Ptb player behavior

So first time I have played a ptb since now I’m on steam. I threw a few matches to see mechanics and then I finally decided to actually try. The whole point is to test mechanics and also see how it affects gameplay, correct? So I gen rushed a match while my teammates threw, constantly going down. Then I got hate messages for completing all the gens and actually escaping? How can we see how the changes to game mechanics and perks affect the natural completion of a match if I’m getting S**t for it?
It's PTB, nobody actually tries things for how they should be tried. If you play as nurse people will just quit even if you want to actually test something with her. Pointless to say the least
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PTB is always a mess. People check things out then dc, queue times are insane, and there's no matchmaking so usually I play a match or two and stop
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Pushing these new mechanics to their breaking points is just as important as seeing how they function in a regular match, so your teammates there aren't really doing anything wrong.
At least, until they start berating you. At that point, they're being dicks and I'm fully behind you, that's uncalled for.
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the changes in this update kinda require you to throw to be able to test em.
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Ok so can 3 teammates run the killer and get downed and pick themselves back up while the 4th is across the map progressing the match? Isn’t that technically testing changes? That’s how i saw it when I was doing it.
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I would claim me gen rushing while they annoyed the killer, got downed, got back up, flashlight save/tested was certainly testing the ptb. The match certainly came to a completion with the gates being opened. And the killer was trying. Idk. I don’t want to spend the whole ptb just running to the killer to get downed and clicking my flashlight. I actually wanted to test out new strategies too
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My first match was actually against 4 flashlight and as soon as i tombstoned someone, 2 left and then when i downed the last survivor they dc'd.
The B in the PTB stands for Bully.
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That’s lame. I actually wanted to see how different perks and strategies worked out. I’m not trying to just have every match end in 45 seconds with a forced mori
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Welcome to the PTB :) I rarely test anything out for the reasons you mentioned. Not worth my time.
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You should wait a little then. You did throw your games before, and you aren't the only one person who wants to throw games and see how does new feature work. Not everyone can try ptb right after release to return in competitive mode in less than 3 hours.
I mean, of course your teammates were wrong with insulting messages, but it's kinda naive to expect people become tryhards so fast. Let them have their peace of fun. One or two days later there will be more "competitive" people, it's just too early for that.
Welcome to PTBs btw :)
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Oh I’m only frustrated about the messages for actually trying. I knew they were throwing and I was fine with it. I wanted to see if I could get away with gen rushing and preventing the forced end to the match with dopey teammates.
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In my experience, PTB player behavior goes like this...
Day 1: Players goof around with changes and look for quirky new bugs. Zero emphasis on objective.
Day 2: Players push the changes to their limits, exploiting new features/synergies where possible. Possible emphasis on objective.
Day 3: Survivors play the game normally, while Killers play nice. Communal emphasis on objective.
Day 4+: Survivors regret still playing PTB, because every killer at this point is sweating so they can be the best at the new killer/new meta the moment the PTB goes live. if you want to "play normally," come back in a day or two. On the day PTB drops, you should assume that every lobby you queue into is filled with players who are about to play their first game on the PTB. You may be on your 10th game of PTB, but that isn't going to be the story for anyone else.
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Well, you can't say this game can be used as a valid example anyway, can you? Not only your teammates were throwing but killer probably was too. Moreover, maybe your teammates were trying to achieve and test smth and you screwed it for them somehow. Again, they are wrong with messages but I can relate their mood if it's not the first attempt to do smth, I was in their place with new killers, I wanted to check ability and see mori but all survs genrushed and left me with no hooks and with wasted mori. That's just how ptb works, everybody tests everything, and you should be lucky to get right team for your experiments.
Don't take it personally and just wait a little until people will be more interested in testing builds rather than mechanic itself.
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This is why ptbs are kind of pointless, because nobody's playing serious. It has to hit live and then sit for a few weeks for people to actually understand what the changes would even do.
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Based off PTB gameplay, I am actually happy that BHVR largely ignores feedback. My God..