Teabagging = OK | Mori = Toxic

The wording of the changes to mori's seems like the devs think using mori's when you have a known toxic player in your lobby is toxic in-and-of itself so they're basically removing them, but the toxic behaviors like teabagging, flashlight spamming, loud noise spamming, and holding the game hostage by refusing to exit are all fine and need no changes.
What a joke.
Don't know why they would consider Mori toxic.
They already made crouching slower so I don't think they can do anything else about that
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Right because a tea bag apparently wins you the game faster? But a mori wont?
I guess T-Bags must break people's souls at this point.
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Who cares about teabagging really?
For it to be considered an insult it requires two idiots. One who actually believes that what he does is a great insult. And another who agrees to take it as an insult and agrees upon being offended by it. It's the game of stupid people.
Does it even matter? If you feel offended by it, you are part of the same stupid game of agreement of being offended.
It wouldn't even exist if some people wouldn't be stupid enough to agree upon such a silly thing being an insult and agree to be offended. Oh poor guys
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I never liked moris. Back in the day they made the game very unfun to play when all they required was one hook. They happen less often now but the biggest problem with moris in my opinion is killers doing them after tunneling and hard focusing a survivor. Most moris I see happen were just that so its not hard to realize how the survivor player probably doesn't feel all too great about it. I always felt like survivors should be able to do something to the killer thats on the same level as a mori. They get unique kill animations and survivors only get to temporarily stun or blind the killer.
A survivor bouncing up and down is far less toxic than being able to brutalize a survivor to death.
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It's the systematic toxification of all things killer. You are literally a second-class player when you step into the role.
Everything you do is toxic and is there to ruin survivors' days, while everything they do is tranquil and pacifist. Those tbags? They're just friendly tbags. That macro? It's just to draw aggro and make you misplay. That post-game chat: "Ez, baby killer"? All in good fun, right? But how dare you play with strategy, you disgusting person! How dare you not let everyone live til the 5th gen is done! How dare you run perks that slow the game down so you can go for more toxic chases! Moris? Those are yesterday's news. Nobody wants to see them, so now we're gonna be seeing them even less, because it's unlikely that you're ever gonna get that last person. Now those killers who spent their toxic bp on mori offerings will get no more unfair in-game advantages!
Killers were being toxic and leaving survivors on the ground, for upwards of 5+ seconds no less, instead of immediately picking them up after downing them, so the devs answered our prayers and gave us Unbreakable for freeeee! Please give us DS next, then Soul Guard, then Adrenaline, because the killers aren't gonna stop tunneling and we deserve a health state after all the work we put in completing the 300-second gens (calculated by all the toxic slowdown perks killers use, among other factors). Soon, no survivors won't be able to escape, and we will have ended the oppression of the cyber bully killers! And we will be the power role... FOREVEEEERRRRR! HAHAHAHAHAHahahahaha.......!
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T-Bags are designed as an insult and a gesture of disrespect to your fellow gamer, and thus, the definition of toxicity.
thats why i never hooksave survivors that i had observed teabagging the killer, just like i dont hooksave people which names refer to the 3. Reich or known Nazis.
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Moris aren't toxic. They used to be busted, but not inherently toxic. These days, as in, how you see Moris now, simply aren't toxic. Also, with how long many Mori animations are, they aren't really a faster win. For the most part, Moris are only useful if a survivor is downed too far from any hooks, whether it be through bad RNG, Sabo plays, etc. They aren't really an advantage most of the time, and depending on the Mori animation, can act as a hindrance because of the time wasted.
Teabagging is on a personal scale for most. Some find it cute or humorous, some don't. That's a person-to-person basis. Middle fingers don't offend me much, but I don't fault other people for getting offended. Getting offended by a clearly rude gesture isn't an extreme response to said rude gesture.
Slugging for a 4k bleed-out is pretty toxic, though it CAN be funny if the context is right. DbDThings on youtube has shown that. If someone tricked me into a stupid play that caused a 4k bleed-out during EGC, I'd probably have a sensible chuckle.
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Because they are not even synonyms.
Remember when you could cancel the MORI motion?
Because of the spamming of mori motion cancellation, the developers made it impossible. The reason was that it was TOXIC and frustrated survivors.
But the toxic behavior of some of the survivors you used as examples was not banned.
MORI is part of the game, not TOXIC.
MORI motion cancellation spam is TOXIC because it is an annoying behavior that is not necessary for the game to progress.
And t-bagging, light spamming, noise spamming, and hostage taking are TOXIC because they are annoying actions that are not necessary to progress the game.
But developers don't seem to think so.
