Cenobite spawning chains right ontop of you

Does anyone else think that the chains shouldn't be able to be spawned right ontop of the survivors?
The killer literally doesn't have to aim it and it instantly hits the survivor, surely this isn't how its supposed to be designed? you can't dodge what spawns right onto of you. A lot of players I'm matched with just DC or die on first hook to him and it's not because they're good killers it's just because its an irritating mechanic without it almost being an auto hit if the killer isn't stupid.
One question:
Have you played as the Cenobite?
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Except the killer literally has to aim it.
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Cenobite is an incredibly weak killer. Just let them get some reward out of using their power, dude.
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Are we talking about a chain hunt? I might suggest that someone solve the box. One of my biggest solo gripes is that many of my teammates seem to think the box is just part of the environment or something.
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He's far from incredibly weak unless you're of the opinion that everyone who isn't Nurse or Blight is incredibly weak. He's right in the middle and definitely usable.
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You know he has to aim at you in order for that to happen? Normal chain hunt always spawns next to you.
It's rewarding a good shot with allready pretty meh chase power.
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he doesen't have to aim it though .... if the survivor is infront of him within a certain range he can spawn it right on top of them and there's no dodging it, I do it when I have cenobite dailys.
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He's pretty weak. Not Pig weak, but pretty middle of the road. Maybe I exaggerated a bit
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So the killer is on top of the survivor and instead of just lunging for the m1, he uses his M2 into a M1 hit which takes more time.
What is the problem?
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What exactly would you propose instead? When he aims right at them the portal spawns randomly off to the side of where he's aiming? I just don't see how you could fix this without completely revamping the power. And keep in mind that even when he hits them, the effect is often quite small. Much less powerful than Clown's bottles, for instance.
The one mechanic that IS an issue with Pinhead is that it can be frustrating to solve the box during an active chain hunt. I think it's unfair that players keep getting interrupted when trying to solve (from the killer side, I always feel bad when I see multiple half-second killer instincts going off...). Yes, there is a reliable way to solve it (wait until 3 chains hit you, break them, then solve), but it is not at all obvious to many survivors.
Post edited by Tranquil_Blue on1 -
he literally has to aim, if he just sends it out wily nilly he will never hit
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He has to aim the spawn point too right
If anything his chains could be a bit more forgiving seeying how he has to aim it twice if he doesn't spawn it on top of the survivor
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You realize there is another solution that works even better right?
Solve the box before the chain hunt starts.
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Wut his powers need a boost if anything.Like many of the old killers he's outdated.
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I can tell you don't play him. It's actually a little bit more complicated than that. You see, pinhead can't actually spawn the hook right next to the survivor, there is a small exclusion zone around you, similar to nurse's blink. In order for this "insta hit" kind of move, the killer has to predict your path a little bit so you are very close to the chain AFTER spawning it (there is a small delay).
Counterplay? When you see him ready his power, strafe and be unpredictable so he can't predict as easily and it becomes mindgamey.
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No different than a Nurse blink really, except outside of an Iri add-on Cenobites chains don't hurt you and slow you down about as much as a Clown gas bottle, maybe less.
And saying his chains aim themselves is tantamount to saying you've never played him at all.
"Not good killers"
His primary power is actually one of the most difficult to effectively use in the game.
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Bro pinhead is hard enough as he is. And it's not like hitting a chain guarantees a hit.
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I wish it was easier to aim with the chain, I remember when I played him on console and it was a nightmare to aim that thing.
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"Old killers" HES LIKE A YEAR OLD
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That is exactly how it is supposed to work. If the killer aims well you should get hit.
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Those chains are weak AF. You get no value from them in chase if you don't spawn a chain right from survivor ass.
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I had a good survivor once adapt to me doing that. And would start running back toward me when they saw the orb go out, causing me to miss the chains quite often.
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oh my lord.
people keep coming up with the most absurd complaints about pinhead just because they struggle against him in soloq
he's like one of the most balanced killers.
yet he's still doesn't perform very well against good teams unfortunately.
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The chains should be auto aim IMO and you should be able to place Chain Traps. Like Symmetra in Overwatch can place her turrets on walls.
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the literal mindgame of his chains is predicting where the player is aiming his gateway. The stronger survivors that I chase as pinhead typically run into the gateway spawn location so when you go into his gateway, you will fire the chain forward while they are behind you.
survivors do not even get punished for not understanding his ability because of how terrible the chain durability is. I have hit survivors like 4-5 times in a row with his chains in a straight line and still did not get a single hit from the chains ability. the chains break too quick
My impression is that your asking for survivors to gain indicators for where pinhead spawns the gateway but that is like showing where nurse is blinking before she is blinking. it kills the mindgame of the killer.
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I do it when I play Cenobite, but not because it actually spawns on top of them. Presumably the person is going to run and by the time my POV has switched to the chain and I’ve fired the chain off they can already have made enough distance to be able to break line of sight if I don’t initiate the spawn close to their previous position. If they stand still then, yeah - I don’t really have to aim but that’s how it would work no matter how far away I placed it.
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I think the problem is many people are to awkward about it. Its like they don’t wanna go for it since someone else is probably going for it.
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Does he see any play at all in tournaments?
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It's not the way the devs intended his chain to be aimed, but it's the way killers have to do it, because otherwise the survivors dodge way too much and you can't hit them. You need to allow killers to hit the survivors with their power, and benefit from that, at some point. If not, who wants to play such a killer?
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Once it gets about 75% of the way to the hunt activating, I just assume no one else is going to. I've been the first to die many times because I am the only one who tried to solve it.
I think onw of the reasons Pinhead is so maligned is because people just won't solve the box, and chain hunts are really annoying.
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I see it as like showing up to a party and wearing the same outfit as someone else. People will be like well "what the hell now i wasted my time," like buddy if no one had went you'd be wasting your time anyway because you aren't getting anything done when you're bombarded by chains.
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It's also because if Pinhead just consistently gets the Box (not hard vs Solo Q) then he is extremely hard to deal with.
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Not sure what that has to do with anything, but he does. Eternal uses him all the time.
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I'm just saying. If the killer can't beat survivors in tournaments, who btw are restricted in what they can bring meaning they're weaker than in public matches, why would that killer be considered viable? Does viable now mean that you can beat some, but not all people with them? That's what I'm trying to figure out from this community, because the way they say it, all killers are viable.
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Who cares about tournaments? Tournament play isn't the way 99.9% of DBD players play the game. In regular old high MMR DBD, pretty much all the killers ARE viable, except on a few of the worst maps. The Cenobite is right in the middle of the pack and is always viable no matter the circumstance, even in tournament play.