Huntress addon changes


Addon changes I want to huntress to make them more fun or rebalanced. These suggestions come from my experience and time spent on the killer, which is at least 1k hours.

Huntress does have one of the better addon collections in DBD, with almost every addon being worth running over the others. There are just a few exceptions to this that I would like changed.

Weighted Head: Increase the incapacitated status effect to 25 seconds, or removed/reworked entirely.

- The current 10 seconds isn't applicable even when you get multiple hits with hatchets in a row. If you land 2 hatchets back to back, and this is assuming you don't have oak haft or any distance for the hatchets, you land 2 hits in around 8-9 seconds. By the time the first survivor has a chance to do anything after the speed boost, the effect is long gone, making the addon dead in the water in terms of usefulness. Very small change, makes the addon worth it for a yellow.

Rusty Head: Change the Mangled effect to Obliviousness (60 or 90 seconds), or rework entirely.

- Right now the Rusty Head addon is 1/2 of another addon, Begrimed head. With the new grind changes, it doesn't take long for killers to start gaining better addons for their collection. This results in addons that do the same effect, getting overshadowed by the clearly better option.

-The reason I do not list the flight speed or haft addons under this same rule, is do to how the arch's of hatchets work. The flight speed addons change those arch's considerably no matter how you play her, and the hafts are the difference between m1'ing a window, and where to aim for your next throw. They result in the killer being different enough to not warrant a change, unlike status effect addons.

Glowing Concoction: Change the rarity from Very Rare to Iridescent

Soldiers Puttee: Change the rarity from Iridescent to Very Rare

-It is in my opinion that glowing concoction deserves to be an iridescent, this is impart to 5 seconds of aura reading letting you counter any mind-games for almost every loop in the game, and being able to reach 7 seconds with lethal. Soldiers Puttee, is worse in comparison. With you having to quite frankly fail at hatchets to get value. In an ideal chase, you have 5 hatchets to get an injure. If you miss all 5, I don't believe you should get any value for it. The only time I see people run soldiers puttee is with the current Iridescent Head variation in the game. Would love for the 2 rarities to be swapped to better represent the killer.

Iridescent Head: Add a distance requirement for insta-downing survivors around 28-32 meters. Remove the maximum carry limit.

Currently, iridescent head doesn't feel like huntress, and doesn't reward good gameplay. The best way to use this addon is down the first survivor, and face-camp the hook with a hatchet so no one can save. This can either be deemed toxic, or just boring to go against. With Deathslinger having a similar addon for rewarding long hits, and the fact there is an achievement resulting around long range downs with huntress, I believe the iridescent Head should represent this play-style of sniping. It rewards good players for taking time with their killer, and the occasional long shot from the more casual huntress player. 28-32 meters, I would make it 32 meters, is also easy to dodge unless the survivor is not paying attention or unaware the huntress knows where they are.

If there is a reason as to why these changes are not possible, or if you think they do not fit the game, I would love to hear why in hopes I can persuade you into adding them.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    This sounds reasonable. I just like current huntress and quite frankly am scared of change (in case I did not notice something obviously abusable about these changes). That's the only reason I don't want your change xD

    but it looks good on paper 🙂

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,541

    Well with Iri Head... the problem is how does one get anything from it being set to a range?

    And how will Survivors play with knowing that Iri Head has been set to a range?

  • Dr_Emarald
    Dr_Emarald Member Posts: 41

    From it being set to range, it encourages more experienced huntress players to go for longer shots. They can either waste time going for these shots, letting survivors recuperate, or get value with a down from half-way across the map.

    Survivors can counter this by playing safer, most due this against good huntress's anyway. You can choose a "safe" side of a gen to work on, as well as move around the gen if it's in the open depending on where the huntress is. The gens you have to do that for, are typically in an open area map, letting you do it in solo que pretty easily if you're paying attention.

    The point of the Iri Head change is to make it more fun and relevant for higher tier huntress play, than the mini-Bubba version it currently it.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,541

    It's more like mini-Hillbilly then mini-Bubba

    But having to reload after every hatchet throw does mean something

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,850

    Weighted Head - Agreed, it needs more time.

    Rusty Head - Disagree, I like Mangled for only Green as I don't always need Haemorrhage. Maybe the oblivious for 30/60 on the Flight speed add-ons instead? I don't know of anyone that cares for those to even exist.

    Glowing - I would want longer duration if it were Iri personally, but I think Soldier's could be reworked in a different way.

    Soldier's Puttee - I would make it give you a % of the speed increase the less ammo you have, based on your carry capacity. With the basekit 5 hatchets you have +.2m/s at 0, +.16 at 1, +.12 at 2, +.08 at 3, +.04 at 4, and .0 at 5. This way the weight for the speed is shifted based on the weight of your carry load. This would be percentage based so if you used capacity add-ons it would be 1/6th or 1/7th instead of 1/5th.

    Iri Head - I think the game already has Sharpshooter coded at 24m for achievements, so I think that would be fine for the distance. I am always for re-using codeblocks. I do think it should still reduce total hatchets, maybe by 2 for a basekit 3.