My criteria is whether this is necessary or unnecessary for the progression of the game. If it is necessary for the game to progress, even if it results in annoyance, then it is not TOXIC. So I would have thought that camping, tunneling, and slugging would fall into this category, but apparently not for many survivors. Sadly.
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Killing someone vs Doing harmless crouch spam?
Its practically the same thing!
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Entirely missing my point but okay.
A slur is ultimately just a word. Or to go further, a combination of letters, or sounds. Maybe you'd like to go even further and say that it's just a specific assortment of soundwaves, an arbitrary assortment of pixels or a slosh of ink.
You're not gonna tell someone not to be insulted by the n-word just because "it's just a an arbitrary assortment of pixels." That's ridiculous.
You're not insulted, but that doesn't mean nobody else is.
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Gee, what about if I have to crouch in order to cleanse a totem, does that still count? Will it also corrupt my soul if I do it?
Imagine caring about T-Bags that much you throw the game. 😂
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I have never seen a clearer case of a persecution complex than here.
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Taunting the killer is a valid idea if you want to get their attention and take it away from other players. Even taunting at the exit gate if the goal is to give the other survivors more time is fine. Likewise moris are a strategic idea because it removes the dangers of flashlights/sabotage hooks.
Anything though that just draws at the game for no reason should be viewed as toxic. Waiting at the exit gate for no purpose, allowing survivors to crawl toward a hatch and then mori at the last second, that's toxic.
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Well no... those things you mentioned are just annoying. They won't change them because they are basic survivor functions (using the flashlight, being able to crouch, stand in the perimeter of the exit gate, fast vaulting a window, etc.) You can't get rid of them without getting rid of those basic functions. Moris are just something unnecessary and extra for killers to say 🖕, they needed changing anyway.
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Of all the BM'ing on the survivor and killer side they choose to address something that's a legitimate feature they chose to put in the game. Why shouldn't the killer have a right to mori a particularly difficult to catch survivor? If the killer wants a particular survivor out of the game he can just as easily facecamp, which is way less fun for both sides
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Don't know what you guys expect lol. Survivors whine about valid strategies and the devs give them meta Perks basekit so they can stack genrush perks. Killers complaining about macro flashlights, teabagging, sitting on the exit gate or hatch for entire egc, get told to grow thick skin and deal with it. The devs even said they wanted teabagging to still be satisfying when they made the animations change
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This post proves to me again that this is the only video game where people just have such a massive overreaction to tbagging
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God forbid you want to see the animation of the mori, so uncivilized.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Yeah, the Mori change is bizarre for both the reasoning and execution. It seems like it is really a pointless change, and I've not heard anyone complain about the Mori being toxic, and whilst obviously it doesn't mean nobody has complained, it's just a really confused excuse for the change.
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Probably racist mori users targeting Claudette
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Damn you Bubba!!!
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You can't ignore it either; they're in your face with it. A mod once told me "You can stop tbags. You hit the survivor." Oh wow, I never thought of that? So it's that easy? No.
I wouldn't let it get to me, but it's way too common at this point. Every survivor and their mother, tbagging because they think escaping as survivor is an achievement. And they get away with this thinking too, because they get encouragement from the community, and you're a baby killer if you didn't kill them.
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Where's your degree?
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Yep. Think about all the whining about camping and tunneling and slugging from survivors, yet when they play against a fair killer that loses while not doing that, it's practically guaranteed teabagging at the exit gates. Such appreciation for a good game. It's not even hard to escape lol. Survivor is piss easy unless you get bad teammates
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The animation is a waste of time and takes you out of the game too soon. The offerings are a has-been function of the game and is finally getting an upgrade. And it's uncivilized* btw.
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The developer comments always sound like a victimized survivor describing the justifications.
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Sorry, English ain't my first language. Good to know tho.
Also how does it take you out of the game too soon? It requires you to be downed, and on Death Hook, with the exception of the Cypress that requires you to be down and the last survivor, at which point you're pretty much dead.
Unless you're talking specifically about perks/addons.
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It's okay, that's why we give corrections. The mori perk, Rancor doesn't bother me since it is an endgame perk, I do believe that Devour Hope would be getting an upgrade in getting nerfed (I say upgrade because I main survivor) because it's an overpowered perk and that paired with Undying was too much.
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Do you understand what language is?
Words, phrases, and gestures gain meaning through repeated propagation until those meanings are baked into the vernacular and are universally or at least near-universally understood.
If I say "bubbery bubbery boo", it doesn't mean anything even if I intended for it to be an insult, because I just made those words up and there is no consensus on their meaning or reason for you to understand what I mean.
