main building? What is that junk around the edges of shack? What is that car loop in the corner? This map is insane for survivors!
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I did always wonder why blights would go flying up the road when it looked like they hit one of the cars lol
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They just need to nerf the building windows and make it easier to see in the building. I don’t think the rest of the map is that bad honestly. The car loop in the corner is strong but it’s not uncounterable.
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Parts of the building are so dark I honestly feel like somehow a light source got deleted between two versions and somehow it never got caught so now it's just a thing.
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Not before Shelterwoods… or really any of the MacMillan estate maps..
Post edited by Ayodam on1 -
If by rework, you mean deleting from the game entirely. I agree.
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Its the size of the map mixed with the main building. Literally nearly the size of ormond with ridiculous gen spread.
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Without Bamboozle? No. Even WITH Bamboozle, the survivor can just detach to the nearby tile. It's like a god loop.
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you have the greenhouse loop to the right
the truck loop in front of the house
your regular high-wall loop to the left
and a house with an escape in every one of those directions if you find yourself unable to abuse the house
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Uh what? As a whole McMillian is the most balanced realm. Mixed bag of survivor sided/ Killer sided. Suffo pit being the ultra survivor sided map and shelter woods being the killer sided map.
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Same with autohaven.
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My only issue with it is the house is way too dark. I play with my brightness up a notch and I still can’t see anything in parts of that house.
Other than that the outside isn’t that bad so I just defend the outside and don’t worry about the house much. I’ve won plenty of games on the map doing that so I don’t think it’s impossible to win in or anything.