Don't mean be rude or ungrateful but is this really it for the PTB?

Flashlight cooldowns and the ability to choose Killer and Survivor challenges in the rift?
Is this really the entire update that we'll be getting? There isn't any perks that you might think need adjusting? No killers or addons that might be overperforming?
I say this because I think most of the community agrees that Basekit Unbreakable and the Finishing Moris portion of the update is garbage and isn't even worth testing, let alone be given a chance to enter the game.
Hope the Halloween Event is good I guess :L
its pretty much Operation health.
You guys wanted it now where getting it how does it feel?
13 -
The PTB is to test changes. This is the first time we're getting a ptb with changes not immediately going live. This is a good chance for bhvr to react to feedback and make adjustments before pushing it live rather than having to make adjustments later.
Is it a little disappointing that there's not much that will be going live this mid-chapter? Sure, but I'm happy to see bhvr using the ptb to do more long term testing.
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I say this because I think most of the community agrees that Basekit Unbreakable and the Finishing Moris portion of the update is garbage and isn't even worth testing, let alone be given a chance to enter the game
I don’t think that, you don’t speak for me at least.
The whole point of having that on the PTB is to test it and see if the new mori and slug system is actually broken somehow or if it’s fine and needs tweaks or what. Personally I think a lot of people are overblowing the change frankly but we’ll see how it goes.
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....... What? Why would a polish update add new mechanics nobody asked for on top of yet more base kit perks for survivors?
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Wow, this PTB is even less then disappointing. It’s basically nothing. No real changes that will come to the love game in a few weeks.
Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if next to no one jumped on the PTB this time.
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wait am i understanding this wrong? Mori changes and basekit UB are not in this PTB rn?
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They added a flashlight cooldown?
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This. We had same reaction during another mid-chapter where it was pretty much all bug fixes and people were upset there was nothing new. Basically proving the devs right when they say they won't skip a chapter to do an Operation Health when this is the reaction at mid-chapters.
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You both don't know what "Operation Health" is.
Game health is not just bug fixes it includes balance changes. Like they could have nerfed Nurse and Blight and buffed Sadako but instead they are using all their resources on a feature that has been in development for nearly 2 years and it's being recieved very negatively.
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I think when most people thought of a Game Health update, they didn't expect 2 things.
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My problem is they almost never use the PTB for this purpose.
I'm all for them experimenting on potential updates for the game, but the PTBs happen too infrequently and honestly too long for this to be a good use for them.
3 weeks is much too long to just be spitballing potential ideas for the game.
I'd love to see them put out PTBs for like a week or two experimenting on new ideas, perk reworks or buffs; but BHVR as a company works way too slow to operate like that.
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I don't see this being a real issue honestly. A PTB every week would be rather disruptive since people would be constantly switching to play the new changes on the ptb. It's fine that the ptb only happens once every 1.5 months.
BHVR gave us a roadmap earlier this year and so far they've sticking to putting out the changes they talked about doing on the roadmap. Would it be nice if they did more, sure. But if they keep the promises they made, what's the real issue?
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There are the Mori changes and basekit UB which won't even be in the real patch.
So all we're getting in the Midchapter are Flashlight click cooldowns, the ability to select a Killer and a Survivor challenge at the same time.
Oh, and some people will get 2 extra Prestige levels.
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It's BHVRs definition
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a few bugfixes that are mostly related to one killer and some other visual bugs is not operation health.
i think if bhvr actually promoted this update as a game health update people wouldn't be disappointed but most of us were expecting stuff that weren't there.
however i am thankful for the bugs that were fixed this patch especially for wesker and spirit.
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Does that mean there won't be a 4th killer/survivor in the fourth quarter?
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Speaking of Halloween event, I really hope they're not bringing back that awful killer addon polluting the bloodwebs of every killer that isn't Blight.
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I don't understand why they're not making small adjustements constantly for perks like eruption or STBFL for example, everytime we need to play months and years with broken perks and add-ons before they start doing anything it's soooooo sloooowwwww
a game like league of legends nerf and buff stuff every 2 weeks to keep the game fresh, stop doing things that we don't ask and balance the game
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Yeah I'm sorry but calling this an "operation health" update is being extremely generous. If, when this goes live on PS4, stuttering and freezes are gone.. I will gladly eat my words. But as of now this is the equivalent of a hot fix between chapter and mid chapter, not a full update.
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Worst mid patch ever, or at least since I started playing in 2018.
