Killers how do you make DBD interesting and or fun for survivor?



  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Funny that I find vs slugging killers is fun, so I do alot of slugging play, but at least I play as Trapper. They have all the time to pick up.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2022

    Whats wrong with Scourge Hooks/COB/Overcharge/Eruption builds though? I use this build and builds like it pretty often and im a very strong killer player and godlike in dbd overall so i dont see whats wrong but at the same time i get you because you think that build and builds like it are too sweaty and you "interesting" and "fun" for others is you being chill! Totally get that! I am the opposite. I make dbd fun, interesting and or challenging for others and for myself but make no mistake about it, i dont do that every game but one out of 3 games bc im competitive and i want to win so to each his own!

    I didnt say that in context! In context i said i play Twins, Trapper and Twins can be fun "or" interesting and or in my case a challenge!

    When i go against Twins for example which is extremely rare in my head i go

    "Oh its Twins interesting"

    Define not bring a jerk because survivors try to be "jerks" most of the time with they're flashlight clicks and teabagging at different times. This comment doesnt make sense from the killers perspective because we want to win.

    The only way i can see a killer being a so called jerk is if they get looped or outplayed and they hit you on hook. That also means they're a salty (mad) killer and cant hack it.

    Its a inability thing and killer is just not for you thats fine but your comment is a direct hit to me and with that i will say you dont define how i want to play the game buddy! Judging people and making smart a** remarks like that will get you no where "especially" with me! Theres nothing wrong with making the game fun or interesting for others or wanting to challenge yourself and just be different, nothing wrong with that at all. Keep your negativity to yourself and out of this thread!

    That usually happens when someone is afk or dc's you cant use this as an example. Even when my teams are absolutely horrible in solo que i can at least or a gen at least gets done.

    Thise instances (no gens done at all) are uncommon! So your i dont use NOED and gen regression/defense holds no weight. People are mostly bad at dbd but there are definitely good players and these good players can match up in solo que and wreck you (me you etc) so this isnt saying anything.

    True but you can still make things more interesting for the game or challenge yourself by creating a variety of builds and there's nothing wrong with that at all! I put "fun" but fin is subjective. I've had players message me after a game and said oh "no one uses x killer or those perks and that was fun" thanks!

    So you play for your own amusement only good and thats fine but to each his own! That's how it should be.

    lol you know whats funny when i go against certain killers (like Oni) and i get 70% of the gen done in my head i go

    "Do you have Tinkerer"? lol

    Your right you absolutely dont but why did you put it in the form of a question. Weird..

    Post edited by Edilibs on
  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331
    edited September 2022

    The smells a bit too much like "Killers are the survivors' playthings" to me...

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Just a small note. I don't consider myself a main of either side but I end up playing more survivor. Mori's are never "unfun". I actually like seeing ones I haven't seen before. The only reason I don't bring Mori's into a match is it sets me up for disappointment if I get a sweaty swf or something. I'd prefer to not play for 2 hooking people to try and Mori.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2022

    Just use Devour Hope then and earn it. Even the way moris are in they're current state its still not earning the mori kill.

    Imo burning mori offerings are a compensation for lack of ability.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I'm not worried about not feeling like I earned it. I just don't use them because when I don't get any Mori's after trying for some by 2 hookin' it bums me out and makes me feel like I wasted the offering.

    Using Devour Hope would be even worse because going for it would be harder (as you said, "earning" it) and then instead of feeling like I wasted an offering and wasted time playing around an offering it's just the same but for wasted perk value.

    I hoard Mori's to never even try and use them basically. The few times I do bring them into a match it's usually the lower rarity ones and it's when I'm kinda memeing and my objective isn't "go for the 4k" it's "get dat mori baybee".

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,859
    edited September 2022

    I would have each piston require a part to be found associated with that piston. Once found, you bring it to that generator and start working at it. Part installation takes as long as opening a chest, but once it's installed, it's permanently in place and a yellow light lights up under the associated piston. Once you 99 that piston (each piston is 25%), you have to pass a difficult skill check. Failure loses 5% progress. Upon success, a green light lights up under that piston, and the progress for the generator is permanently locked in for that piston - meaning it cannot regress lower than that piston's progress. For example, if you lock in two pistons, the generator cannot go below 50% progress. Each piston has its own type of part, and parts are randomly hidden around the level. There can be multiple of each kind of part at once throughout the level. Only one part can be carried at a time.

    This not only makes doing generators more interesting and promotes more exploration, but also gives a safety net for survivors as they progress towards the endgame. No more "we had it at 95% but it got kicked and we got chased and now it's at 20%". In that scenario, it wouldnt regress under 75%.