If I say "you're an idiot", it is an insult because I am using language with an agreed-upon meaning and that meaning is insulting.
Teabagging has an agreed-upon meaning. Its origin was meant to invoke "I am dipping my balls in your mouth" and it's evolved into a general taunt in online gaming. That's rude. People do it to be rude. I'll never understand this convoluted series of mental gymnastics that it's somehow your fault for being insulted when someone does something that is clearly meant to be insulting. Like, I get that there's plenty of people online who make getting offended about things an Olympic sport, but trying to claim language doesn't mean anything and you're a baby for ever being bothered by anything is an extreme in the opposite direction.
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I like to specify it because sometimes, often even, people use it as an "argument". But back to the subject.
I guess I never saw that combo much. Usually games with DHope go one way or another, depending on if the totem is found or not. I, for myself, use Detective's Hunch + Counterforce, and I make it my mission to destroy each and every totem, but I get that it ain't fun to have to bring perks just to play - I'm a K-main after all, and I have to do the same with Slowdown perks.
Good to know that your stance on Moris is more directed toward DHope than Moris as a whole, I think?
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Yeah, so "uncivilized" huh? I'm still glad moris are getting reworked, they are an outdated system and even I don't use them as killer.
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They wanted to do cinematic mori's for a while now. It was talked about before so it's no surprise it's finally going to come out.
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I ain't, as I like to use them as much as I like to receive them.
But let's just agree to disagree.
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Agreed... to disagree 🙄
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Teabagging as described today sounds like this horrific act that should be outlawed and is actually punished absurdly enough (Valorant and Apex LOL how shooters have fallen).
When I first was made aware of teabagging is was the simple "I won" / "I beat you" after a shoot out in Halo. No one in real life outside of stupid teenagers bullying or among friends would do this (people have teeth and can use them). You have enough time to "establish dominance" and taunt your opponent to put the simple-minded players on tilt, or get a laugh between your friends in the same/other room. This can then snowball your success because they will make foolish plays that you can beat again and again. It was a marking of skill to not be stupid enough to fall for it. Not much skill, but it existed.
Now too many people are so fragile they can't recognize the gift horse they are given. Every teabag at a loop is seconds that Survivor could have been hold-W-ing, or scanning for the next loop, or making any meaningful progress to Survival against their opponent. Every teabag I receive is a treasure, because I know I'm not stupid enough to fall for their silly little games, and they just gave me free distance.
This is an insult whose damage relies on the alleged victim to be dumb enough fall for it. Calmer heads prevail and win.
Now to the case of exit gate teabagging, the Killer still has agency. You can leave and sit in a corner so they can't do anything for 2 minutes, alt-tabbed watching a video or reading. Alternatively you can force them out and move on sooner to the next match, also getting a little more Devious/Brutality/Hunter points if you weren't at cap.
With the final case of endgame chat you can click the little box in the bottom right and presto it disappears. You can also just not read it. Check out your points, emblems, player perks/add-ons and move on. If someone is insulting you, you have no obligation to read it. Unlike real life it can be hard to straight up not hear things, Online you just don't read it. There are no lasting repercussions from ignoring some dingbat on the internet in a match of a video game. You opt-in to any "abuse" you receive, and I wouldn't even call it that hence why I put it in quotes.
Post edited by mizark3 on3 -
well teabagging doesn't truly have an agreed upon meaning, not everyone agreed to feel offended, nor consider crouching as an insult.
But sure you are right in some way. It has an "agreed upon meaning" maybe for you. One person agrees that repeated crouching is an insult and you agree to get offended. I mean that's fine. I just don't see the point doing that.
Plus it's just a videogame thing. You don't see people crouching on the street to insult eachother, and over here... well those who wanna play this game of offense and be offended from crouching, it's pretty much their idea of fun I guess.
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I completely agree.
I mean this silly game of feeling offended about some random ridiculous thing makes no sense.
Flashlight clicking? Repeated crouching? random gestures? In no shape or form is disrupting my game, the task I'm after. Probably only disrupt theirs since they are wasting their time with this nonsense instead of doing something useful which would help preventing me winning the game.
I think there is also the psychological reason behind it. Probably many people with thousands of hours behind them don't feel like having fun anymore in the game, they were repeating the short matches for thousands of times, and they turn into these bored salty factory workers, who hate their job. This isn't anyone's job. But probably it turns into that in some people's heads when they Groundhog Day the game for years. And even the smallest most ridiculous thing is pissing them off.
I enjoy my games, I don't feel offended by random nonsense, and I never agreed to feel insulted by someone crouching, or clicking the flashlight, like that should be some huge insult which makes my hair fall out