anime killer license?

Since they did an attack on titan cross over think some other anime could work license suggestion wise?
I might be a bit biased but i'd love it if we got kira from jojo part 4 as a killer. his power would be pretty unique and fun to use in the realm i feel
"But that doesn't fit in the g...."
I personaly don't care. I would like to see some original chapter(s) next.
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vampire. Check.
cool power. Check.
cosmetic options. Check.
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Anime would be hard because your essentially making it not an anime, but more live action so it can fit into the games design and art style.
Collaborations could look better since they'd essentially just be the characters in costumes. Which is likely to make said characters look odd, but it would work though.
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As much as Dio would be a cool would his power to stop time work?
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Not my cup of tea at all, but I trust anime fans to find cool characters, whether or not I think they'd fit in the game :)
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I was thinking as a vampire not as a stand user.
The World could be a 20m radius time-stop ability.
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Ahhh ok lol. I'd love to see a power like that in the game
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If we're to have any anime crossovers chapters, i'd prefer we'd get a horror anime that can be translated into the game well.
If we get jojo in the game, it's most likely just gonna be as cosmetics only
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So would I, although I think Part 1 Dio fits FAR better.
Genuinely a unique and scary twist on the classic vampire formula.
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I feel besides working the artstyle right kira would be really fun to play turning windows, pallets and even survivors and gens into potential deathtraps to interact with. Could give a sense of unease and worry you only get with random hag and trapper placements these days but on a more active killer
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I agree, I'd love to see Kira as Killer, he could work well as a trapping Killer.
On the other hand I'd love to see Dio as Killer too, especially Part 1 Dio; he could use his space ripper stingy eyes attack as a ranged ability and maybe his freezing power as a secondary skill that could hinder Survivors or something.
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See, that's what I'm saying!
Part 1 Dio has so many abilities to pull from it'd be awesome to see him.
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I've seen many times on the English forum that people want to see Jojo's Villains as killers, and while I'm happy for them, I think it would be difficult. I worry that they would blend in uncomfortably in terms of abilities and visuals.
Of course I am excited to see them enter the fog. Kira because the end of his story matches. The possibility of countless hands being entities is a bit interesting.
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Yeah, I can't imagine that'd be a fun game mechanic, probably wasn't very fun for the Part 3 gang either.
I also think, like @fake said, Kira with his hand monster could be really cool. I also think that Killer Queen and Sheer Heart Attack would work well in DBD, almost as well as Part 1 Dio.
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Since his ability is to turn anything he touches into a bomb, I fear it would be OP if he planted it in a generator, pallet or window...
Also, since the nature of the Sheer Heart Attack is to automatically attach itself to the survivor and chase it forever, I think this is also too strong in DbD.
Looking at it from these aspects, Kira seems a bit difficult to balance.
I can only assure you that MORI's animation will definitely be the most exciting of the killers💀
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He could have some real good voicelines.
Dio is an absolute troll throughout the series and I would love to hear that reflected in his voicelines.
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I mean, that's basically Trapper's power. It just depends how they'd go about it.
SHA could be like an AI thing that could be lead away by loud noises, flashlights, gens popping ect
His Mori would be absolutely fire though, you're right
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My personal favorite is this version:
Also this one is good too:
Really captures his sass and attitude
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sweet idea! i feel sheer heart attack would be a great secondary power to kira as well as a deployable ai pursuer with map pressure. constantly going for the closest survivor and taking time to detonate if they don't run with those added voice lines as it keeps hunting relentlessly
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If we get a Jojo killer, I'm never playing the game ever again.
Let's do Tomie. Junji Ito has a lot of stuff that would fit DBD.
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i mean we've already headed that direction with the attack on titan patch, honestly a lot of charatcers in that genre are pretty creative or imposing ability/power wise. its nice having more out there ideas around keeping things interesting at least to me
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There is no killer in this anime but i want cosmetic collection for Akame Ga Kill!
Leone skin for Kate
Akame skin for Yui
Bulat skin for David
I would really love these skins in game.
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I'd be down but that feels like more of a stretch than Jojo. That and they would do more skins than just those three.
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Akame Ga Kill has more characters, i just mentioned my favs. I mean if they make deal with this license, they can get 10 survivor skins and 2 killers skins as well. There is a lot characters.
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There are more anime that deal with horror then first thought
Honestly Demon Slayer
Witchblade (that would be fun to see IMO)
My hero Academia (Maybe not the art style but it could work)
The Sacred Blacksmith (some of it works)
Hellsing makes sense
Devil May Cry
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DIO would be a great trickster skin IMO, and I've wanted anything Junji Ito for a while now
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Anything Junji Ito.
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My instant response was absolutely not. But ryuk or some of the other shinigami from death note would be cool, or perhaps some of the ghoul characters from tokyo ghoul would also make some pretty sick killers.
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right before a survivor reaches a pallet,
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Angels of Death could work, though I'm not sure who'd be the killer
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AoT was honestly all I really wanted
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Bondrewd from made in abyss with his clones and body augmentations...
Riko skin for kate and Reg skin for Ash lol
Add lore that he went insane and tried to ascend from the 6th layer, and the entity grabbed him before he died
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My choice is still Imperfect Cell from DBZ.
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Then what about Zurg from Toy Story, huh?
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Pre-Shippuuden Orochimaru. He could fit in the game as long as they keep his creepy villainous factor and not ruin him like they did in the anime.
Give me an Itachi cosmetic for Claudette plz. Akatsuki Cloak and Sharingan as well.
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How exactly was Oro ruined in the anime?
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Jack Hanma from Baki as a killer please.
You already have the Mori here.
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God no. Keep that trash where it belongs.
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He just didn’t have the sinister aura that he was introduced with. He was super hyped up during the first part and then the writer basically relegated him as a background character. He just wasn’t as threatening as he felt when he was first introduced. Perhaps it was over exposure, but I feel like more and better could have been done.
Its probably my bias with the writer as well. While he had some great ideas, I just don’t think he was that great.
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I would like to see bleach in the game, personally vasto lorde ichigo as the killer and ulquiorra stuck in a gigai with no access to his reiatsu/powers as survivor (ulquiorra would be the first non human survivor In dbd which would be cool)
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But Rizzo would Sheer Heart Attack be a actual power or would it be a cool Mori for Killer Queen.
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