    The generator process would be slower overall, but success would be rewarded with time saving safety nets. It would also prevent complete generator resets making 2 survivors with 3 gens left to repair viable as opposed to a "we give up, let's hide and wait out the other person to die" mentality.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Yeah i get you! Well your experience with dbd is just that, your experience! I personally give no props to mori users (not you bc you say you rarely use them) and nor do i respect them if they constantly bring them in matches because this "to me" signifies lack of ability ie they are not that good at the game and need a crutch.

    As far as Devour Hope goes i have success with it 80% of the time and usually get 5 stacks. Well that's because i use Undying/Devour Hope and if i want to gamble to keep it up longer then i run Undying/Devour Hope/Haunted Grounds/Retribution or Undying/Pentimento/Devour Hope/Plaything.

    I hear Rancor is getting nerfed and goodness knows why!

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Mori's aren't much of a crutch tho. All they do is save on you having to carry them to hook (which doesn't even save time most of the time since Mori's are pretty long). They can deny DS, Boil Over/Flip Flop value but other than that the utility they have is pretty minimal. Mainly for funzies as far as I can tell. You got the kill all the same. Most of the time it doesn't make getting the kill any "easier".

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I just play the game and if they have fun great, if not oh well. 🤷‍♂️

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Survivors will complain no matter how you play. So i play however i like and see fit. Chill players get a chill game. SWF with medkits running godloops do not get a fun game.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 709

    I don’t give a ######### about making the game fun or interesting for survivors. They never care if the game is fun for me.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2022

    It is because lets say im running a Sabo build (which i do) that is adamant about saving people from getting hooked. If the exit gated are powered and or opened and the killer "tries" to hook the survivor they cant because im on it as a master Sabo user but because they have a mori (offering) i cant save that person and they are just dead.

    Same thing goes for flashlight masters. They cant get the save or rather get the opportunity to go fot the save bc of the mori. Do you see why this is a problem and why i say its a lack of skill and or ability?

    Last gen about to get popped and i have DS/Unbreakable? Doesnt matter because the killer just waited for the unhook and waited out the base bt and downed the survivor and then they deserved that kill they will get with the burned offering (mori)? I dont think so. This is my stance on moris and i doubt you or anyone can change it because i have been able to counter every argument justifying its usage.

    Fun "or"interesting! Why do people only acknowledge the fun part but not the part where i say things can he more interesting on both sides?

    My fun is not your fun and i tell fighting game players this all the time! Fg players will go "oh this is fun or that my is fun or your playing lame and boring and im not having fun and i go, that's not my problem! Same thing here except i stare fun "or" interesting, get it?

    Also there's nothing wrong with challenging yourself in different ways. I for one cant play "one" single build or killer or survivor "all" the time like some people do because for "me" that's extremely boring and the same goes for farming!

    Read the response above this one. The same comment you made in these regards apply.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    I can kinda see that but calling it a "crutch" I think is still inaccurate.

    There's nothing skillful about facing against a wall, running madgrit or iron grasp, dropping the survivor infront of the hook and getting it later or just creating pressure with a slug. Flashlight saves and sabo plays are kind of last ditch desperation plays that only consistently work at mid and low MMR that I personally find kind of luck based at times? Sure Mori's kill even the opportunity but "crutch" is hyperbolic. That killer still wins that match (or at least secures that kill) with or without the Mori. It just skips a step and denies the possibility for plays on the survivors part that usually only work against less skillful killers or if it's a full sabo SQUAD doing something more coordinated.

    But again as you said earlier this is just my experience in the game and you've found something else to be the case. I don't think Mori's need a "nerf" but they're getting one. I hardly care either way.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I tend to change my build all the time so interresting stuff does happen, that's more for me then for the survivors though but it works both ways

    I also try to make sure everyone atleast has 10K points if i can help it

    Ofcourse not something i can check untill the game is done but i've gotten pretty good at estimating when people get to that point and i can start eliminating people

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Bloodpoints For Everyone Bubba:

    Speed limiter, Hex:Plaything, Beast of Prey, Distressing, Sloppy Butcher.

    Sigma Legion Grindset:

    Brutal, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Bamboozle

    Forget The Gens Pig:

    Hex:Plaything, Pentimento, Corrupt, Merciless Storm

    There's also Backpack Nurse/Blight (it's legit scary how many games you can win because survivors don't expect that off meta build) and STBFL oriented builds, even on killers where that doesn't really work (Wraith etc) paired up with Make Your Choice to minimize stack loss.

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451

    Wesker volleyball. I use his throw distance addon and the one that decreases how far i carry a surv in bound. My goal every game is to make survivors fly.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Most comments respond to the "for survivors" in your title. I play unique builds on every killer, because i like the synergies, instead of 4 S-tier slowdown perks. I dont make things interesting "for survivors", but because i find those builds interesting. Your title sounds weird, if you're just asking for interesting builds and playstyles. In which case, i currently play twins and have always been a billy main. Doing work upping their playrates

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    I have a serious question for you regarding Pig! Do you think Pig is good and when you play her how do you do and with what builds?