Only three changes and the only relevant one won't be released to live after the PTB, lol.
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Operation Health means rebalances and fixing longstanding issues in the game and redoing things on the back end to make the game more stable, while an arguement could be made that moris and slugging fall under that, the stuff planned for the current midchapter is definitely not. And the only hints we have at backend improvements are the cheater roadmap which isn't mentioned anywhere in the patch and due to the recency of the announcement I would say at best hotfix 1 probably hotfix 2. I'm really wondering how difficult would it have been to slap some number changes on perks to the end of the update. 6.1.0 was both infinitely more exciting and infinitely closer to most peopls image of an Operation Health
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“Don’t mean to be ungrateful or rude but I’m about to be ungrateful and rude, also your proposed changes are garbage, k bye”
To be clear I’m not trying to be rude tho, just thought it was funny
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Almost as boring as watching paint dry out but hey at least they are saving the 5% of player base thar are photosensitive from evil macro clickers 🔦💡🔦
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Please speak for yourself and not "most of the community" because you have no idea what MOST of the community thinks.
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This isn't operation Health. LOL
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It kind of is
Flashlights are fixed to where no more strobe effects will happen
Archives have been made less tedious and some bugs were fixed. May not be a big patch with updates to game mechanics but at least it’s ironing out the game
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My guess is that they didn't have anything ready for this PTB or what they did have needed to be pushed back for whatever reason. So instead they decided to give us a chance to give some early feed back on what they had been working on. Which, honestly, I think is a good thing. As, from my point of view, both sides are not happy with this version of it. Since they are getting this feed back earlier than normal, they will have a better chance to make some meaningful changes. I kinda prefer it this way. The PTB giving testing not for the upcoming update but the update after that. I am all for they devs having more time to fix, change and reevaluate what needs it.
On a side note, one good thing did come out of the PTB. I am quite happy with the flashlight changes. Epilepsy runs in my family so this has me breathing a sigh of relief.
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At least I'm grateful they didn't decide to implement that mess right away, and instead made it just fix update.
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It's very disappointing, no doubt. I was hoping for some nerfs to camping, and DS buffed back to 5 second stun, at the very least. Would have loved to see some other changes as well. Instead, we get this new Mori system, and it's not even releasing with the new update.
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Can't believe they didn't give deathslinger grenades
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name checks out
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yeah,,i must be very entitled to be annoyed having my game experience being tailored around a small percentage of players ,,lmao get a grip
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I think its time for you to get a grip
Not everyone is as fortunate as you. Making the game more accessible to people who suffer from these kind of things which they dont really have control over, will always be a good thing.
Take me as an example, Ive been playing for over 5 years but only got diagnosed with epilepsy earlier this year (Ive had 6 seizures in my life, all of which were in the span of 8 months). Luckily strobe lights are not a trigger for me, but there are quite a few things that were the norm for me that I simply cant do anymore.
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I'm just surprised there are still no balance changes for Sadako or Twins. How long has that Twins rework been in the works now?
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Again,, people that get their condition to trigger by macro clicks are but a small minority even among photosensitive people,, it doesn't feel right to base a change on that small minority,, whats so hard to swallow about it? They could add some extra option in the accessibility tab of option to accommodate those people,, instead they completely remove a rather fun part of the game for all,,
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And you are apart of the small minority of people who think macro flashlights/flashlight clicking are fun to deal with
Difference between photosensitive people and you is that they didn't have a choice
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welp they also have a choice,, they can play less or don't play at all since it might affect them negatively 💁♂️its not like there are still a shiton of possble triggers like lery's main room, dredge nightfall to normal transition, loading screen,, ooh I could go for ages
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I mean you also have a choice, and its using flashlights in a more useful manner
Again, something that doesn't affect you IRL
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Should i maybe not play stealth killers as well because a person with heart problems could potentially get scared to death by a scratced mirror daddy Myers ambusing them?
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You really just don't get it huh?
I wish you the best in life man, my fault for not knowing what I was getting into. Should of known better
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There's nothing to get broski, i won't feel bad for not being affected by macro clicks nor will i ever respect changes based on such weak reasoning, ooh and lastly, dont let the door hit you on the way out
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No killer is overperfoming actually,but the rest i agree 100%
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There were better ways to do that to flashlights without giving them an arbitrary cooldown that'll just make yet another action in this game feel clunky.
Slightly extending the duration of all flashlights, but adding a minor cost to actually turning them on would go a long way.