    I played her with Spirit Fury/Enduring/STBFL/Brutal Strength and i lost with only one kill. Not just that game but i don't do to well with her in general and out of the 14 killers i play i do the worst with her.

    Why? What's your take on Pig? I think shes absolutely terrible and the weakest killer in DBD right now which is crazy to me.

  • NrrhArts
    NrrhArts Member Posts: 23

    I just make the game interesting for me, if they don't enjoy it that's their problem. I can't cater to each individual player's preferences, and I don't have to either. Plus, it's not like doing so will stop me seeing them bringing the same stuff over and over. I know this because I don't even do that to begin with. I play killers the way I find them fun. 4.6 nurse, following people with traps around as pig, camping and tunneling whenever I want to.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I don't I play the killer Im in the mood to play or the killer Im leveling up and just play normally. It shouldn't be my job to make the game more entertaining for others. Thats their job.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596

    I play Hillbilly and other killers they don't see that often with builds that are either weak and require me to really outperform to win or that are more creative with perks that nobody runs.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Never was my concern. At best, I'll play nice against survivors that I deem outmatched (MMR woes).

    The thing is, everybody want something different. Some player would rather die ASAP, some players like the relaxed plays, some players like to be slugged better than being hooked, ... so unless you are a mind reader, you can't know.

  • HowsMars
    HowsMars Member Posts: 40

    It's nice to see someone who can look at this game as a way for everyone to have fun and not a keyboard war on why one side is wrong and the other isn't.

    Generally I like to play mostly killers I have fun playing against: dredge, wraith, deathslinger, nemesis, pinhead, and funnily enough pinball man himself.

    I usually dont run meta build since I'm always trying to find weird builds that work when put in the right condition (skill check hell with doctor and distressing for the perks to have more distance), but overall trying to just have a good time and mess around with builds that add more to the match then just winning chases or gen slowdown.

    I wish I could say I consistently try to only have a good time but after 2-3 matches of toxic survivors or even a bully squad it can be hard to continue trying to make the match fun when one side just wants to "win" at the expense of the killers sanity. Also I'm not saying survivors are OP I'm just saying that an overwhelming majority will result to t bagging and BM after they see the killer isn't running a meta build and bully them

    For the most part the game should be fun for everyone and unique and creative builds should be the norm in my opinion

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    why would i bother honestly? Im trying to enjoy all kinds of killers with fun builds and only get the sweatyest tryhards. Left just today a jun jin have their white glyph because i know what a pain it is to get done. But they still genrushed me and teabaged at the exit gates, the jun jin too so yeah, i gave it a one shot to be nice as killer and now i will not again.

    ill still play all kinds of killers and loose a bunch but i never be concerned about the fun of survivors, only my own.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    but the effort to be nice is so wasted with most survivor groups. I dont go out of my way to make people miserable, but i couldnt care less what they think aswell. They dont care too.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Almost all veteran players put Pig in the weakest or second weakest category when it comes to killer ranking, because her chase potential is just very lacking. If you are going up against survivors that are decent/good at looping, you either have to play like an absolute scumbag which I refuse both because I don't endorse that behavior and because it's even more humiliating to spend the entire match trying to tunnel someone out and then watch all four teabag at the exit gate, or you have to accept that you are most likely going to lose. I just find her fun to play both ambush and reverse bear trap wise, plus Amanda was my favorite character in the Saw franchise.

    If I want to play her seriously, I don't leave the house without Corrupt Intervention. Like seriously, that perk is such a huge help for a killer that has a slow start it's insane, it's non negotiable. Deadlock is a passive and powerful gen delay perk, so I'd also highly encourage that. No Way Out can give you a second chance to win the game/secure a kill and if you find hatch first it's basically a 4k unless they happen to find a key on a chest. Pain Resonance, Jolt, Eruption, Call of Brine are pretty okay choices as the fourth perk, but they are all active perks so sometimes you'll get less value out of them that you had hoped for. Bringing Brutal Strength or Save The Best For Last is also not the worst idea, helping you out in chases.

    Whatever option you go with, never feel bad for losing a game as Pig, she is just a weak killer in general even before you factor in broken maps, SWFs and OP items, although her built in game delay can be pretty sweet!

  • NikoHarper
    NikoHarper Member Posts: 34

    I leave to the survivor.

    If I already killed two and still have 5 gen left I Farm with the rest.

    If I go to a survivor and he keep looking at me instead of run I look to him face to face and I leave (sometime I hit him and leave him Alone)

    But honestly survivors dont really deserve kindness.

    One time I downed the last one (a Kate denson) and tried to Tell her "hey I will not kill you, let me take you to the Hatch" I picked her, walked her until a hook, hit the hook, make no no with the head and keep walking. She escaped from my shoulder maybe 2 times before She found the Hatch and writed in the chat "GG ez" after that Ive been way less kind with survivors.